architecture.dox File Reference

Short overview of the SDHLibrary-CPP and SDH architecture. More...

Detailed Description

Short overview of the SDHLibrary-CPP and SDH architecture.


Naming convention:
As a convention "SDH" (capital letters) is used to refer to the physical device, the three fingered SCHUNK Dexterous Hand, while "sdh" (small letters) refers to the PC-software that communicates with the physical SDH device. Within the "sdh" PC-software further entities can be distinguished: The C++ library (on Linux) or SDHLibrary-CPP.dll (on Windows/cygwin) that contains the complete sdh library including the user interface class #SDH::cSDH. This #SDH::cSDH class will be described in detail below.
Basic structure:
The basic structure of the components looks like this:
Basic architecture:
There are several classes defined in SDHLibrary-CPP:
Example use:
An exemplary use of the sdh module in a user application in C++ might look like this:
// Include the cSDH interface
include <sdh.h>
// Create an instance "hand" of the class cSDH:
cSDH hand;
// Open communication to the SDH device via default serial port 0 == "COM1"
// Perform some action:
// get the current actual axis angles of finger 0
std::vector<double> faa = hand.GetFingerActualAngle( 0 );
// modify these by decreasing the proximal and the distal axis angles:
std::vector<double> fta = faa;
fta[1] -= 10;
fta[2] -= 10;
// set modified angles as new target angles:
hand.SetFingerTargetAngle( 0, fta );
// now make the finger move there:
hand.MoveFinger( 0 );
// Finally close connection to SDH again (This automatically
// switches off the axis controllers to prevent overheating):

Real example code is available in the demo-*.cpp code files, see e.g.

Definition in file architecture.dox.

Author(s): Dirk Osswald
autogenerated on Sun Aug 18 2019 03:42:20