trackutils.h File Reference

#include <assert.h>
#include <vcg/math/base.h>
#include <vcg/math/similarity.h>
#include <vcg/space/intersection3.h>
#include <vcg/space/line3.h>
#include <vcg/space/plane3.h>
#include <wrap/gl/math.h>
#include <wrap/gl/space.h>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
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class  vcg::trackutils::DrawingHint
 Drawing hints for manipulators. More...


namespace  vcg


namespace  vcg::trackutils

This namespace contains some support functions used by TrackMode subclassess.


void vcg::trackutils::DrawCircle ()
 Draw a circle with 2 squares, used by DrawSphereIcon().
void vcg::trackutils::DrawPlaneHandle ()
 Draw 2 squares, used by DrawCircle().
void vcg::trackutils::DrawSphereIcon (Trackball *tb, bool active)
 Draw a spherical manipulator icon.
void vcg::trackutils::DrawUglyAreaMode (Trackball *tb, const std::vector< Point3f > &points, Point3f status, Point3f old_status, Plane3f plane, const std::vector< Point3f > &path, Point3f rubberband_handle)
 AreaMode drawing function, member of the DrawUgly series.
void vcg::trackutils::DrawUglyAxisMode (Trackball *tb, Line3f axis)
 AxisMode drawing function, member of the DrawUgly series.
void vcg::trackutils::DrawUglyCylinderMode (Trackball *tb, Line3f axis)
 CylinderMode drawing function, member of the DrawUgly series.
void vcg::trackutils::DrawUglyLetter (Trackball *tb, std::vector< Point3f > ugly_letter)
 Support function for the DrawUgly series of functions.
void vcg::trackutils::DrawUglyPanMode (Trackball *tb)
 PanMode drawing function, member of the DrawUgly series.
void vcg::trackutils::DrawUglyPathMode (Trackball *tb, const std::vector< Point3f > &points, Point3f current_point, Point3f prev_point, Point3f next_point, Point3f old_hitpoint, bool wrap)
 PathMode drawing function, member of the DrawUgly series.
void vcg::trackutils::DrawUglyPlaneMode (Trackball *tb, Plane3f plane)
 PlaneMode drawing function, member of the DrawUgly series.
void vcg::trackutils::DrawUglyScaleMode (Trackball *tb)
 ScaleMode drawing function, member of the DrawUgly series.
void vcg::trackutils::DrawUglyZMode (Trackball *tb)
 ZMode drawing function, member of the DrawUgly series.
float vcg::trackutils::getDeltaY (Trackball *tb, Point3f new_point)
 Computes the verical component of an user mouse drag.
Plane3f vcg::trackutils::GetViewPlane (const View< float > &camera, const Point3f &center)
 Compute the plane perpedicular to view dir and passing through the manipulator center.
bool vcg::trackutils::HitHyper (Point3f center, float radius, Point3f viewpoint, Plane3f vp, Point3f hitplane, Point3f &hit)
 Project a window coordinate point on the rotational hyperboloid relative to the manipulator.
std::pair< Point3f, bool > vcg::trackutils::HitNearestPointOnAxis (Trackball *tb, Line3f axis, Point3f point)
 Compute the point on a line closest to the ray projection of a window coordinate point.
std::pair< Point3f, bool > vcg::trackutils::HitPlane (Trackball *tb, Point3f point, Plane3f plane)
 Project a window coordinate point on a plane.
Point3f vcg::trackutils::HitSphere (Trackball *tb, const Point3f &p)
 Project a window coordinate point on the sphere relative to the manipulator.
Point3f vcg::trackutils::HitViewPlane (Trackball *tb, const Point3f &p)
 Project a window coordinate point on the plane perpedicular to view dir and passing through the manipulator center.
template<class T >
bool vcg::trackutils::IntersectionRayPlane (const Plane3< T > &pl, const Ray3< T > &ray, Point3< T > &po)
 Computes the intersection between a ray and a plane.
Ray3f vcg::trackutils::line2ray (const Line3f &l)
 Convert a line to a normalized ray.
std::pair< float, bool > vcg::trackutils::LineLineDistance (const Line3f &P, const Line3f &Q, Point3f &P_s, Point3f &Q_t)
 Calculates the minimal distance between 2 lines.
void vcg::trackutils::prepare_attrib ()
 Support function for the DrawUgly series of functions.
Line3f vcg::trackutils::ProjectLineOnPlane (const Line3f &ln, const Plane3f &pl)
 Project a line into a plane.
std::pair< float, bool > vcg::trackutils::RayLineDistance (const Ray3f &R, const Line3f &Q, Point3f &R_s, Point3f &Q_t)
 Calculates the minimal distance between a ray and a line.
std::pair< float, bool > vcg::trackutils::SegmentSegmentDistance (const Segment3f &R, const Segment3f &Q, Point3f &R_s, Point3f &Q_t)
 Calculates the minimal distance between 2 segments.
float vcg::trackutils::signedDistance (Line3f line, Point3f pt, Point3f positive_dir)
 Computes a signed line-point distance.


DrawingHint vcg::trackutils::DH
 the drawing hint used by the manipulators
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Author(s): Christian Bersch
autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 09:20:57 2013