
P::ODetect3D Member List

This is the complete list of members for P::ODetect3D, including all inherited members.
cameraMatrixP::ODetect3D [private]
ComputeConfidence(Array< KeypointDescriptor * > &keys, unsigned &numInl, Object3D &object)P::ODetect3D [private]
CopyPoseCv(PoseCv &in, PoseCv &out)P::ODetect3D [inline, private]
dbgP::ODetect3D [private]
DeletePairs(Array< KeyClusterPair * > &matches)P::ODetect3D [private]
Detect(Array< KeypointDescriptor * > &keys, Object3D &object)P::ODetect3D
distCoeffsP::ODetect3D [private]
DrawInlier(IplImage *img, CvScalar col)P::ODetect3D
FitModelRANSAC(Array< KeyClusterPair * > &matches, PoseCv &pose, unsigned &numInl)P::ODetect3D [private]
GetBestCorner(PoseCv &pose, KeypointDescriptor *k, CodebookEntry *cbe, Point3D &pos, double &minDist)P::ODetect3D [private]
GetInlier(Array< KeyClusterPair * > &matches, PoseCv &pose, int &inl)P::ODetect3D [private]
GetRandIdx(unsigned size, unsigned num, P::Array< unsigned > &idx)P::ODetect3D [private]
inlierP::ODetect3D [private]
matcherP::ODetect3D [private]
matcherSizeP::ODetect3D [private]
matchesP::ODetect3D [private]
MatchKeypoints(Array< KeypointDescriptor * > &keys, Array< CodebookEntry * > &cb, Array< KeyClusterPair * > &matches)P::ODetect3D [private]
MatchKeypoints2(Array< KeypointDescriptor * > &keys, Array< CodebookEntry * > &cb, Array< KeyClusterPair * > &matches)P::ODetect3D [private]
MatchKeypointsGPU(Array< KeypointDescriptor * > &keys, Array< CodebookEntry * > &cb, Array< KeyClusterPair * > &matches)P::ODetect3D [private]
n_points_to_matchP::ODetect3D [private]
nn_far_enough_thresholdP::ODetect3D [private]
ProjectPoint2Image(double xc, double yc, double zc, CvMat *C, double &xi, double &yi)P::ODetect3D [inline, private]
RefinePoseLS(Array< KeyClusterPair * > &matches, PoseCv &pose, unsigned &inl, double &err)P::ODetect3D [private]
SetCameraParameter(CvMat *C)P::ODetect3D
SetDebugImage(IplImage *img)P::ODetect3D [inline]
setNNThreshold(double nn_threshold)P::ODetect3D [inline]
setNPointsToMatch(unsigned int n)P::ODetect3D [inline]
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Author(s): Michael Zillich, Thomas Mörwald, Johann Prankl, Andreas Richtsfeld, Bence Magyar (ROS version)
autogenerated on Fri Mar 1 16:57:58 2013