Source code for rocon_master_info.master

# License: BSD
# Description

.. module:: master
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: Advertising info about a ros/rocon master.

This module contains the machinery for advertising basic information about a
ros master.


# Imports

import rospkg
import rospy
import rocon_console.console as console
import rocon_python_utils
import rocon_std_msgs.msg as rocon_std_msgs
import rocon_uri

# Parameters

[docs]class Parameters: """ The variables of this class are default constructed from parameters on the ros parameter server. Each parameter is nested in the private namespace of the node which instantiates this class. :ivar robot_type: used for `rocon_uri`_ rapp compatibility checks *['rapp_manager_script']* :vartype robot_type: str :ivar robot_name: also used for `rocon_uri`_ rapp compatibility checks *['robot']* :vartype robot_name: str :ivar robot_icon: a `resource name` pointing to a representative icon for this platform. *['rocon_bubble_icons/rocon.png']* :vartype robot_icon: str .. _rocon_uri: .. _resource name: """ def __init__(self): # see sphinx docs above for more detailed explanations of each parameter self.type = rospy.get_param('~type', 'robot') = rospy.get_param('~name', 'cybernetic_pirate') self.icon = rospy.get_param('~icon', 'rocon_icons/cybernetic_pirate.png') self.description = rospy.get_param('~description', 'A rocon system.') self.version = rocon_std_msgs.Strings.ROCON_VERSION # and set a global version parameter (useful as a ping to check for a rocon master (e.g. by androids) rospy.set_param('version', self.version) def __str__(self): s = console.bold + "\nParameters:\n" + console.reset for key in sorted(self.__dict__): s += console.cyan + " %s: " % key + console.yellow + "%s\n" % (self.__dict__[key] if self.__dict__[key] is not None else '-') s += console.reset return s
[docs]class RoconMaster(object): """ This class accepts a few parameters describing the ros master and then publishes the ros master info on a latched publisher. Publishing is necessary because an icon can only be represented by it's location as a parameter. It is easier directly publishing the icon rather than having clients go do the lookup themselves. """ __slots__ = [ 'publishers', 'parameters', 'spin', ]
[docs] def __init__(self): ''' Retrieves ``name``, ``description`` and ``icon`` parameters from the parameter server and publishes them on a latched ``info`` topic. The icon parameter must be a ros resource name (pkg/filename). ''' ################################## # Pubs, Subs and Services ################################## self.publishers = {} # efficient latched publisher, put in the public concert namespace. self.parameters = Parameters() self.publishers["info"] = rospy.Publisher("~info", rocon_std_msgs.MasterInfo, latch=True, queue_size=1) master_info = rocon_std_msgs.MasterInfo() = master_info.description = self.parameters.description master_info.rocon_uri = rocon_uri.generate_platform_rocon_uri(self.parameters.type, try: master_info.icon = rocon_python_utils.ros.icon_resource_to_msg(self.parameters.icon) except rospkg.ResourceNotFound as e: rospy.logwarn("Master Info : no icon found, using a default [%s][%s]" % (self.parameters.icon, e)) master_info.icon = rocon_python_utils.ros.icon_resource_to_msg("rocon_bubble_icons/rocon_logo.png") master_info.version = rocon_std_msgs.Strings.ROCON_VERSION self.publishers['info'].publish(master_info) # Aliases self.spin = rospy.spin """Spin function, currently this just replicates the rospy spin function since everything is done in the constructor."""