
art_servo Documentation

art_servo: ART vehicle servo device drivers

ROS nodes for the ART autonomous vehicle servo devices.

Servo device drivers for the ART automonous vehicle.

Brake Servo Driver

Driver for ART brake servo mechanism.


Test the ART brake driver using /dev/null, publishing simulated brake/state messages and accepting brake/cmd messages.

  rosrun art_servo brake

Run the brake driver with the real ART brake device, publishing brake/state messages and accepting brake/cmd messages. The port assignment gets saved in the ROS parameter server, persisting across future invocations until roscore stops.

  rosrun art_servo brake _port:=/dev/brake


Node name: brake

Subscribes to: brake/cmd: brake commands.

Publishes: brake/state: brake status information.


Gear Shifter Driver

Driver for ART gear shifter. It uses an instance of the National Control Devices IOADR8x driver communicating with a dedicated IOADR8x board connected to an Arens Controls shifter mechanism.


Test the ART shifter driver with /dev/null, publishing simulated shifter/state messages and accepting shifter/cmd messages.

  rosrun art_servo ioadr ioadr:=shifter

Run the ART shifter driver connected to the I/O board on serial port /dev/shifter, publishing shifter/state messages and accepting shifter/cmd messages. The port assignment gets saved in the ROS parameter server, persisting across future invocations until roscore stops.

  rosrun art_servo ioadr ioadr:=shifter _port:=/dev/shifter

Shifter ROS API

Node name: shifter

Subscribes to: shifter/cmd: shifter commands.

Publishes: shifter/state: shifter status information.


Steering Servo Driver

Driver for ART steering servo mechanism.


Test the ART steering driver using /dev/null, publishing simulated steering/state messages and accepting steering/cmd messages.

  rosrun art_servo steering

Run the steering driver with the real ART steering controller, publishing steering/state messages and accepting steering/cmd messages. The port assignment gets saved in the ROS parameter server, persisting across future invocations until roscore stops.

  rosrun art_servo steering _port:=/dev/steering

Steering ROS API

Node name: steering

Subscribes to:

Publishes: steering/state: steering status information.


Gear Shift Tool

Simple tool to shift the ART vehicle transmission.


  rosrun art_servo shift.py <gear>

    Where <gear> is one of: park, reverse, neutral, drive.  These
    names are not case-sensitive, and may be abbreviated to the first


Shift the transmission into Neutral.

  rosrun art_servo shift.py Neutral

Shift the transmission into Drive.

  rosrun art_servo shift.py drive

Shift the transmission into Reverse.

  rosrun art_servo shift.py r


Unit Test Tools

Simple test clients for various servo mechanisms.


Command the brake driver to gradually apply and release the brake mechanism.

  rosrun art_servo test_brake.py

Command the shifter driver to shift the transmission through all the gears.

  rosrun art_servo test_shift.py

Command the steering driver to gradually turn the steering wheel through its full range of motion.

  rosrun art_servo test_steering.py
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Author(s): Austin Robot Technology, Jack O'Quin
autogenerated on Fri Mar 1 14:13:33 2013