This is the complete list of members for hrp::TMSImpl, including all inherited members.
calculateFaceNormals(VrmlIndexedFaceSetPtr &triangleMesh) | hrp::TMSImpl | |
checkAndRemapIndices(RemapType type, unsigned int numElements, MFInt32 &indices, bool perVertex, VrmlIndexedFaceSet *triangleMesh) | hrp::TMSImpl | |
convertBox(VrmlBox *box, VrmlIndexedFaceSetPtr &triangleMesh) | hrp::TMSImpl | |
convertCone(VrmlCone *cone, VrmlIndexedFaceSetPtr &triangleMesh) | hrp::TMSImpl | |
convertCylinder(VrmlCylinder *cylinder, VrmlIndexedFaceSetPtr &triangleMesh) | hrp::TMSImpl | |
convertElevationGrid(VrmlElevationGrid *grid, VrmlIndexedFaceSetPtr &triangleMesh) | hrp::TMSImpl | |
convertExtrusion(VrmlExtrusion *extrusion, VrmlIndexedFaceSetPtr &triangleMesh) | hrp::TMSImpl | |
convertIndexedFaceSet(VrmlIndexedFaceSet *faceSet) | hrp::TMSImpl | |
convertPointSet(VrmlPointSet *pointSet, VrmlIndexedFaceSetPtr &triangleMesh) | hrp::TMSImpl | |
convertShapeNode(VrmlShape *shapeNode) | hrp::TMSImpl | |
convertSphere(VrmlSphere *sphere, VrmlIndexedFaceSetPtr &triangleMesh) | hrp::TMSImpl | |
divisionNumber | hrp::TMSImpl | |
faceIndexMap | hrp::TMSImpl | |
faceNormals | hrp::TMSImpl | |
generateNormals(VrmlIndexedFaceSetPtr &triangleMesh) | hrp::TMSImpl | |
getOriginalGeometry(VrmlShapePtr shapeNode) | hrp::TMSImpl | |
indexPositionMap | hrp::TMSImpl | |
isNormalGenerationMode | hrp::TMSImpl | |
polygon | hrp::TMSImpl | |
putError1(const char *valueName) | hrp::TMSImpl | |
putMessage(const std::string &message) | hrp::TMSImpl | |
REMAP_COLOR enum value | hrp::TMSImpl | |
REMAP_NORMAL enum value | hrp::TMSImpl | |
remapDirectMapObjectsPerFaces(TArray &objects, const char *objectName) | hrp::TMSImpl | |
RemapType enum name | hrp::TMSImpl | |
self | hrp::TMSImpl | |
setFaceNormals(VrmlIndexedFaceSetPtr &triangleMesh) | hrp::TMSImpl | |
setTexCoordIndex(VrmlIndexedFaceSetPtr faseSet) | hrp::TMSImpl | |
setVertexNormals(VrmlIndexedFaceSetPtr &triangleMesh) | hrp::TMSImpl | |
ShapeToGeometryMap typedef | hrp::TMSImpl | |
shapeToOriginalGeometryMap | hrp::TMSImpl | |
TMSImpl(TriangleMeshShaper *self) | hrp::TMSImpl | |
traverseShapeNodes(VrmlNode *node, AbstractVrmlGroup *parentNode, int indexInParent) | hrp::TMSImpl | |
triangulator | hrp::TMSImpl | |
vertexIndexToFaceIndicesMap | hrp::TMSImpl | |
vertexIndexToNormalIndicesMap | hrp::TMSImpl |