vcg::Box< N, S > Member List

This is the complete list of members for vcg::Box< N, S >, including all inherited members.
_maxvcg::Box< N, S > [protected]
_minvcg::Box< N, S > [protected]
Add(Box const &b)vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
Add(const PointType &p)vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
Area() const vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
BBox() const vcg::Space< N, S >
Box()vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
Box(const PointType &mi, const PointType &ma)vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
Center() const vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
ClosestPoint(PointType const &p) const vcg::Space< N, S >
Collide(Box const &b)vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
Construct(const Box< N0, S0 > &b)vcg::Box< N, S > [inline, static]
Diag() const vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
Dimension enum valuevcg::Box< N, S >
GlobalToLocal(PointType const &p) const vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
vcg::Space::GlobalToLocal(ParamType)vcg::Space< N, S >
Import(const Box< N0, S0 > &b)vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
Inflate(const S s)vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
Inflate(const PointType &delta)vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
InflateFix(const S s)vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
Intersect(const Box &b)vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
IsEmpty() const vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
IsIn(PointType const &p) const vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
IsInEx(PointType const &p) const vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
IsNull() const vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
LocalToGlobal(PointType const &p) const vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
vcg::Space::LocalToGlobal(ParamType)vcg::Space< N, S >
Max() const vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
Max()vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
Min() const vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
Min()vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
operator!=(Box const &p) const vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
operator*(const S s) const vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
Linear< Box >::operator*(const ScalarType)vcg::Linear< Box > [private]
operator*=(const S s)vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
Linear< Box >::operator*=(const ScalarType)vcg::Linear< Box > [private]
operator+(Box const &p) const vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
operator+=(Box const &p)vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
operator-(Box const &p) const vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
operator-() const vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
operator-=(Box const &p)vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
operator/(const S s) const vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
Linear< Box >::operator/(const ScalarType) constvcg::Linear< Box > [private]
operator/=(const S s)vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
Linear< Box >::operator/=(const ScalarType)vcg::Linear< Box > [private]
operator==(Box const &p) const vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
ParamType typedefvcg::Box< N, S >
PointType typedefvcg::Box< N, S >
ScalarType typedefvcg::Box< N, S >
Set(const PointType &p)vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
SetNull()vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
SetZero()vcg::Linear< Box > [inline, private]
Size() const vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
SizeX() const vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
SizeY() const vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
SizeZ() const vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
SquaredDiag() const vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
Translate(const PointType &p)vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
Volume() const vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
Zero()vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
~Box()vcg::Box< N, S > [inline]
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Author(s): Christian Bersch
autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 09:22:58 2013