ROS nodes ========= sensehat_ros ------------ ROS node hosting the Sense HAT interface class :py:class:`` Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^ Check :py:class:`` class constructur parameters. Publishes ^^^^^^^^^ * \/Environmental type = `sensehat_ros/Environmental`_ Sense HAT Environmental sensors data (i.e. humidity, temperature and pressure). * \/IMU type = `sensehat_ros/IMU`_ Sense HAT IMU sensor data (e.g. pitch, roll, yaw). * \/Stick type = `sensehat_ros/Stick`_ Sense HAT Stick events. .. _`sensehat_ros/Environmental`: msg/Environmental.html .. _`sensehat_ros/IMU`: msg/IMU.html .. _`sensehat_ros/Stick`: msg/Stick.html Messages and Services ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Check `Msg/Srv API`_ .. _`Msg/Srv API`: index-msg.html