This is the complete list of members for PerceptionObject, including all inherited members.
active | PerceptionObject | |
duration | PerceptionObject | |
EndTrial() | PerceptionObject | |
error | PerceptionObject | |
modelPtr | PerceptionObject | |
name | PerceptionObject | |
origPose | PerceptionObject | private |
PerceptionObject(const double &_time, const double &_duration, const std::string &_type, const std::string &_name, const ignition::math::Pose3d &_trialPose, const gazebo::physics::WorldPtr _world) | PerceptionObject | |
SetError(const double &_error) | PerceptionObject | |
StartTrial(const gazebo::physics::EntityPtr &_frame) | PerceptionObject | |
Str() | PerceptionObject | |
time | PerceptionObject | |
trialPose | PerceptionObject | |
type | PerceptionObject |