File: rocon_std_msgs/Connection.msg
Raw Message Definition
# A connection can be 1 of 5 types
string PUBLISHER = publisher
string SUBSCRIBER = subscriber
string SERVICE = service
string ACTION_CLIENT = action_client
string ACTION_SERVER = action_server
string INVALID = invalid
# type of connection (from string constants above)
string type
# this is the topic/service name or the action base name
string name
# the name of the node establishing this connection
string node
# topic, service or action type, e.g. std_msgs/String
string type_msg
# topic, service or action extra type info ( uri for service )
string type_info
# xmlrpc node uri for managing the connection
string xmlrpc_uri
Compact Message Definition
string PUBLISHER=publisher
string SUBSCRIBER=subscriber
string SERVICE=service
string ACTION_CLIENT=action_client
string ACTION_SERVER=action_server
string INVALID=invalid
string type
string name
string node
string type_msg
string type_info
string xmlrpc_uri