Package rostest

Package rostest

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Interface for using rostest from other Python code as well as running Python unittests with additional reporting mechanisms and rosbuild (CMake) integration.


This is a decorator which can be used to mark functions as deprecated.
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Get an XMLRPC handle to the Master.
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is_publisher(topic, publisher_id)
Predicate to check whether or not master think publisher_id publishes topic :returns: ``True`` if still register as a publisher, ``bool`` :raises: IOError If communication with master fails
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is_subscriber(topic, subscriber_id)
Check whether or not master think subscriber_id subscribes to topic
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rosrun(package, test_name, test, sysargs=None)
Run a rostest/unittest-based integration test.
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rostestmain() source code
run(package, test_name, test, sysargs=None)
Run a rostest/unittest-based integration test.
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unitrun(*args, **kwargs)
Wrapper routine from running python unitttests with JUnit-compatible XML output.
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  XML_OUTPUT_FLAG = '--gtest_output=xml:'
  __package__ = 'rostest'
Function Details


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This is a decorator which can be used to mark functions as deprecated. It will result in a warning being emitted when the function is used.


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Get an XMLRPC handle to the Master. It is recommended to use the `rosgraph.masterapi` library instead, as it provides many conveniences.

Returns: xmlrpclib.ServerProxy
XML-RPC proxy to ROS master

is_subscriber(topic, subscriber_id)

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Check whether or not master think subscriber_id subscribes to topic

:returns: ``True`` if still register as a subscriber, ``bool`` :raises: IOError If communication with master fails

rosrun(package, test_name, test, sysargs=None)

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Run a rostest/unittest-based integration test.

  • package (str) - name of package that test is in
  • test_name (str) - name of test that is being run
  • test (unittest.TestCase, or string) - a test case instance or a name resolving to a test case or suite
  • sysargs (list) - command-line args. If not specified, this defaults to sys.argv. rostest will look for the --text and --gtest_output parameters

run(package, test_name, test, sysargs=None)

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Run a rostest/unittest-based integration test.

  • package (str) - name of package that test is in
  • test_name (str) - name of test that is being run
  • test (unittest.TestCase, or string) - a test case instance or a name resolving to a test case or suite
  • sysargs (list) - command-line args. If not specified, this defaults to sys.argv. rostest will look for the --text and --gtest_output parameters

unitrun(*args, **kwargs)

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Wrapper routine from running python unitttests with JUnit-compatible XML output. This is meant for unittests that do not not need a running ROS graph (i.e. offline tests only).

This enables JUnit-compatible test reporting so that test results can be reported to higher-level tools.

  • package (str) - name of ROS package that is running the test
  • coverage_packages ([str]) - list of Python package to compute coverage results for. Defaults to package
  • @deprecated