opt_cam is camera_driver code for NM30/33 from OPT Coorp
We need OPT-JSK original kernel uvcvideo driver for NM30/33 camera. Compile them under jvl directory.
$ cd $CVSDIR/jvl/extlib $ make uvcvideo $ make install-uvcvideo
$ sudo rmmod uvcvideo
Unplug and plug USB cable.
$ sudo modprobe uvcvideo-nm30 $ roscd opt_cam $ sudo -E ./bin/init_xu_register
Check device file(/dev/videoXXX) that NM33 connected to
$ roscd opt_cam $ vi launch/opt_nm33camera.launch
edit following line in launch file to indecate which /dev/videoXXX file is connected to NM30/33 cmaera.
<param name="camera_index" value="1" />
Usually, value=1 for a note pc with front camera, value=0 for a desktop machine.
Then, start camera driver and camera viewer
$ roslaunch opt_cam opt_nm33camera.launch $ roslaunch opt_cam opt_imageview.launch
This is update version of image_view to accpet :draw-on like message
$ rosrun image_view2 image_view2 image:=/camera/image_wide
Saliency tracker node from The University of Arizona, Saliency tracking is based on the Nick's Machine Perception Toolkit (NMPT).
$ rosrun saliency_tracking saliency_track image:=/camera/image_wide
(pushnew (format nil "~A/euslisp/" (read-line (piped-fork "rospack find roseus"))) *load-path* :test #'equal) (load "roseus.l") (roseus-add-msgs "roslib") (roseus-add-msgs "roseus") (roseus-add-msgs "geometry_msgs") (roseus-add-msgs "image_view2") ;;; ;;; (roseus "sliency-client") (defun saliency-cb (poi) (setq mrk (instance image_view2::ImageMarker2 :init)) (print (list (send poi :x) (send poi :y))) (send mrk :type image_view2::POINTS) (send mrk :points (list poi)) (ros::ros-info "~A" poi) (ros::publish "image_marker" mrk) ) (ros::advertise "image_marker" image_view2::ImageMarker2 1) (ros::subscribe "saliency_poi" geometry_msgs::Point #'saliency-cb) (ros::rate 10) (while (ros::ok) (ros::spin-once) (ros::sleep) )