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data_types.h File Reference
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <Eigen/Geometry>
#include <hpp/fcl/config.hh>
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struct  hpp::fcl::Quadrilateral
 Quadrilateral with 4 indices for points. More...
class  hpp::fcl::Triangle
 Triangle with 3 indices for points. More...


 Main namespace.


typedef double hpp::fcl::FCL_REAL
typedef Eigen::Matrix< FCL_REAL, 3, 3 > hpp::fcl::Matrix3f
typedef Eigen::Matrix< FCL_REAL, Eigen::Dynamic, 3 > hpp::fcl::Matrixx3f
typedef Eigen::Matrix< Eigen::DenseIndex, Eigen::Dynamic, 3 > hpp::fcl::Matrixx3i
typedef Eigen::Matrix< FCL_REAL, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > hpp::fcl::MatrixXf
typedef Eigen::Vector2i hpp::fcl::support_func_guess_t
typedef Eigen::Matrix< FCL_REAL, 3, 1 > hpp::fcl::Vec3f
typedef Eigen::Matrix< FCL_REAL, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > hpp::fcl::VecXf


enum  hpp::fcl::GJKConvergenceCriterion { hpp::fcl::VDB, hpp::fcl::DualityGap, hpp::fcl::Hybrid }
 Which convergence criterion is used to stop the algorithm (when the shapes are not in collision). (default) VDB: Van den Bergen (A Fast and Robust GJK Implementation, 1999) DG: duality-gap, as used in the Frank-Wolfe and the vanilla 1988 GJK algorithms Hybrid: a mix between VDB and DG. More...
enum  hpp::fcl::GJKConvergenceCriterionType { hpp::fcl::Relative, hpp::fcl::Absolute }
 Wether the convergence criterion is scaled on the norm of the solution or not. More...
enum  hpp::fcl::GJKInitialGuess { hpp::fcl::DefaultGuess, hpp::fcl::CachedGuess, hpp::fcl::BoundingVolumeGuess }
 Initial guess to use for the GJK algorithm DefaultGuess: Vec3f(1, 0, 0) CachedGuess: previous vector found by GJK or guess cached by the user BoundingVolumeGuess: guess using the centers of the shapes' AABB WARNING: to use BoundingVolumeGuess, computeLocalAABB must have been called on the two shapes. More...
enum  hpp::fcl::GJKVariant { hpp::fcl::DefaultGJK, hpp::fcl::NesterovAcceleration }
 Variant to use for the GJK algorithm. More...

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