PolyOps Member List

This is the complete list of members for PolyOps, including all inherited members.
add_polys_for_waypts(const std::vector< poly > &from_polys, std::vector< poly > &to_polys, ElementID from_id, ElementID to_id)PolyOps
AddLanePolys(const std::vector< poly > &from_polys, std::vector< poly > &to_polys, ElementID id)PolyOps
AddLanePolys(const std::vector< poly > &from_polys, std::vector< poly > &to_polys, WayPointNode waypt)PolyOps
AddLanePolysEither(const std::vector< poly > &from_polys, std::vector< poly > &to_polys, WayPointNode waypt, int direction)PolyOps
AddReverseLanePolys(const std::vector< poly > &from_polys, std::vector< poly > &to_polys, ElementID id)PolyOps
AddReverseLanePolys(const std::vector< poly > &from_polys, std::vector< poly > &to_polys, WayPointNode waypt)PolyOps
AddTransitionPolys(const std::vector< poly > &from_polys, std::vector< poly > &to_polys, WayPointNode way0, WayPointNode way1)PolyOps
avgLengthOfPolySides(const poly &p)PolyOps
centerpoint(const poly &p)PolyOps
CollectPolys(const std::vector< poly > &from_polys, std::vector< poly > &to_polys, unsigned start, unsigned end)PolyOps
CollectPolys(const std::vector< poly > &from_polys, std::vector< poly > &to_polys, unsigned start)PolyOps
distance(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)PolyOps [private]
distanceAlongLane(const std::vector< poly > &polygons, const MapXY &from, const MapXY &to)PolyOps
get_waypoint_index(const std::vector< poly > &polys, const ElementID &waypoint)PolyOps
getClosestNonTransPoly(const std::vector< poly > &polys, float x, float y)PolyOps
getClosestNonTransPoly(const std::vector< poly > &polys, MapXY pt)PolyOps [inline]
GetClosestPointToLine(MapXY A, MapXY B, MapXY P, bool segmentClamp)PolyOps
getClosestPoly(const std::vector< poly > &polys, float x, float y)PolyOps
getClosestPoly(const std::vector< poly > &polys, MapXY pt)PolyOps [inline]
getClosestPoly(const std::vector< poly > &polys, const MapPose &pose)PolyOps [inline]
getContainingPoly(const std::vector< poly > &polys, float x, float y)PolyOps
getContainingPoly(const std::vector< poly > &polys, const MapXY &pt)PolyOps [inline]
getContainingPoly(const std::vector< poly > &polys, const MapPose &pose)PolyOps [inline]
getContainingPolyID(const std::vector< poly > &polys, float x, float y)PolyOps [inline]
getContainingPolyID(const std::vector< poly > &polys, const MapXY &pt)PolyOps [inline]
getLaneDir(const std::vector< poly > &polys, std::vector< poly > &to_polys, const int relative, const int direction, const MapPose &pose)PolyOps
getLength(const poly &p)PolyOps
getPointsFromPolys(const std::vector< poly > &polys)PolyOps
getPolyEdgeMidpoint(const poly &p)PolyOps
getPolyIndex(const std::vector< poly > &polys, const poly &curPoly)PolyOps [inline]
getPolyLaneIds(const std::vector< poly > &polys)PolyOps
getPolysBetweenPoints(const std::vector< poly > &polys, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)PolyOps
getPolysBetweenWayPts(const std::vector< poly > &from_polys, std::vector< poly > &to_polys, ElementID from_id, ElementID to_id)PolyOps
getPolyWayPt(const std::vector< poly > &polys, const ElementID &waypoint)PolyOps
getRemainingPolys(const std::vector< poly > &from_polys, std::vector< poly > &to_polys, const MapXY &point)PolyOps
getReverseLane(const std::vector< poly > &polys, const MapPose &pose)PolyOps
getRoadPerimeterPoints(const std::vector< poly > &polys, const ElementID way0, const ElementID way1)PolyOps
getRoadPerimeterPoints(const std::vector< poly > &polys, const ElementID way0)PolyOps
getShortestDistToPoly(float x, float y, const poly &p)PolyOps
getShortestDistToPoly(MapXY pt, const poly &p)PolyOps [inline]
getStartingPoly(const MapPose &pose, const std::vector< poly > &polygons, float distance, float min_heading)PolyOps
getTransitionPolys(const poly_list_t &polys)PolyOps
index_of_downstream_poly(const std::vector< poly > &polygons, int start_index, float distance)PolyOps
isValidPoly(const poly &p)PolyOps
LanePoly(const poly &curPoly, ElementID id)PolyOps
LanePoly(const poly &curPoly, WayPointNode waypt)PolyOps
left_of_poly(const poly &this_poly, const poly &cur_poly)PolyOps [inline]
length_between_polygons(const std::vector< poly > &polygons, int index1=-1, int index2=-1)PolyOps [private]
match_waypt_poly(const poly &curPoly, ElementID way0, ElementID way1)PolyOps [inline]
match_waypt_poly(const poly &curPoly, ElementID way)PolyOps [inline]
MatchTransitionPoly(const poly &curPoly, const WayPointNode &way0, const WayPointNode &way1)PolyOps
midpoint(const MapXY &p1, const MapXY &p2)PolyOps
pointInHull(float x, float y, const poly &p)PolyOps [inline]
pointInPoly(float x, float y, const poly &p)PolyOps [inline]
pointInPoly(const MapXY &pt, const poly &p)PolyOps [inline]
pointInPoly(const Polar &polar, const MapPose &origin, const poly &p)PolyOps [inline]
pointInPoly_ratio(float x, float y, const poly &p, float ratio)PolyOps
pointInPoly_ratio(const MapXY &pt, const poly &p, float ratio)PolyOps [inline]
pointNearPoly(double x, double y, const poly &poly, double epsilon)PolyOps [inline]
pointNearPoly(const MapXY &pt, const poly &poly, double epsilon)PolyOps [inline]
pointOnEdges(float x, float y, const poly &p)PolyOps [inline]
pointOnSegment(float x, float y, MapXY p1, MapXY p2)PolyOps [inline]
PolyHeading(const poly &curPoly)PolyOps
printPolygons(const poly_list_t &polys)PolyOps
same_direction(const poly &p1, const poly &p2, float angle)PolyOps [inline]
shortestDistToLineSegment(float x, float y, float line_x1, float line_y1, float line_x2, float line_y2)PolyOps
specialDistanceAlongLane(const std::vector< poly > &polygons, const MapXY &from, const MapXY &to)PolyOps
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Author(s): David Li, Patrick Beeson, Bartley Gillen, Tarun Nimmagadda, Mickey Ristroph, Michael Quinlan, Jack O'Quin
autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 09:53:08 2013