tf::Matrix3x3 Member List

This is the complete list of members for tf::Matrix3x3, including all inherited members.

__attribute__((deprecated)) void getEulerZYX(tfScalar &yawtf::Matrix3x3
absolute() const tf::Matrix3x3
adjoint() const tf::Matrix3x3
cofac(int r1, int c1, int r2, int c2) const tf::Matrix3x3inline
deSerialize(const struct Matrix3x3Data &dataIn)tf::Matrix3x3
deSerializeDouble(const struct Matrix3x3DoubleData &dataIn)tf::Matrix3x3
deSerializeFloat(const struct Matrix3x3FloatData &dataIn)tf::Matrix3x3
determinant() const tf::Matrix3x3
diagonalize(Matrix3x3 &rot, tfScalar threshold, int maxSteps)tf::Matrix3x3inline
getColumn(int i) const tf::Matrix3x3inline
getEulerYPR(tfScalar &yaw, tfScalar &pitch, tfScalar &roll, unsigned int solution_number=1) const tf::Matrix3x3inline
getOpenGLSubMatrix(tfScalar *m) const tf::Matrix3x3inline
getRotation(Quaternion &q) const tf::Matrix3x3inline
getRow(int i) const tf::Matrix3x3inline
getRPY(tfScalar &roll, tfScalar &pitch, tfScalar &yaw, unsigned int solution_number=1) const tf::Matrix3x3inline
inverse() const tf::Matrix3x3
Matrix3x3(const Quaternion &q)tf::Matrix3x3inlineexplicit
Matrix3x3(const tfScalar &xx, const tfScalar &xy, const tfScalar &xz, const tfScalar &yx, const tfScalar &yy, const tfScalar &yz, const tfScalar &zx, const tfScalar &zy, const tfScalar &zz)tf::Matrix3x3inline
Matrix3x3(const Matrix3x3 &other)tf::Matrix3x3inline
operator*=(const Matrix3x3 &m)tf::Matrix3x3
operator=(const Matrix3x3 &other)tf::Matrix3x3inline
operator[](int i)tf::Matrix3x3inline
operator[](int i) const tf::Matrix3x3inline
scaled(const Vector3 &s) const tf::Matrix3x3inline
serialize(struct Matrix3x3Data &dataOut) const tf::Matrix3x3
serializeFloat(struct Matrix3x3FloatData &dataOut) const tf::Matrix3x3
setEulerYPR(tfScalar eulerZ, tfScalar eulerY, tfScalar eulerX)tf::Matrix3x3inline
setEulerZYX(const tfScalar &yaw, const tfScalar &pitch, const tfScalar &roll) __attribute__((deprecated))tf::Matrix3x3inline
setFromOpenGLSubMatrix(const tfScalar *m)tf::Matrix3x3inline
setRotation(const Quaternion &q)tf::Matrix3x3inline
setRPY(tfScalar roll, tfScalar pitch, tfScalar yaw)tf::Matrix3x3inline
setValue(const tfScalar &xx, const tfScalar &xy, const tfScalar &xz, const tfScalar &yx, const tfScalar &yy, const tfScalar &yz, const tfScalar &zx, const tfScalar &zy, const tfScalar &zz)tf::Matrix3x3inline
tdotx(const Vector3 &v) const tf::Matrix3x3inline
tdoty(const Vector3 &v) const tf::Matrix3x3inline
tdotz(const Vector3 &v) const tf::Matrix3x3inline
timesTranspose(const Matrix3x3 &m) const tf::Matrix3x3
transpose() const tf::Matrix3x3
transposeTimes(const Matrix3x3 &m) const tf::Matrix3x3

Author(s): Tully Foote, Eitan Marder-Eppstein, Wim Meeussen
autogenerated on Fri Jun 7 2019 22:00:28