Add rs013n (#50)
* Add rs013n
* Update rs013n pkgs
* Update libkrnx
* Fixed rs013n_bringup.launch to use xacro
* Update libkrnx to 2.2.0
* Modify test program for RS series robots
* Remove kinetic from travis.yml
Bugfix for noetic release (#44)
* update .travis.yml to add noetic test
* update .travis.yml to change ubuntu version for noetic test
* Changed to use xacro instead of which is deprecated. like
* fixed "except A, a:" to "except A as a:" for python3 compatibility
* add version checking of moveit_commander to the test script due to changes of the return value of MoveGroupCommander.plan() in 1.1.0
* remove armhf build test for ubuntu 20.04