00001 /* 00002 * Copyright (C) 2010 UT-Austin & Austin Robot Technology, Michael Quinlan 00003 * Copyright (C) 2011 UT-Austin & Austin Robot Technology 00004 * License: Modified BSD Software License 00005 * 00006 * $Id$ 00007 */ 00008 00021 #include <sensor_msgs/point_cloud_conversion.h> 00022 #include <art_observers/lane_observations.h> 00023 #include <art_observers/QuadrilateralOps.h> 00024 00026 LaneObservations::LaneObservations(ros::NodeHandle &node, 00027 ros::NodeHandle &priv_nh): 00028 node_(node), 00029 priv_nh_(priv_nh), 00030 config_(priv_nh), 00031 nearest_forward_observer_(config_), 00032 nearest_backward_observer_(config_), 00033 adjacent_left_observer_(config_), 00034 adjacent_right_observer_(config_), 00035 tf_listener_(new tf::TransformListener()) 00036 { 00037 // subscribe to point cloud topics 00038 pc_sub_ = 00039 node_.subscribe("velodyne/obstacles", 1, 00040 &LaneObservations::processPointCloud, this, 00041 ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay(true)); 00042 pc2_sub_ = 00043 node_.subscribe("obstacles", 1, 00044 &LaneObservations::processPointCloud2, this, 00045 ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay(true)); 00046 00047 // subscribe to local road map 00048 road_map_sub_ = 00049 node_.subscribe("roadmap_local", 1, 00050 &LaneObservations::processLocalMap, this, 00051 ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay(true)); 00052 00053 // subscribe to odometry 00054 odom_sub_ = 00055 node_.subscribe("odom", 1, 00056 &LaneObservations::processPose, this, 00057 ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay(true)); 00058 00059 // advertise published topics 00060 const std::string viz_topic("visualization_marker_array"); 00061 viz_pub_ = 00062 node_.advertise<visualization_msgs::MarkerArray>(viz_topic, 1, true); 00063 observations_pub_ = 00064 node_.advertise <art_msgs::ObservationArray>("observations", 1, true); 00065 00066 // Initialize observers. They will be updated in this order. 00067 addObserver(nearest_forward_observer_); 00068 addObserver(nearest_backward_observer_); 00069 addObserver(adjacent_left_observer_); 00070 addObserver(adjacent_right_observer_); 00071 } 00072 00074 LaneObservations::~LaneObservations() {} 00075 00080 void LaneObservations::processObstacles(void) 00081 { 00082 observations_.header.stamp = obstacles_.header.stamp; 00083 obs_quads_.polygons.clear(); 00084 transformPointCloud(obstacles_); 00085 00086 // skip the rest until the local road map has been received at least once 00087 if (local_map_.header.stamp > ros::Time()) 00088 { 00089 filterPointsInLocalMap(); 00090 runObservers(); 00091 publishObstacleVisualization(); 00092 } 00093 } 00094 00096 void LaneObservations::processPointCloud(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud::ConstPtr &msg) 00097 { 00098 // convert to PointCloud2, then process that 00099 boost::shared_ptr<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2> pc2(new sensor_msgs::PointCloud2); 00100 sensor_msgs::convertPointCloudToPointCloud2(*msg, *pc2); 00101 processPointCloud2(pc2); 00102 } 00103 00105 void LaneObservations::processPointCloud2(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr &msg) 00106 { 00107 // convert ROS message into PCL point cloud 00108 pcl::fromROSMsg(*msg, obstacles_); 00109 00110 // process the PCL point cloud data 00111 processObstacles(); 00112 } 00113 00115 void LaneObservations::processLocalMap(const art_msgs::ArtLanes::ConstPtr &msg) 00116 { 00117 local_map_ = *msg; 00118 } 00119 00121 void LaneObservations::processPose(const nav_msgs::Odometry &odom) 00122 { 00123 pose_ = MapPose(odom.pose.pose); 00124 } 00125 00127 void LaneObservations::filterPointsInLocalMap() 00128 { 00129 // set the exact point cloud size 00130 size_t npoints = obstacles_.points.size(); 00131 added_quads_.clear(); 00132 for (unsigned i = 0; i < npoints; ++i) 00133 { 00134 isPointInAPolygon(obstacles_.points[i].x, 00135 obstacles_.points[i].y); 00136 } 00137 } 00138 00140 void LaneObservations::transformPointCloud(const PtCloud &msg) 00141 { 00142 try 00143 { 00144 // wait for transform to be available 00145 tf_listener_->waitForTransform(config_.map_frame_id, msg.header.frame_id, 00146 msg.header.stamp, ros::Duration(0.2)); 00147 pcl_ros::transformPointCloud(config_.map_frame_id, msg, obstacles_, 00148 *tf_listener_); 00149 observations_.header.frame_id = obstacles_.header.frame_id; 00150 00151 // hopefully not needed in future 00152 calcRobotPolygon(); 00153 } 00154 catch (tf::TransformException ex) 00155 { 00156 // only log tf error once every 20 times 00157 ROS_WARN_STREAM_THROTTLE(20, ex.what()); 00158 } 00159 } 00160 00168 bool LaneObservations::isPointInAPolygon(float x, float y) 00169 { 00170 size_t num_polys = local_map_.polygons.size(); 00171 00172 bool inside = false; 00173 std::pair<std::tr1::unordered_set<int>::iterator, bool> pib; 00174 00175 for (size_t i=0; i<num_polys; i++) 00176 { 00177 art_msgs::ArtQuadrilateral *p= &(local_map_.polygons[i]); 00178 float dist= ((p->midpoint.x-x)*(p->midpoint.x-x) 00179 + (p->midpoint.y-y)*(p->midpoint.y-y)); 00180 00181 if (dist > 16) // quick check: are we near the polygon? 00182 continue; 00183 00184 inside = quad_ops::quickPointInPolyRatio(x,y,*p,0.6); 00185 // Add polygon to lane if so 00186 if (inside) 00187 { 00188 pib = added_quads_.insert(p->poly_id); 00189 if (pib.second) 00190 { 00191 obs_quads_.polygons.push_back(*p); 00192 } 00193 } 00194 } 00195 00196 return inside; 00197 } 00198 00200 void LaneObservations::runObservers() 00201 { 00202 // update all the registered observers 00203 for (unsigned i = 0; i < observers_.size(); ++i) 00204 { 00205 observations_.obs[i] = 00206 observers_[i]->update(local_map_, obs_quads_, pose_); 00207 } 00208 00209 // Publish their observations 00210 observations_pub_.publish(observations_); 00211 } 00212 00214 void LaneObservations::calcRobotPolygon() 00215 { 00216 // --- Hack to get my own polygon 00217 geometry_msgs::PointStamped laser_point; 00218 laser_point.header.frame_id = config_.robot_frame_id; 00219 laser_point.header.stamp = ros::Time(); 00220 00221 laser_point.point.x = 0.0; 00222 laser_point.point.y = 0.0; 00223 laser_point.point.z = 0.0; 00224 00225 geometry_msgs::PointStamped robot_point; 00226 tf_listener_->transformPoint(config_.map_frame_id, laser_point, robot_point); 00227 00228 size_t numPolys = local_map_.polygons.size(); 00229 float x = robot_point.point.x; 00230 float y = robot_point.point.y; 00231 bool inside=false; 00232 for (size_t i=0; i<numPolys; i++) 00233 { 00234 art_msgs::ArtQuadrilateral *p= &(local_map_.polygons[i]); 00235 float dist = ((p->midpoint.x-x)*(p->midpoint.x-x) 00236 + (p->midpoint.y-y)*(p->midpoint.y-y)); 00237 00238 if (dist > 16) // quick check: we are near the polygon? 00239 continue; 00240 00241 inside = quad_ops::quickPointInPoly(x,y,*p); 00242 if (inside) 00243 { 00244 robot_polygon_ = *p; 00245 } 00246 } 00247 } 00248 00250 void LaneObservations::publishObstacleVisualization() 00251 { 00252 if (viz_pub_.getNumSubscribers()==0) 00253 return; 00254 00255 ros::Time now = ros::Time::now(); 00256 00257 // clear message array, this is a class variable to avoid memory 00258 // allocation and deallocation on every cycle 00259 marks_msg_.markers.clear(); 00260 00261 int i=0; 00262 for (obs_it_=obs_quads_.polygons.begin(); 00263 obs_it_!=obs_quads_.polygons.end(); obs_it_++) 00264 { 00265 visualization_msgs::Marker mark; 00266 mark.header.stamp = now; 00267 mark.header.frame_id = config_.map_frame_id; 00268 00269 mark.ns = "obstacle_polygons"; 00270 mark.id = (int32_t) i; 00271 mark.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::CUBE; 00272 mark.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; 00273 00274 mark.pose.position = obs_it_->midpoint; 00275 mark.pose.orientation = 00276 tf::createQuaternionMsgFromYaw(obs_it_->heading); 00277 00278 mark.scale.x = 1.5; 00279 mark.scale.y = 1.5; 00280 mark.scale.z = 0.1; 00281 mark.lifetime = ros::Duration(0.2); 00282 00283 mark.color.a = 0.8; // way-points are slightly transparent 00284 mark.color.r = 0.0; 00285 mark.color.g = 0.0; 00286 mark.color.b = 1.0; 00287 00288 marks_msg_.markers.push_back(mark); 00289 i++; 00290 } 00291 00292 // Draw the polygon containing the robot 00293 visualization_msgs::Marker mark; 00294 mark.header.stamp = now; 00295 mark.header.frame_id = config_.map_frame_id; 00296 00297 mark.ns = "obstacle_polygons"; 00298 mark.id = (int32_t) i; 00299 mark.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::CUBE; 00300 mark.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; 00301 00302 mark.pose.position = robot_polygon_.midpoint; 00303 mark.pose.orientation = 00304 tf::createQuaternionMsgFromYaw(robot_polygon_.heading); 00305 00306 mark.scale.x = 1.5; 00307 mark.scale.y = 1.5; 00308 mark.scale.z = 0.1; 00309 mark.lifetime = ros::Duration(0.2); 00310 00311 mark.color.a = 0.8; // way-points are slightly transparent 00312 mark.color.r = 0.3; 00313 mark.color.g = 0.7; 00314 mark.color.b = 0.9; 00315 00316 marks_msg_.markers.push_back(mark); 00317 00318 // Publish the markers 00319 viz_pub_.publish(marks_msg_); 00320 } 00321 00323 void LaneObservations::spin() 00324 { 00325 ros::spin(); 00326 }