Package node_manager_fkie :: Module parameter_list_model :: Class ParameterModel
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Class ParameterModel

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python_qt_binding.QtGui.QStandardItemModel --+

The model to manage the list with parameter in ROS network.

Instance Methods
Creates a new list model.
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flags(self, index)
Returns: Flag or the requestet item
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updateModelData(self, parameters)
Updates the parameter list model.
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[ParameterNameItem, ParameterValueItem]
createParameter(self, name, value)
Creates the list of the items.
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Instance Variables
  header = [('Parameter', 300), ('Type', 50), ('Value',-1)]
the list with columns [(name, width), ...]
Method Details

flags(self, index)

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Returns: QtCore.Qt.ItemFlag
Flag or the requestet item

updateModelData(self, parameters)

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Updates the parameter list model. New parameter will be inserted in sorting order. Not available parameter removed from the model.

  • parameters (dict(parameter name : value)) - The dictionary with parameter

createParameter(self, name, value)

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Creates the list of the items. This list is used for the visualization of the parameter as a table row.

  • name (str) - the parameter name
  • value (each value, that can be converted to str using str()) - the value of the parameter
Returns: [ParameterNameItem, ParameterValueItem]
the list for the representation as a row