Source code for mongodb_store.message_store

from __future__ import absolute_import
import rospy
import mongodb_store_msgs.srv as dc_srv
import mongodb_store.util as dc_util
from mongodb_store_msgs.msg import StringPair, StringPairList, SerialisedMessage, Insert
from bson import json_util
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
import json
import copy

[docs]class MessageStoreProxy: """ A class that provides functions for storage and retrieval of ROS Message objects in the mongodb_store. This is achieved by acting as a proxy to the services provided by the MessageStore ROS node, and therefore requires the message store node to be running in addition to the datacentre: `rosrun mongodb_store` >>> from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose, Quaternion >>> msg_store = MessageStoreProxy() >>> p = Pose(Point(0, 1, 2), Quaternion(0, 0, 0 , 1)) >>> msg_store.insert_named("my favourite pose", p) >>> retrieved = msg_store.query_named("my favourite pose", Pose._type) For usage examples, please see `` within the scripts folder of mongodb_store. """
[docs] def __init__(self, service_prefix='/message_store', database='message_store', collection='message_store', queue_size=100): """ Args: | service_prefix (str): The prefix to the *insert*, *update*, *delete* and *query_messages* ROS services/ | database (str): The MongoDB database that this object works with. | collection (str): The MongoDB collect/on that this object works with. """ self.database = database self.collection = collection insert_service = service_prefix + '/insert' update_service = service_prefix + '/update' delete_service = service_prefix + '/delete' query_service = service_prefix + '/query_messages' # try and get the mongo service, block until available found_services_first_try = True # if found straight away while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: rospy.wait_for_service(insert_service,5) rospy.wait_for_service(update_service,5) rospy.wait_for_service(query_service,5) rospy.wait_for_service(delete_service,5) break except rospy.ROSException as e: found_services_first_try = False rospy.logerr("Could not get message store services. Maybe the message " "store has not been started? Retrying..") if not found_services_first_try: rospy.loginfo("Message store services found.") self.insert_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy(insert_service, dc_srv.MongoInsertMsg) self.update_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy(update_service, dc_srv.MongoUpdateMsg) self.query_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy(query_service, dc_srv.MongoQueryMsg) self.delete_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy(delete_service, dc_srv.MongoDeleteMsg) insert_topic = service_prefix + '/insert' self.pub_insert = rospy.Publisher(insert_topic, Insert, queue_size=queue_size)
[docs] def insert_named(self, name, message, meta = {}, wait=True): """ Inserts a ROS message into the message storage, giving it a name for convenient later retrieval. .. note:: Multiple messages can be stored with the same name. :Args: | name (str): The name to refere to this message as. | message (ROS Message): An instance of a ROS message type to store | meta (dict): A dictionary of additional meta data to store in association with thie message. | wait (bool): If true, waits until database returns object id after insert :Returns: | (str) the ObjectId of the MongoDB document containing the stored message. """ # create a copy as we're modifying it meta_copy = copy.copy(meta) meta_copy["name"] = name return self.insert(message, meta_copy, wait=wait)
[docs] def insert(self, message, meta = {}, wait=True): """ Inserts a ROS message into the message storage. :Args: | message (ROS Message): An instance of a ROS message type to store | meta (dict): A dictionary of additional meta data to store in association with thie message. | wait (bool): If true, waits until database returns object id after insert :Returns: | (str) the ObjectId of the MongoDB document containing the stored message. """ # assume meta is a dict, convert k/v to tuple pairs meta_tuple = (StringPair(dc_srv.MongoQueryMsgRequest.JSON_QUERY, json.dumps(meta, default=json_util.default)),) serialised_msg = dc_util.serialise_message(message) if wait: return self.insert_srv(self.database, self.collection, serialised_msg, StringPairList(meta_tuple)).id else: msg = Insert(self.database, self.collection, serialised_msg, StringPairList(meta_tuple)) self.pub_insert.publish(msg) return True
[docs] def query_id(self, id, type): """ Finds and returns the message with the given ID. :Parameters: | id (str): The ObjectID of the MongoDB document holding the message. | type (str): The ROS message type of the stored messsage to retrieve. :Returns: | message (ROS message), meta (dict): The retrieved message and associated metadata or *None* if the named message could not be found. """ return self.query(type, {'_id': ObjectId(id)}, {}, True)
[docs] def delete(self, message_id): """ Delete the message with the given ID. :Parameters: | message_id (str) : The ObjectID of the MongoDB document holding the message. :Returns: | bool : was the object successfully deleted. """ return self.delete_srv(self.database, self.collection, message_id)
[docs] def query_named(self, name, type, single = True, meta = {}, limit = 0): """ Finds and returns the message(s) with the given name. :Args: | name (str): The name of the stored messages to retrieve. | type (str): The type of the stored message. | single (bool): Should only one message be returned? | meta (dict): Extra queries on the meta data of the message. | limit (int): Limit number of return documents :Return: | message (ROS message), meta (dict): The retrieved message and associated metadata or *None* if the named message could not be found. """ # create a copy as we're modifying it meta_copy = copy.copy(meta) meta_copy["name"] = name return self.query(type, {}, meta_copy, single, [], limit)
[docs] def update_named(self, name, message, meta = {}, upsert = False): """ Updates a named message. :Args: | name (str): The name of the stored messages to update. | message (ROS Message): The updated ROS message | meta (dict): Updated meta data to store with the message. | upsert (bool): If True, insert the named message if it doesnt exist. :Return: | str, bool: The MongoDB ObjectID of the document, and whether it was altered by the update. """ meta_query = {} meta_query["name"] = name # make sure the name goes into the meta info after update meta_copy = copy.copy(meta) meta_copy["name"] = name return self.update(message, meta_copy, {}, meta_query, upsert)
[docs] def update_id(self, id, message, meta = {}, upsert = False): """ Updates a message by MongoDB ObjectId. :Args: | id (str): The MongoDB ObjectId of the doucment storing the message. | message (ROS Message): The updated ROS message | meta (dict): Updated meta data to store with the message. | upsert (bool): If True, insert the named message if it doesnt exist. :Return: | str, bool: The MongoDB ObjectID of the document, and whether it was altered by the update. """ msg_query = {'_id': ObjectId(id)} meta_query = {} return self.update(message, meta, msg_query, meta_query, upsert)
[docs] def update(self, message, meta = {}, message_query = {}, meta_query = {}, upsert = False): """ Updates a message. :Args: | message (ROS Message): The updated ROS message | meta (dict): Updated meta data to store with the message. | message_query (dict): A query to match the ROS message that is to be updated. | meta_query (dict): A query to match against the meta data of the message to be updated | upsert (bool): If True, insert the named message if it doesnt exist. :Return: | str, bool: The MongoDB ObjectID of the document, and whether it was altered by the update. """ # serialise the json queries to strings using json_util.dumps message_query_tuple = (StringPair(dc_srv.MongoQueryMsgRequest.JSON_QUERY, json.dumps(message_query, default=json_util.default)),) meta_query_tuple = (StringPair(dc_srv.MongoQueryMsgRequest.JSON_QUERY, json.dumps(meta_query, default=json_util.default)),) meta_tuple = (StringPair(dc_srv.MongoQueryMsgRequest.JSON_QUERY, json.dumps(meta, default=json_util.default)),) return self.update_srv(self.database, self.collection, upsert, StringPairList(message_query_tuple), StringPairList(meta_query_tuple), dc_util.serialise_message(message), StringPairList(meta_tuple))
""" Returns [message, meta] where message is the queried message and meta a dictionary of meta information. If single is false returns a list of these lists. """
[docs] def query(self, type, message_query = {}, meta_query = {}, single = False, sort_query = [], projection_query = {}, limit=0): """ Finds and returns message(s) matching the message and meta data queries. :Parameters: | type (str): The ROS message type of the stored messsage to retrieve. | message_query (dict): A query to match the actual ROS message | meta_query (dict): A query to match against the meta data of the message | sort_query (list of tuple): A query to request sorted list to mongodb module | projection_query (dict): A query to request desired fields to be returned or excluded | single (bool): Should only one message be returned? | limit (int): Limit number of return documents :Returns: | [message, meta] where message is the queried message and meta a dictionary of meta information. If single is false returns a list of these lists. """ # assume meta is a dict, convert k/v to tuple pairs for ROS msg type # serialise the json queries to strings using json_util.dumps message_tuple = (StringPair(dc_srv.MongoQueryMsgRequest.JSON_QUERY, json.dumps(message_query, default=json_util.default)),) meta_tuple = (StringPair(dc_srv.MongoQueryMsgRequest.JSON_QUERY, json.dumps(meta_query, default=json_util.default)),) projection_tuple =(StringPair(dc_srv.MongoQueryMsgRequest.JSON_QUERY, json.dumps(projection_query, default=json_util.default)),) if len(sort_query) > 0: sort_tuple = [StringPair(str(k), str(v)) for k, v in sort_query] else: sort_tuple = [] response = self.query_srv( self.database, self.collection, type, single, limit, StringPairList(message_tuple), StringPairList(meta_tuple), StringPairList(sort_tuple), StringPairList(projection_tuple)) if response.messages is None: messages = [] metas = [] else: messages = map(dc_util.deserialise_message, response.messages) metas = map(dc_util.string_pair_list_to_dictionary, response.metas) if single: if len(messages) > 0: return [messages[0], metas[0]] else: return [None, None] else: return zip(messages,metas)