
QuadrilateralOps.cc File Reference

#include <art_map/types.h>
#include <art_observers/QuadrilateralOps.h>
#include <art_map/PolyOps.h>
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namespace  quad_ops


art_msgs::ArtLanes quad_ops::filterAdjacentLanes (MapPose &pose, const art_msgs::ArtLanes &quads, const int lane)
art_msgs::ArtLanes quad_ops::filterLanes (const Quad &base_quad, const art_msgs::ArtLanes &quads, bool(*filter)(const Quad &, const Quad &))
bool quad_ops::pointInHull (float x, float y, const geometry_msgs::Point32 *p1, const geometry_msgs::Point32 *p2, const geometry_msgs::Point32 *p3, const geometry_msgs::Point32 *p4)
bool quad_ops::quickPointInPoly (float x, float y, const Quad &p)
bool quad_ops::quickPointInPolyRatio (float x, float y, const Quad &p, float ratio)
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Author(s): Michael Quinlan, Jack O'Quin, Corbyn Salisbury
autogenerated on Fri Mar 1 14:13:58 2013