Source code for rocon_app_manager.utils

# License: BSD

import rospy
import roslaunch.parent
import roslib.names
import rocon_std_msgs.msg as rocon_std_msgs
import rocon_app_manager_msgs.msg as rapp_manager_msgs
import rocon_python_comms
import copy
from .exceptions import MissingCapabilitiesException

# Constants

plurality_converter = {}
plurality_converter["subscribers"] = rocon_python_comms.SUBSCRIBER
plurality_converter["publishers"] = rocon_python_comms.PUBLISHER
plurality_converter["services"] = rocon_python_comms.SERVICE
plurality_converter["action_clients"] = rocon_python_comms.ACTION_CLIENT
plurality_converter["action_servers"] = rocon_python_comms.ACTION_SERVER

# Rapp Launcher Preparation

[docs]class LaunchArgMappings: """ Launch arguments that are transferrable to rapps from the rapp manager via the rapp manager manufactured relay launcher. """ def __init__(self): self.application_namespace = "/applications" self.robot_name = "turtlebot" self.rocon_uri = "rocon:/" self.capability_server_nodelet_manager_name = None
def _prepare_launch_text(launch_file, rapp_launch_args, public_parameters, launch_arg_mappings): ''' Prepare the launch file text. This essentially wraps the rapp launcher with the following roslaunch elements: - group namespace - roslaunch args The roslaunch args are a list of string keys used to select which automatically generated roslaunch args (e.g. namespace, name, rocon_uri properties) should get passed to the rapp. Note that we don't pass the whole set, because roslaunch args will throw an error if the rapp itself isn't expecting them. The logic for determining this is in get_standard_args. :param str launch_file: fully resolved launch file path :param str rapp_launch_args: strings identifying the keys of the standard roslaunch args present in the underlying rapp (not the args themselves) :param ??? public_parameters: user provided args via the launcher :param LaunchArgMappings launch_arg_mappings : args to be passed down from the rapp manager to rapp The rocon_uri_string variable is a fixed identifier for this app manager's platform - i.e. no special characters or wildcards should be contained therein. ''' # we used to push the include here into its own namespace (i.e. <include ns="%s" file="%s">) but it's better to let the rapp # designer choose via the 'application_namespace' lauch_arg_mapping provided, so we push it to / as an arbitrary starting point. launch_text = '<launch>\n <include file="%s" ns="/">' % (launch_file) for arg in rapp_launch_args: try: launch_text += '\n <arg name="%s" value="%s"/>' % (arg, launch_arg_mappings.__dict__[arg]) except KeyError, e: rospy.logwarn("Expected argument {arg} not found in launcher arg_mapping list. using empty string instead.".format(arg=arg)) launch_text += '\n <arg name="%s" value="%s"/>' % (arg, "") for name, value in public_parameters.items(): launch_text += '\n <arg name="%s" value="%s"/>' % (name, value) launch_text += '\n </include>\n</launch>\n' return launch_text
[docs]def resolve_chain_remappings(nodes): ''' Resolve chain remapping rules contained in node remapping arguments replace the node remapping argument :param nodes: roslaunch nodes :type nodes: roslaunch.Nodes[] ''' for n in nodes: new_remap_args_dict = {} for fr, to in n.remap_args: if str(fr) in new_remap_args_dict: rospy.logwarn("Rapp Manager : Remapping rule for %s already exists. Ignoring remapping rule from %s to %s", str(fr), str(fr), str(to)) else: if fr == to: rospy.logwarn("Rapp Manager : ignoring uncessary remapping rule (%s, %s)" % (str(fr), str(to))) else: # if there is a value which matches with remap_from, the value should be replaced with the new remap_to keys = [k for k, v in new_remap_args_dict.items() if v == str(fr)] for k in keys: new_remap_args_dict[k] = str(to) new_remap_args_dict[str(fr)] = str(to) n.remap_args = new_remap_args_dict.items()
[docs]def prepare_launcher(data, public_parameters, force_screen, launch_arg_mappings, temp): ''' prepare roslaunch to start rapp. ''' # Create modified roslaunch file include the application namespace (robot name + 'application') launch_text = _prepare_launch_text(data['launch'], data['launch_args'], public_parameters, launch_arg_mappings ) temp.write(launch_text) temp.close() # unlink it later launch = roslaunch.parent.ROSLaunchParent(rospy.get_param("/run_id"), [], is_core=False, process_listeners=(), force_screen=force_screen) launch._load_config() return launch
[docs]def apply_remapping_rules_from_capabilities(launch_spec, data, caps_list): ''' applies remapping rules from capabilities :param launch_spec: rapp launch specification :type launch_spec: roslaunch.parent.ROSLaunchParent :param data: rapp data :type data: dict :param caps_list: this holds the list of available capabilities, if app needs capabilities :type caps_list: CapsList :raises MissingCapabilitiesException: One or more capabilities are unavailable :raises rospy.ServiceException: Coulnd't get cap remappings from capability server ''' caps_remap_from_list = [] # contains the app's topics/services/actions to be remapped caps_remap_to_list = [] # contains the new topic/service/action names for cap in data['required_capabilities']: # get capability-specific remappings rospy.loginfo("Rapp Manager : Configuring remappings for capabilty '" + cap['name'] + "'.") try: caps_list.get_cap_remappings(cap, caps_remap_from_list, caps_remap_to_list) except MissingCapabilitiesException as mis_cap_exc: raise mis_cap_exc except rospy.ServiceException as srv_exc: raise srv_exc for node in launch_spec.config.nodes: # apply remappings to all nodes for cap_remap in caps_remap_from_list: remap = [unicode(cap_remap), unicode(caps_remap_to_list[caps_remap_from_list.index(cap_remap)])] rospy.loginfo("App Manager : Will remap '" + remap[0] + "' to '" + remap[1] + "'.") node.remap_args.append(remap)
[docs]def apply_remapping_rules_from_start_app_request(launch_spec, data, remappings, application_namespace): ''' applies remapping rules which are requested by start_app service :param launch_spec: rapp launch specification :type launch_spec: roslaunch.parent.ROSLaunchParent :param data: rapp data :type data: dict :param remapping: rules for the app flips. :type remapping: list of rocon_std_msgs.msg.Remapping values. :param application_namespace: unique name granted indirectly via the gateways, we namespace everything under this :type application_namespace: str :returns: Remapped public_interface dictionary :rtype: { connection_type: Remapping topic list} ''' connections = {} published_interfaces = [] if application_namespace is None: application_namespace = "" # Prefix with robot name by default (later pass in remap argument) remap_from_list = [remapping.remap_from for remapping in remappings] remap_to_list = [remapping.remap_to for remapping in remappings] for connection_type in ['publishers', 'subscribers', 'services', 'action_clients', 'action_servers']: connections[connection_type] = [] for t in data['public_interface'][connection_type]: if not type(t) is dict: rospy.logwarn("Rapp Manager : Public interface has deprecated format. Please update %s includes name and type" % t) interface_name = t interface_type = 'unknown' else: interface_name = t['name'] interface_type = t['type'] # this is ugly published_interface = rapp_manager_msgs.PublishedInterface( interface=rapp_manager_msgs.PublicInterface(plurality_converter[connection_type], interface_type, interface_name), name='' ) remapped_name = None # Now we push the rapp launcher down into the prefixed # namespace, so just use it directly indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(remap_from_list) if x == interface_name] if indices: if roslib.names.is_global(remap_to_list[indices[0]]): remapped_name = remap_to_list[indices[0]] else: remapped_name = '/' + application_namespace.strip("/") + "/" + remap_to_list[indices[0]] remapped_name = "/" + remapped_name.lstrip("/") # ensure only one leading slash for N in launch_spec.config.nodes: N.remap_args.append((interface_name, remapped_name)) connections[connection_type].append(remapped_name) = remapped_name else: # don't pass these in as remapping rules - they should map fine for the node as is # just by getting pushed down the namespace. # # we still need to pass them back to register for flipping though. if roslib.names.is_global(interface_name): flipped_name = interface_name else: flipped_name = application_namespace + '/' + interface_name flipped_name = "/" + flipped_name.lstrip("/") # ensure only one leading slash connections[connection_type].append(flipped_name) = flipped_name published_interfaces.append(published_interface) return connections, published_interfaces
[docs]def apply_requested_public_parameters(default_parameters, requested_parameters): ''' validate the requested public parameters, and apply them :param default_parameters: default public parameters written in rapp specification :type default_parameters: dict :param requested_parameters: given from start_rapp request :type requested_parameters: [rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue] :returns: A resolved public_parameters :rtype: {name: value} ''' public_parameters = copy.deepcopy(default_parameters) # validate whether requested parameters are in public parameter list valid_params = {param.key: param.value for param in requested_parameters if param.key in default_parameters} invalid_params = [param for param in requested_parameters if not param.key in default_parameters] if invalid_params: rospy.logwarn('Rapp Manager : Skipping invalid public parameters[%s]' % str(invalid_params)) for key, val in valid_params.items(): public_parameters[key] = val return public_parameters
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[docs]def dict_to_key_value_msg(d): ''' Converts a dictionary to key value ros msg type. :param d: dictionary :type d: dict :returns: KeyValue ros message :rtype: [rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue] ''' l = [] for k, v in d.iteritems(): l.append(rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue(k, str(v))) return l