Package node_manager_fkie :: Module file_watcher :: Class FileWatcher
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Class FileWatcher

source code

python_qt_binding.QtCore.QObject --+

A class to watch for file changes.

Instance Methods
__init__(self) source code
__del__(self) source code
on_file_changed(self, filepath)
callback method, which is called by QtCore.QFileSystemWatcher if one of a launch file, included files or binary are changed.
source code
add_launch(self, masteruri, launch_file, launch_id, files) source code
rem_launch(self, masteruri, launch_file='', launch_id='') source code
add_binary(self, binary_file, node_name, masteruri, launchfile) source code
rem_binary(self, node_name) source code
update_files(self) source code
Instance Variables
  config_changed = Signal(str, list)
a signal to inform the receiver about the changes on launch file or included file.
  binary_changed = Signal(str, list)
a signal to inform the receiver about the changes on binary file or included file.
Method Details

on_file_changed(self, filepath)

source code 

callback method, which is called by QtCore.QFileSystemWatcher if one of a launch file, included files or binary are changed. Depend on type of the file a FileWatcher.config_changed or FileWatcher.binary_changed signal will be emitted.

Instance Variable Details


a signal to inform the receiver about the changes on launch file or included file. Parameter: (changed file, list of tuples(masteruri, launch file))
Signal(str, list)


a signal to inform the receiver about the changes on binary file or included file. Parameter: (binary file, list of tuples(node name, masteruri, launchfile))
Signal(str, list)