chomp::ChompRobotModel Member List
This is the complete list of members for
chomp::ChompRobotModel, including all inherited members.
addCollisionPointsFromLink(const planning_models::KinematicState &state, std::string link_name, double clearance) | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [private] |
attached_object_subscriber_ | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [private] |
attached_objects_ | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [private] |
attachedObjectCallback(const mapping_msgs::AttachedCollisionObjectConstPtr &attached_object) | chomp::ChompRobotModel | |
ChompRobotModel() | chomp::ChompRobotModel | |
collision_clearance_default_ | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [private] |
fk_solver_ | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [private] |
generateAttachedObjectCollisionPoints(const motion_planning_msgs::RobotState *robot_state) | chomp::ChompRobotModel | |
generateLinkCollisionPoints() | chomp::ChompRobotModel | |
getForwardKinematicsSolver() const | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [inline] |
getKDLTree() const | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [inline] |
getLinkCollisionPoints(std::string link_name, std::vector< ChompCollisionPoint > &points) | chomp::ChompRobotModel | |
getLinkInformation(const std::string link_name, std::vector< int > &active_joints, int &segment_number) | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [private] |
getMaxRadiusClearance() const | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [inline] |
getNumKDLJoints() const | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [inline] |
getPlanningGroup(const std::string &group_name) const | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [inline] |
getReferenceFrame() const | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [inline] |
getRobotModels() const | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [inline] |
init(planning_environment::CollisionSpaceMonitor *monitor_, std::string &reference_frame) | chomp::ChompRobotModel | |
joint_segment_mapping_ | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [private] |
jointMsgToArray(T &msg_vector, Eigen::MatrixXd::RowXpr joint_array) | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [inline] |
jointMsgToArray(T &msg_vector, KDL::JntArray &joint_array) | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [inline] |
jointStateToArray(const sensor_msgs::JointState &joint_state, KDL::JntArray &joint_array) | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [inline] |
jointStateToArray(const sensor_msgs::JointState &joint_state, Eigen::MatrixXd::RowXpr joint_array) | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [inline] |
kdl_number_to_urdf_name_ | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [private] |
kdl_tree_ | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [private] |
kdlNumberToUrdfName(int kdl_number) const | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [inline] |
link_attached_object_collision_points_ | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [private] |
link_collision_points_ | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [private] |
max_radius_clearance_ | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [private] |
monitor_ | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [private] |
node_handle_ | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [private] |
num_kdl_joints_ | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [private] |
planning_groups_ | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [private] |
populatePlanningGroupCollisionPoints() | chomp::ChompRobotModel | |
publishCollisionPoints(ros::Publisher &vis_marker) | chomp::ChompRobotModel | |
reference_frame_ | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [private] |
root_handle_ | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [private] |
segment_joint_mapping_ | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [private] |
urdf_name_to_kdl_number_ | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [private] |
urdfNameToKdlNumber(const std::string &urdf_name) const | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [inline] |
~ChompRobotModel() | chomp::ChompRobotModel | [virtual] |