Design sketch

  • There is only one invocation of CMake (and make) to build a source
    directory containing N packages.
  • This install target obeys the environment variable DESTDIR for ease of packaging.
  • Build Parameters:
  • The standard set of CMake variables, especially CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE, CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE etc.
  • Assorted others as needed by individual packages, i.e. to enable/disable certain features or dependencies.
  • For build, there is no search of ROS_PACKAGE_PATH: the packages to be built
    are the subdirectories (potentially recursive) of the CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR.
  • The source folders of a devel space are listed in the .catkin file
    in the devel space folder. This can be more than one folder in cases where several build folders share the same devel space.
  • For backward compatibility, sourcing a devel space setup.*sh also sets the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH env variable preprending for each workspace the contents of .catkin. This allows searching for package contents in package sources.
  • Catkin does only knows about packages: it simply examines the
    subdirectories under CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR for buildable projects (indicated by the presence of a file package.xml (see REP 127). It determines the dependency ordering of packages by examining these files.
  • The ability to build only specific targets or sets of targets are
    provided through cmake’s “natural” mechanisms (Meaning $ make foo only builds target foo)
  • The build does not modify the source directories in any way.
  • The build does not depend on any compiled code (i.e. rospack)
    for ease of compiling on windows, cross-compiling for ARM, etc. (but may depend on python scripts)
  • Packages use standard CMake macros, modulo a few that are provided
    by catkin.
  • The build system depends only on CMake and Python.
  • Downloading, untarring, patching and especially the wanton use of
    sed and/or handcoded Makefiles is considered to be in the very poorest taste. Exception: for now, Sphinx-generated Makefiles used to generate documentation are okay.
  • The build process creates a buildpace folder that has the same layout as an installation, so development cycles do not need to invoke make install frequently, if the developer decides to use that devel space directly.

Main trickery

Dependency ordering of packages

During the CMake run the main source directory is scanned for packages to build. Each package indicates that it is buildable, and what its dependencies in the package.xml file. Catkin considers the build and buildtool dependencies as specified in the REP 127, topologically sorts the packages and calls add_subdirectory() on each package in order.

Generation of find_package infrastructure

Each package calls catkin_package() which generates find_package files; this is for other packages to use. Each package does a find_package of each other; in this way, packages can build with their dependencies in the same devel space, or already installed on the system. Different versions of these files are created for use in the devel space, and in the installation. The stress-test for this scheme is message generation; different language generators must implement a specific CMake interface which is used by genmsg. See also Finding required packages.

Python path forwarding

A special thunk (via the standard python package pkgutil is generated and put in CMAKE_BINARY_DIR/lib/pythonX.Y/dist-packages/PACKAGENAME/, which extends the PYTHONPATH to include CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR/path/to/PACKAGENAME/src. This way the devel space PYTHONPATH only needs to contain CMAKE_BINARY_DIR/lib/pythonX.Y/dist-packages. Caveat: it will also need to contain generated Python code in that folder in devel space. At installation time, this disappears and the static python library source is installed alongside the generated message code in the same directory.

Environment generation

When CMake runs, it knows the locations of the CMAKE_BINARY_DIR and so forth, it generates an environment file (in CMAKE_BINARY_DIR/devel). Projects may extend this environment via catkin_add_env_hooks().

Configure process

The following sketches the sequence of cmake scripts invoked and what they do. Calling cmake with the source folder is processed like this:


  1. toplevel.cmake: The top-level CMakeLists.txt is loaded by Catkin, this should be a symbolic link to catin/cmake/toplevel.cmake.
  1. attempts to find catkin’s sources by traversing locations in this oder:
  1. In the source folder direct subfolder ‘catkin’ (using ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/catkin)
  2. Workspace folders listed in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
  1. loads catkin macros from the first catkin location found that way
  1. all.cmake:

1. set global destination variables 1. updates .catkin file in devel space 1. set CATKIN_WORKSPACES based on CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH entries 1. enables new cmake policies 1. invokes catkin_generate_environment()

  1. catkin_generate_environment:
  1. creates empty catkin marker file .catkin in installspace
  2. creates environment setup files
  1. exits with catkin_workspace()
  1. catkin_workspace.cmake:
  1. creates output folders (lib, bin, …) in build folder
  2. generates helper scripts (python cmake) in build/catkin_generated
  3. invokes generated helper-script order_packages.cmake
  1. order_packages.cmake: This writes into variables the list of packages in this workspace, ordered by dependencies
  1. loads CMakeLists.txt in each package in sequence


This depends on the actual CMakeLists.txt of course, and any standard cmake project is allowed, so we sketch here only the case when the catkin macros are used as intended.

  1. CMakeLists.txt:
  1. find_package(catkin REQUIRED [COMPONENTS …])
  1. finds catkin, then calls find_package() with each of the components
  1. (optionally) catkin_python_setup()
  1. generate relay scripts in devel space pointing to scripts in source
  2. generate relay files for any package mentioned
  3. prepare installation based on values in
  1. (optionally) use genmsg to create msg/srv
  1. add_message_files and/or add service_files
  1. declare install target for .msg/.srv files
  1. generate_messages()
  1. generate *-msg-paths.cmake files
  2. generate unless catkin_python_setup did
  1. catkin_package()
  1. catkin_package.cmake:
  1. invokes catkin_package_xml()
  1. catkin_package_xml.cmake parse package.xml and sets cmake variable accordingly (version, maintainer, dependencies)
  2. sets package-wide destination variables for usage by the user
  3. sets global variable ${PROJECT_NAME}_DIR
  4. evaluates arguments to catkin_package()
  5. generates files in devel space and build folder
  1. devel space is a folder mimicking an installation
  1. generates a manifest.xml file for rosbuild backwards compatibility
  2. generates .pc, XXXConfig.cmake, Config-version.cmake, … files
  1. build folder contains files that will be installed by moving to install prefix
  1. generates .pc, XXXConfig.cmake, Config-version.cmake, … files
  1. declares files to be commonly installed
  1. (optionally) catkin_add_env_hooks
  1. copies files / configures templates into develspace, mark for installation