Source code for z_laser_zlp1.zlp_projection_element

# Copyright (c) 2020, FADA-CATEC

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""This module contains utility classes and methods which ease the management and operation of projection elements."""

import os
import sys
from math import sin, cos, pi, radians
import copy

from z_laser_msgs.msg import Figure

from z_laser_zlp1.zlp_utils import ProjectionElementParameters, GeometryTool

[docs]class ProjectionElement(object): """This class implement the functions related with projection elements. Args: module_id (str): function module identification name thrift_client (object): object with the generated client to communicate with the projector Attributes: module_id (str): function module identification name figures_list (list): list with the figures' identificator names default_projection_element (object): basic object initialization for Projection Elements """
[docs] def __init__(self, module_id, thrift_client): """Initialize the ProjectionElement object.""" self.__thrift_client = thrift_client self.__geometry_tool = GeometryTool(thrift_client) self.module_id = module_id self.figures_list = ProjectionElementParameters().figures_list self.default_projection_element = self.__thrift_client.thrift_interface.ProjectionElement() self.default_projection_element.pen = 0 self.default_projection_element.coordinateSystemList = [] self.default_projection_element.projectorIDList = [] self.default_projection_element.userTrans = self.__geometry_tool.create_matrix4x4() self.default_projection_element.activated = True
[docs] def init_projection_element(self, elem): """Initialize new projection element. Args: elem (object): projection element object to initialize Returns: object: projection element object with fields initialized """ elem.coordinateSystemList = copy.deepcopy(self.default_projection_element.coordinateSystemList) elem.projectorIDList = copy.deepcopy(self.default_projection_element.projectorIDList) elem.userTrans = copy.deepcopy(self.default_projection_element.userTrans) elem.activated = self.default_projection_element.activated elem.pen = self.default_projection_element.pen return elem
[docs] def create_polyline(self, name): """Create and initialize a new polyline object. Args: name (str): polyline name Returns: object: polyline struct with fields initialized """ polyline = self.__thrift_client.thrift_interface.Polyline() polyline = self.init_projection_element(polyline) = name polyline.polylineList = [] return polyline
[docs] def define_polyline(self, cs_name, proj_elem_params, reflection=False): """Create a new line as projection element. Args: cs_name (str): name of coordinate system which the new projection element will be added proj_elem_params (object): object with the parameters to identify and define a line as a new projection element Returns: tuple[bool, str]: the first value in the returned tuple is a bool success value and the second value in the tuple is an information message string """ try: group = proj_elem_params.projection_group id = proj_elem_params.figure_name x = proj_elem_params.position.x y = proj_elem_params.position.y angle = proj_elem_params.angle[0] length = proj_elem_params.size[0] figure_type = proj_elem_params.figure_type polyline_name = group + self.figures_list[figure_type] + id polyline = self.create_polyline(polyline_name) linestring = [ self.__geometry_tool.create_3d_point(x, y), self.__geometry_tool.create_3d_point(x+length*cos(angle*pi/180), y+length*sin(angle*pi/180))] polyline.polylineList = [linestring] polyline.activated = True polyline.detectReflection = reflection polyline.coordinateSystemList = [cs_name] self.__thrift_client.SetPolyLine(polyline) success = True message = polyline_name + " polyline created at [" + cs_name + "] coordinate system." except Exception as e: success = False message = e return success,message
[docs] def define_arrow(self, cs_name, proj_elem_params, reflection=False): """Create a new arrow as projection element. Args: cs_name (str): name of coordinate system which the new projection element will be added proj_elem_params (object): object with the parameters to identify and define an arrow as a new projection element Returns: tuple[bool, str]: the first value in the returned tuple is a bool success value and the second value in the tuple is an information message string """ try: group = proj_elem_params.projection_group id = proj_elem_params.figure_name arrow_name = group + "/polyline/" + id arrow = self.create_polyline(arrow_name) angle = proj_elem_params.angle[0] length = proj_elem_params.size[0] x1 = proj_elem_params.position.x y1 = proj_elem_params.position.y x2 = x1 + length*cos(radians(angle)) y2 = y1 + length*sin(radians(angle)) angle += 160 x3 = x2 + length/4*cos(radians(angle)) y3 = y2 + length/4*sin(radians(angle)) angle += 40 x4 = x2 + length/4*cos(radians(angle)) y4 = y2 + length/4*sin(radians(angle)) linestring = [ self.__geometry_tool.create_3d_point(x1, y1), self.__geometry_tool.create_3d_point(x2, y2), self.__geometry_tool.create_3d_point(x3, y3), self.__geometry_tool.create_3d_point(x4, y4), self.__geometry_tool.create_3d_point(x2, y2)] arrow.polylineList = [linestring] arrow.activated = True arrow.detectReflection = reflection arrow.coordinateSystemList = [cs_name] self.__thrift_client.SetPolyLine(arrow) success = True message = arrow_name + " arrow created at [" + cs_name + "] coordinate system." except Exception as e: success = False message = e return success,message
[docs] def define_rectangle(self, cs_name, proj_elem_params, points, reflection=False): """Create a new rectangle as projection element. Args: cs_name (str): name of coordinate system which the new projection element will be added proj_elem_params (object): object with the parameters to identify and define a rectangle as a new projection element points (list): 4 points list of rectangle corners Returns: tuple[bool, str]: the first value in the returned tuple is a bool success value and the second value in the tuple is an information message string """ try: group = proj_elem_params.projection_group id = proj_elem_params.figure_name rectangle_name = group + "/polyline/" + id rectangle = self.create_polyline(rectangle_name) linestring = [] for i in [0, 1, 2, 3, 0]: linestring.append(self.__geometry_tool.create_3d_point(points[i].x, points[i].y)) rectangle.polylineList = [linestring] rectangle.activated = True rectangle.detectReflection = reflection rectangle.coordinateSystemList = [cs_name] self.__thrift_client.SetPolyLine(rectangle) success = True message = rectangle_name + " rectangle created at [" + cs_name + "] coordinate system." except Exception as e: success = False message = e return success,message
[docs] def create_curve(self, name, curve_type): """Create and initialize a new curve (circle, arc or oval) object. Args: name (str): curve name Returns: curve (object): curve object with fields initialized """ if curve_type == "circle" or curve_type == "arc": curve = self.__thrift_client.thrift_interface.CircleSegment() elif curve_type == "oval": curve = self.__thrift_client.thrift_interface.OvalSegment() curve = self.init_projection_element(curve) = name return curve
[docs] def define_circle(self, cs_name, proj_elem_params, reflection=False): """Define a new circle as projection element. Args: cs_name (str): name of coordinate system which the new projection element will be added proj_elem_params (object): object with the necessary parameters to identify and define a circle as a new projection element Returns: tuple[bool, str]: the first value in the returned tuple is a bool success value and the second value in the tuple is an information message string """ try: group = proj_elem_params.projection_group id = proj_elem_params.figure_name center_x = proj_elem_params.position.x center_y = proj_elem_params.position.y radius = proj_elem_params.size[0] figure_type = proj_elem_params.figure_type circle_name = group + self.figures_list[figure_type] + id circle = self.create_curve(circle_name,"circle") circle.radius = radius = self.__geometry_tool.create_3d_point(center_x, center_y) circle.activated = True circle.detectReflection = reflection circle.coordinateSystemList = [cs_name] self.__thrift_client.SetCircleSegment(circle) success = True message = circle_name + " circle created at [" + cs_name + "] coordinate system." except Exception as e: success = False message = e return success,message
[docs] def define_arc(self, cs_name, proj_elem_params, reflection=False): """Create a new arc as projection element. Args: cs_name (str): name of coordinate system which the new projection element will be added proj_elem_params (object): object with the necessary parameters to identify and define an arc as a new projection figure Returns: tuple[bool, str]: the first value in the returned tuple is a bool success value and the second value in the tuple is an information message string """ try: group = proj_elem_params.projection_group id = proj_elem_params.figure_name center_x = proj_elem_params.position.x center_y = proj_elem_params.position.y radius = proj_elem_params.size[0] start_angle = proj_elem_params.angle[0] end_angle = proj_elem_params.angle[1] figure_type = proj_elem_params.figure_type arc_name = group + self.figures_list[figure_type] + id arc = self.create_curve(arc_name,"arc") arc.radius = radius = self.__geometry_tool.create_3d_point(center_x, center_y) arc.startAngle = start_angle arc.endAngle = end_angle arc.activated = True arc.detectReflection = reflection arc.coordinateSystemList = [cs_name] self.__thrift_client.SetCircleSegment(arc) success = True message = arc_name + " arc created at [" + cs_name + "] coordinate system." except Exception as e: success = False message = e return success,message
[docs] def define_oval(self, cs_name, proj_elem_params, reflection=False): """Create a new oval as projection element. Args: cs_name (str): name of coordinate system which the new projection element will be added proj_elem_params (object): object with the necessary parameters to identify and define an oval as a new projection figure Returns: tuple[bool, str]: the first value in the returned tuple is a bool success value and the second value in the tuple is an information message string """ try: group = proj_elem_params.projection_group id = proj_elem_params.figure_name center_x = proj_elem_params.position.x center_y = proj_elem_params.position.y angle = proj_elem_params.angle[0] width = proj_elem_params.size[0]*2 height = proj_elem_params.size[1]*2 figure_type = proj_elem_params.figure_type oval_name = group + self.figures_list[figure_type] + id oval = self.create_curve(oval_name,"oval") oval.width = width oval.height = height = self.__geometry_tool.create_3d_point(center_x, center_y) oval.angle = angle oval.activated = True oval.detectReflection = reflection oval.coordinateSystemList = [cs_name] self.__thrift_client.SetOvalSegment(oval) success = True message = oval_name + " oval created at [" + cs_name + "] coordinate system." except Exception as e: success = False message = e return success,message
[docs] def create_text(self, name): """Create and initialize a new text object. Args: name (str): text object name Returns: text (object): text object with fields initialized """ text = self.__thrift_client.thrift_interface.TextElement() text = self.init_projection_element(text) = name return text
[docs] def define_text(self, cs_name, proj_elem_params, reflection=False): """Create a new text as projection element. Args: cs_name (str): name of coordinate system which the new projection element will be added proj_elem_params (object): object with the necessary parameters to identify and define a text as a new projection figure Returns: tuple[bool, str]: the first value in the returned tuple is a bool success value and the second value in the tuple is an information message string """ try: group = proj_elem_params.projection_group id = proj_elem_params.figure_name x_position = proj_elem_params.position.x y_position = proj_elem_params.position.y angle = proj_elem_params.angle[0] height = proj_elem_params.size[0] char_spacing = proj_elem_params.size[1] if len(proj_elem_params.size)>1 else 5 text_proj = proj_elem_params.text figure_type = proj_elem_params.figure_type text_name = group + self.figures_list[figure_type] + id text = self.create_text(text_name) text.text = text_proj text.charSpacing = char_spacing text.position = self.__geometry_tool.create_3d_point(x_position, y_position) text.angle = angle text.height = height text.activated = True text.detectReflection = reflection text.coordinateSystemList = [cs_name] self.__thrift_client.SetTextElement(text) success = True message = text_name + " text created at [" + cs_name + "] coordinate system." except Exception as e: success = False message = e return success,message
[docs] def get_figure(self, params): """Get properties of a defined projection element. Args: params (object): object with the necessary parameters to identify the projection element Returns: tuple[object, bool, str]: the first value in the returned tuple is the object of the projection element, the second is a bool success value and the third is an information message string """ try: figure_type = params.figure_type group = params.projection_group id = params.figure_name name = group + self.figures_list[figure_type] + id proj_elem = ProjectionElementParameters() proj_elem.projection_group = group proj_elem.figure_name = id proj_elem.figure_type = figure_type if figure_type == Figure.POLYLINE: figure = self.get_polyline(name,proj_elem) elif figure_type == Figure.CIRCLE: figure = self.get_circle(name,proj_elem) elif figure_type == Figure.ARC: figure = self.get_arc(name,proj_elem) elif figure_type == Figure.OVAL: figure = self.get_oval(name,proj_elem) elif figure_type == Figure.TEXT or Figure.POINTER: figure = self.get_text(name,proj_elem) else: success = False message = "Figure " + name + "does not exist." if figure: success = True message = "Projection element get correct." else: success = False message = "Projection element get error." except Exception as e: success = False message = e figure = [] return figure,success,message
[docs] def get_polyline(self, name, proj_elem): """Get properties of a defined polyline. Args: name (str): name of the polyline params (object): object to fill with the projection element properties Returns: object: object with the properties of the polyline """ polyline = self.__thrift_client.GetPolyLine(name) if polyline: start_point = polyline.polylineList[0][0] end_point = polyline.polylineList[0][1] angle = GeometryTool.vector_point_angle(start_point, end_point) length = GeometryTool.vector_point_distance(start_point, end_point) proj_elem.position.x = start_point.x proj_elem.position.y = start_point.y proj_elem.angle[0] = angle proj_elem.size[0] = length return proj_elem else: return []
[docs] def get_circle(self, name, proj_elem): """Get properties of a defined circle. Args: name (str): name of the circle params (object): object to fill with the projection element properties Returns: object: object with the properties of the polyline """ circle = self.__thrift_client.GetCircleSegment(name) if circle: proj_elem.position.x = proj_elem.position.y = proj_elem.size[0] = circle.radius return proj_elem else: return []
[docs] def get_arc(self, name, proj_elem): """Get properties of a defined arc. Args: name (str): name of the arc params (object): object to fill with the projection element properties Returns: object: object with the properties of the polyline """ arc = self.__thrift_client.GetCircleSegment(name) if arc: proj_elem.position.x = proj_elem.position.y = proj_elem.angle[0] = arc.startAngle proj_elem.angle[1] = arc.endAngle proj_elem.size[0] = arc.radius return proj_elem else: return []
[docs] def get_oval(self, name, proj_elem): """Get properties of a defined oval. Args: name (str): name of the oval params (object): object to fill with the projection element properties Returns: object: object with the properties of the polyline """ oval = self.__thrift_client.GetOvalSegment(name) if oval: proj_elem.position.x = proj_elem.position.y = proj_elem.angle[0] = oval.angle proj_elem.size[0] = oval.width proj_elem.size[1] = oval.height return proj_elem else: return []
[docs] def get_text(self, name, proj_elem): """Get properties of a defined text. Args: name (str): name of the text params (object): object to fill with the projection element properties Returns: object: object with the properties of the polyline """ text = self.__thrift_client.GetTextElement(name) if text: proj_elem.position.x = text.position.x proj_elem.position.y = text.position.y proj_elem.angle[0] = text.angle proj_elem.size[0] = text.height proj_elem.size[1] = text.charSpacing proj_elem.text = text.text return proj_elem else: return []
[docs] def activate_figure(self, figure_params, status): """Hide (deactivate) or unhide (activate hidden) a projection element from the active reference system. Args: figure_params (object): object with the necessary parameters to identify the projection element status (bool): true if activate projection element, false otherwise Returns: tuple[bool, str]: the first value in the returned tuple is a bool success value and the second value is an information message string """ try: figure_type = figure_params.figure_type group = figure_params.projection_group id = figure_params.figure_name name = group + self.figures_list[figure_type] + id success = True if figure_type == Figure.POLYLINE: polyline = self.__thrift_client.GetPolyLine(name) if polyline: polyline.activated = status self.__thrift_client.SetPolyLine(polyline) elif figure_type == Figure.CIRCLE: circle = self.__thrift_client.GetCircleSegment(name) if circle: circle.activated = status self.__thrift_client.SetCircleSegment(circle) elif figure_type == Figure.ARC: arc = self.__thrift_client.GetCircleSegment(name) if arc: arc.activated = status self.__thrift_client.SetCircleSegment(arc) elif figure_type == Figure.OVAL: oval = self.__thrift_client.GetOvalSegment(name) if oval: oval.activated = status self.__thrift_client.SetOvalSegment(oval) elif figure_type == Figure.TEXT: text = self.__thrift_client.GetTextElement(name) if text: text.activated = status self.__thrift_client.SetTextElement(text) else: success = False message = "Figure " + name + "does not exist." if success and status: message = "Figure " + name + "reactivated." elif success and not status: message = "Figure " + name + "deactivated." except Exception as e: success = False message = e return success,message
[docs] def delete_figure(self, figure_params): """Delete a projection element from the active reference system. Args: figure_params (object): object with the necessary parameters to identify the projection element Returns: tuple[bool, str]: the first value in the returned tuple is a bool success value and the second value is an information message string """ try: figure_type = figure_params.figure_type group = figure_params.projection_group id = figure_params.figure_name name = group + self.figures_list[figure_type] + id self.__thrift_client.RemoveGeoTreeElem(name) success = True message = "Figure removed" except Exception as e: success = False message = e return success,message
[docs] def translate_figure(self, figure_params, dx=0, dy=0, dz=0): """Translate a projection element from one position to another. Args: figure_params (object): object with the necessary parameters to identify the projection element dx (float): offset in x direction dy (float): offset in y direction dz (float): offset in z direction Returns: tuple[bool, str]: the first value in the returned tuple is a bool success value and the second value is an information message string """ try: figure_type = figure_params.figure_type group = figure_params.projection_group id = figure_params.figure_name name = group + self.figures_list[figure_type] + id self.__thrift_client.Translate(name,dx,dy) self.__thrift_client.ApplyTransformation(name) success = True message = "Figure translated" except Exception as e: success = False message = e return success,message
[docs] def scale_figure(self, figure_params, scale_factor): """Scale size of a projection element. Args: figure_params (object): object with the necessary parameters to identify the projection element scale_factor (float): scalation factor of the projection element Returns: tuple[bool, str]: the first value in the returned tuple is a bool success value and the second value in the tuple is an information message string """ try: figure_type = figure_params.figure_type group = figure_params.projection_group id = figure_params.figure_name name = group + self.figures_list[figure_type] + id self.__thrift_client.Scale(name,scale_factor) self.__thrift_client.ApplyTransformation(name) success = True message = "Figure scalated." except Exception as e: success = False message = e return success,message
[docs] def rotate_figure(self, figure_params, x_angle, y_angle, z_angle): """Rotate a projection element an angle. Args: proj_elem_params (object): object with the necessary parameters to identify the projection element rotation_angle (float): rotation angle of the projection element [degrees] Returns: tuple[bool, str]: the first value in the returned tuple is a bool success value and the second value is an information message string """ try: figure_type = figure_params.figure_type group = figure_params.projection_group id = figure_params.figure_name name = group + self.figures_list[figure_type] + id self.__thrift_client.Rotate(name,x_angle,y_angle,z_angle) self.__thrift_client.ApplyTransformation(name) success = True message = "Figure rotated." except Exception as e: success = False message = e return success,message
[docs] def cs_axes_create(self, cs_params, proj_elem_params): """Create projection elements of the reference system's origin axes. Args: cs_params (object): object with the definition parameters of the reference system proj_elem_params (object): object to fill with the projection element properties Returns: tuple[bool, str]: the first value in the returned tuple is a bool success value and the second value is an information message string """ proj_elem_params.projection_group = + "_origin" proj_elem_params.figure_name = "axis_x" proj_elem_params.position.x = 0 proj_elem_params.position.y = 0 proj_elem_params.size[0] = GeometryTool.vector_point_distance(cs_params.P[1],cs_params.P[0])/2 proj_elem_params.angle[0] = 0 success,message = self.define_arrow(,proj_elem_params) if not success: return success,message proj_elem_params.figure_name = "axis_y" proj_elem_params.angle[0] = 90 success,message = self.define_arrow(,proj_elem_params) if not success: return success,message success = True message = "Coordinate system origin axes created." return success,message
[docs] def cs_frame_create(self, cs_name, proj_elem_params, points): """Create projection element of the reference system's frame. Args: cs_name (str): name of the reference system proj_elem_params (object): object to fill with the projection element properties points (list): list of the user system reference points Returns: tuple[bool, str]: the first value in the returned tuple is a bool success value and the second value is an information message string """ proj_elem_params.projection_group = cs_name + "_origin" proj_elem_params.figure_name = "frame" success,message = self.define_rectangle(cs_name, proj_elem_params, points) if not success: return success,message success = True message = "Coordinate system frame created." return success,message
[docs] def define_pointer(self, cs_name, pointer): """Create a new pointer as projection element. Args: cs_name (str): name of coordinate system which the new projection element will be added pointer (object): object with the necessary parameters to identify and define a pointer as a new projection figure Returns: tuple[bool, str]: the first value in the returned tuple is a bool success value and the second value in the tuple is an information message string """ pointer.text = "*" success,message = self.define_text(cs_name, pointer, True) if not success: return success,message success = True message = "Pointer created." return success,message