Macros | Functions
USBD_HAL.h File Reference
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "USBD.h"
#include <USBDescriptors.h>
#include <USBRequests.h>
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#define bmEP(bEP)   (1 << (bEP))
#define DMAEndpointInt
#define EndpointInt


void USBD_HAL_Activate (void)
void USBD_HAL_AttachUsb (void)
void USBD_HAL_CancelIo (uint32_t bmEPs)
uint8_t USBD_HAL_ConfigureEP (const USBEndpointDescriptor *pDescriptor)
void USBD_HAL_Connect (void)
 Enable Pull-up, connect. More...
void USBD_HAL_DetachUsb (void)
void USBD_HAL_Disable (void)
void USBD_HAL_Disconnect (void)
 Disable Pull-up, disconnect. More...
void USBD_HAL_Enable (void)
uint8_t USBD_HAL_Halt (uint8_t bEndpoint, uint8_t ctl)
void USBD_HAL_Init (void)
uint8_t USBD_HAL_IsHighSpeed (void)
uint8_t USBD_HAL_Read (uint8_t bEndpoint, void *pData, uint32_t dLength)
void USBD_HAL_RemoteWakeUp (void)
void USBD_HAL_ResetEPs (uint32_t bmEPs, uint8_t bStatus, uint8_t bKeepCfg)
 Reset endpoints and disable them.

  1. Terminate transfer if there is any, with given status;
  2. Reset the endpoint & disable it.
void USBD_HAL_SetAddress (uint8_t address)
void USBD_HAL_SetConfiguration (uint8_t cfgnum)
uint8_t USBD_HAL_SetTransferCallback (uint8_t bEP, TransferCallback fCallback, void *pCbData)
uint8_t USBD_HAL_SetupMblTransfer (uint8_t bEndpoint, USBDTransferBuffer *pMbList, uint16_t mblSize, uint16_t startOffset)
uint8_t USBD_HAL_Stall (uint8_t bEP)
void USBD_HAL_Suspend (void)
void USBD_HAL_Test (uint8_t bIndex)
void USBD_HAL_WaitReadData (uint8_t bEndpoint)
uint8_t USBD_HAL_Write (uint8_t bEndpoint, const void *pData, uint32_t dLength)
uint8_t USBD_HAL_WrWithHdr (uint8_t bEndpoint, const void *pHdr, uint8_t bHdrLen, const void *pData, uint32_t dLength)

Detailed Description

This file defines functions for USB Device Hardware Access Level.

Definition in file USBD_HAL.h.

autogenerated on Sat Sep 19 2020 03:19:07