Source code for rocon_app_manager.standalone

# License: BSD
# Description

.. module:: standalone
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: A rapp manager class for standalone use.

Provides a class for instantiating a rapp manager for standalone use, i.e.
not multi-robot.



# Imports

import rospy
import time
import thread
import roslaunch.pmon
from .caps_list import CapsList, start_capabilities_from_caps_list, stop_capabilities_from_caps_list
import rocon_python_comms
import rocon_app_manager_msgs.msg as rapp_manager_msgs
import rocon_app_manager_msgs.srv as rapp_manager_srvs
import rocon_app_utilities
import rocon_app_utilities.rapp_repositories as rapp_repositories
import rocon_uri
import std_msgs.msg as std_msgs

# local imports
from . import exceptions
from . import utils
from ros_parameters import StandaloneParameters
from .rapp import convert_rapps_from_rapp_specs

# Rapp Manager

[docs]class Standalone(object): ''' Standalone version of the rapp manager. An instance of this type only concerns itself with one job - that of rapp management. **Publishers** * **~status** (*rapp_manager_msgs.Status*) - running status of the rapp manager [latched] * **~rapp_list** (*rapp_manager_msgs.RappList*) - the successfully loaded rapp list [latched] * **~incompatible_rapp_list** (*rapp_manager_msgs.IncompatibleRappList*) - rapps filtered from the startup list for various reasons [latched] * **~parameters** (*std_msgs.String*) - displays the parameters used for this instantiation [latched] **Services** * **~list_rapps** (rapp_manager_srvs.GetRappList*) - service equivalent of the rapp_list topic * **~start_rapp** (rapp_manager_srvs.StartRapp*) - service to start a rapp * **~stop_rapp** (rapp_manager_srvs.StopRapp*) - service to stop a rapp **Parameters** :ivar current_rapp: currently running rapp, otherwise None :vartype current_rapp: rocon_app_manager.rapp.Rapp :ivar rocon_uri: this platform's signature used to determine if a rapp is compatible or not :vartype rocon_uri: str :ivar runnable_apps: these apps pass all filters and can be run :vartype runnable_apps: :ivar installable_apps: if the *auto_rapp_installation* parameter is set, then these rapps can be installed :vartype installable_apps: :ivar noninstallable_apps: if the *auto_rapp_installation* parameter is set, but dependencies aren't met, it populates this list :vartype noninstallable apps: :ivar platform_filtered_apps: rapps that don't match the platform that this rapp manager is running on :vartype platform_filtered_apps: :ivar capabilities_filtered_apps: rapps that don't have the required runtime capability support on this platform :vartype capabilities_filtered_apps: :ivar invalid_apps: rapps that are invalid for some reason, e.g. bad specification syntax :vartype invalid_apps: :ivar services: all ros services this instance provides :vartype services: rocon_python_comms.Services :ivar publishers: all ros publishers this instance provides :vartype publishers: rocon_python_comms.Publishers :ivar indexer: indexes all rapps on the system :vartype indexer: rocon_app_utilities.RappIndexer :ivar parameters: all ros parameters for this instance organised in a dictionary :vartype parameters: dict of string:value pairs. ''' ########################################################################## # Initialisation ########################################################################## def __init__(self): self.current_rapp = None roslaunch.pmon._init_signal_handlers() self.parameters = StandaloneParameters() self.rocon_uri = rocon_uri.generate_platform_rocon_uri(self.parameters.robot_type, self.parameters.robot_name) rospy.loginfo("Rapp Manager : rocon_uri: %s" % self.rocon_uri) # attempt to parse it, try and make it official try: rocon_uri.RoconURI(self.rocon_uri) except rocon_uri.exceptions.RoconURIValueError as e: rospy.logerr("Rapp Manager : rocon_uri is not official, rapp compatibility will probably fail [%s]" % str(e)) self.caps_list = {} rospy.loginfo("Rapp Manager : indexing rapps...") self.indexer = rapp_repositories.get_combined_index(package_whitelist=self.parameters.rapp_package_whitelist, package_blacklist=self.parameters.rapp_package_blacklist) if self.parameters.auto_rapp_installation: try: self._dependency_checker = rocon_app_utilities.DependencyChecker() rospy.loginfo("Rapp Manager : auto rapp installation is enabled ..") except KeyError as unused_e: # TODO add a pointer to docs about configuring the environment for auto rapp installation rospy.logwarn("Rapp Manager : environment not configured for auto rapp installation, disabling.") self.parameters.auto_rapp_installation = False self.runnable_apps, self.installable_apps, self.noninstallable_apps, self.platform_filtered_apps, self.capabilities_filtered_apps, self.invalid_apps = self._determine_runnable_rapps() self._configure_preferred_rapp_for_virtuals() # ros communications = rocon_python_comms.utils.Services( [ ('~list_rapps', rapp_manager_srvs.GetRappList, self._process_get_runnable_rapp_list), ('~start_rapp', rapp_manager_srvs.StartRapp, self._process_start_rapp), ('~stop_rapp', rapp_manager_srvs.StopRapp, self._process_stop_rapp) ] ) latched = True queue_size_five = 5 self.publishers = rocon_python_comms.utils.Publishers( [ ('~introspection/parameters', std_msgs.String, latched, queue_size_five), ('~status', rapp_manager_msgs.Status, latched, queue_size_five), ('~rapp_list', rapp_manager_msgs.RappList, latched, queue_size_five), ('~introspection/incompatible_rapp_list', rapp_manager_msgs.IncompatibleRappList, latched, queue_size_five) ] ) # small pause (convenience only) to let connections to come up rospy.rostime.wallsleep(0.5) self.publishers.parameters.publish(std_msgs.String("%s" % self.parameters)) self._publish_status() self._publish_rapp_list() self.publishers.incompatible_rapp_list.publish([], [], self.platform_filtered_apps, self.capabilities_filtered_apps) # TODO: Currently blacklisted apps and non-whitelisted apps are not provided yet if self.parameters.auto_start_rapp: # None and '' are both false here request = rapp_manager_srvs.StartRappRequest() = self.parameters.auto_start_rapp unused_response = self._process_start_rapp(request) def _init_capabilities(self): try: self.caps_list = CapsList() except exceptions.NotFoundException as e: if 'Timed out' in str(e): rospy.loginfo("Rapp Manager : disabling rapps requiring capabilities [server timed out]") elif "Couldn't find" in str(e): rospy.loginfo("Rapp Manager : disabling rapps requiring capabilities [server not found]") else: rospy.logwarn("Rapp Manager : disabling rapps requiring capabilities [%s]" % str(e)) return False return True ########################################################################## # Ros Callbacks ########################################################################## def _determine_runnable_rapps(self): ''' Prune unsupported apps due to lack of support for required capabilities. :returns: incompatible app list dictionaries for capability incompatibilities respectively :rtype: {rocon_app_manager.Rapp}, [str], [str] ''' compatible_rapps, platform_incompatible_rapps, invalid_rapps = self.indexer.get_compatible_rapps(uri=self.rocon_uri, ancestor_share_check=False) runnable_rapp_specs, capabilities_incompatible_rapps = self._filter_capability_unavailable_rapps(compatible_rapps) if self.parameters.auto_rapp_installation: runnable_rapp_specs, installable_rapp_specs, noninstallable_rapp_specs = self._determine_installed_rapps(runnable_rapp_specs) installable_rapps = convert_rapps_from_rapp_specs(installable_rapp_specs) else: installable_rapps = {} noninstallable_rapp_specs = {} runnable_rapps = convert_rapps_from_rapp_specs(runnable_rapp_specs) # Log out the rapps for rapp_name, reason in invalid_rapps.items(): rospy.logwarn("Rapp Manager : '" + rapp_name + "' is invalid [" + str(reason) + "]") for rapp in platform_incompatible_rapps.values(): rospy.logwarn("Rapp Manager : '" + str(rapp.resource_name) + "' is incompatible [" + rapp.raw_data['compatibility'] + "][" + self.rocon_uri + "]") for rapp_name, reason in capabilities_incompatible_rapps.items(): rospy.logwarn("Rapp Manager : '" + rapp_name + "' is compatible, but is missing capabilities [" + str(reason) + "]") for rapp_name, reason in noninstallable_rapp_specs.items(): rospy.logwarn("Rapp Manager : '" + rapp_name + "' is compatible, but cannot be installed.") for rapp_name, unused_v in installable_rapps.items(): rospy.loginfo("Rapp Manager : '" + rapp_name + "' added to the list of installable apps.") for rapp_name, unused_v in runnable_rapps.items(): rospy.loginfo("Rapp Manager : '" + rapp_name + "' added to the list of runnable apps.") noninstallable_rapps = noninstallable_rapp_specs.keys() platform_filtered_rapps = platform_incompatible_rapps.keys() capabilities_filtered_rapps = capabilities_incompatible_rapps.keys() return (runnable_rapps, installable_rapps, noninstallable_rapps, platform_filtered_rapps, capabilities_filtered_rapps, invalid_rapps) def _configure_preferred_rapp_for_virtuals(self): virtual_apps = {} full_apps = {} full_apps.update(self.runnable_apps) full_apps.update(self.installable_apps) for unused_name, rapp in full_apps.items(): ancestor_name =['ancestor_name'] if ancestor_name not in virtual_apps.keys(): virtual_apps[ancestor_name] = [] virtual_apps[ancestor_name].append(rapp) else: virtual_apps[ancestor_name].append(rapp) # Get preferred rapp configurations from parameter server and use v_rapps = {} for rapp_name, available_rapps in virtual_apps.items(): if rapp_name not in self.parameters.preferred: if len(available_rapps) > 1: v_rapps[rapp_name] = available_rapps[0] rospy.logwarn("Rapp Manager : '" + rapp_name + "' is not unique and has no preferred rapp. " + available_rapps[0].data['name'] + "' has been selected.") else: v_rapps[rapp_name] = available_rapps[0] continue else: preferred_rapp_name = self.parameters.preferred[rapp_name] if preferred_rapp_name not in full_apps: rospy.logwarn("Rapp Manager : given preferred rapp '" + preferred_rapp_name + "' for '" + rapp_name + "' does not exist. '" + available_rapps[0].data['name'] + "' has been selected.") v_rapps[rapp_name] = available_rapps[0] else: rospy.loginfo("Rapp Manager : '%s' <- '%s' preferred." % (rapp_name, preferred_rapp_name)) v_rapps[rapp_name] = full_apps[preferred_rapp_name] self._virtual_apps = v_rapps def _filter_capability_unavailable_rapps(self, compatible_rapps): ''' Filters out rapps which does not meet the platform's capability :params compatible_rapps: Platform compatible rapp dict :type compatible_rapplist: dict :returns: runnable rapp, capability filtered rapp :rtype: dict, dict ''' is_caps_available = self._init_capabilities() # First try initialise the list of available capabilities capabilities_filtered_apps = {} runnable_apps = {} # Then add runnable apps to list for rapp_name, rapp in compatible_rapps.items(): if not is_caps_available: if 'required_capabilities' in reason = "cannot be run, since capabilities are not available. Rapp will be excluded from the list of runnable apps." capabilities_filtered_apps[rapp_name] = reason else: runnable_apps[rapp_name] = rapp else: try: self.caps_list.compatibility_check(rapp) runnable_apps[rapp_name] = rapp except exceptions.MissingCapabilitiesException as e: reason = "cannot be run, since some required capabilities (" + str(e.missing_caps) + ") are not installed. Rapp will be excluded from the list of runnable rapps." capabilities_filtered_apps[rapp_name] = reason return runnable_apps, capabilities_filtered_apps def _determine_installed_rapps(self, rapps): ''' Determines, which rapps have all their dependencies installed and which not. :params rapps: a list of rapps :type rapps: dict :returns: runnable rapps, installable rapps, noninstallable rapps :rtype: dict, dict, dict ''' rospy.loginfo("Rapp Manager : determining installed rapps...") rapp_names = [] for rapp in rapps: rapp_names.append(rapp) rapp_deps = self._dependency_checker.check_rapp_dependencies(rapp_names) runnable_rapps = {} installable_rapps = {} noninstallable_rapps = {} for rapp in rapp_deps: if rapp_deps[rapp].all_installed(): runnable_rapps[rapp] = rapps[rapp] elif rapp_deps[rapp].any_not_installable(): noninstallable_rapps[rapp] = rapps[rapp] else: installable_rapps[rapp] = rapps[rapp] return (runnable_rapps, installable_rapps, noninstallable_rapps) ########################################################################## # Ros Callbacks ########################################################################## def _get_rapp_msg_list(self, app_list_dictionary): app_msg_list = [] for app in app_list_dictionary.values(): app_msg_list.append(app.to_msg()) return app_msg_list def _get_available_rapp_list(self): avail = {} for name, rapp in self._virtual_apps.items(): avail[name] = rapp.to_msg() avail[name].name = name for name, rapp in avail.items(): if name in self.parameters.preferred: rapp.preferred = self.parameters.preferred[name] for name, rapp in self.runnable_apps.items(): ancestor_name =['ancestor_name'] avail[ancestor_name].implementations.append(name) for name, rapp in self.installable_apps.items(): ancestor_name =['ancestor_name'] avail[ancestor_name].implementations.append(name) return avail.values() def _process_get_runnable_rapp_list(self, req): response = rapp_manager_srvs.GetRappListResponse() response.available_rapps = self._get_available_rapp_list() response.running_rapps = [] if self.current_rapp: response.running_rapps.append(self.current_rapp.to_msg()) return response def _publish_status(self): """ Publish status updates whenever something significant changes, e.g. remote controller changed, or rapp started/stopped. """ published_interfaces = [] published_parameters = [] rapp = rapp_manager_msgs.Rapp() rapp_status = rapp_manager_msgs.Status.RAPP_STOPPED if self.current_rapp: try: published_interfaces = self.current_rapp.published_interfaces_to_msg_list() published_parameters = self.current_rapp.published_parameters_to_msg_list() rapp = self.current_rapp.to_msg() rapp_status = rapp_manager_msgs.Status.RAPP_RUNNING except AttributeError: # i.e. current_rapp is None # catch when self.current_rapp is NoneType since there is a miniscule chance # it might have changed inbetween the if check and the method calls pass # nothing to do here as we predefine everything for this case. msg = rapp_manager_msgs.Status(application_namespace=self.parameters.application_namespace, rapp_status=rapp_status, rapp=rapp, published_interfaces=published_interfaces, published_parameters=published_parameters ) try: self.publishers.status.publish(msg) except rospy.ROSException: # publisher has unregistered - ros shutting down pass def _publish_rapp_list(self): ''' Publishes an updated list of available apps (in that order). ''' rapp_list = rapp_manager_msgs.RappList() try: rapp_list.available_rapps = self._get_available_rapp_list() self.publishers.rapp_list.publish(rapp_list) except rospy.exceptions.ROSException: # publishing to a closed topic. pass def _process_start_rapp(self, req): resp = rapp_manager_srvs.StartRappResponse() resp.application_namespace = self.parameters.application_namespace rospy.loginfo("Rapp Manager : request received to start rapp [%s]" % # check is the app is already running if self.current_rapp: resp.started = False resp.message = "an app is already running [%s]" %['name'] rospy.logwarn("Rapp Manager : %s" % resp.message) return resp # check if the app can be run success, reason, rapp = self._check_runnable( if not success: resp.started = False resp.message = reason rospy.logwarn("Rapp Manager : %s" % reason) return resp # check if the app requires capabilities caps_list = self.caps_list if 'required_capabilities' in else None if caps_list: rospy.loginfo("Rapp Manager : Starting required capabilities.") result, message = start_capabilities_from_caps_list(['required_capabilities'], self.caps_list) if not result: # if not none, it failed to start capabilities resp.started = False resp.message = message return resp rospy.loginfo( "Rapp Manager : starting app '" + + (("' underneath '" + self.parameters.application_namespace + "'") if self.parameters.application_namespace else "'") ) launch_arg_mappings = utils.LaunchArgMappings() launch_arg_mappings.application_namespace = self.parameters.application_namespace launch_arg_mappings.robot_name = self.parameters.robot_name launch_arg_mappings.rocon_uri = self.rocon_uri launch_arg_mappings.capability_nodelet_manager_name = caps_list.nodelet_manager_name if self.caps_list else None resp.started, resp.message, unused_connections = rapp.start(launch_arg_mappings, req.remappings, req.parameters, self.parameters.screen, self.caps_list ) if resp.started: self.current_rapp = rapp self._publish_rapp_list() self._publish_status() thread.start_new_thread(self._monitor_rapp, ()) return resp def _process_stop_rapp(self, req=None): ''' Stops a currently running rapp. This can be triggered via the stop_app service call (in which case req is configured), or if the rapp monitoring thread detects that it has naturally stopped by itself (in which case req is None). :param req: variable configured when triggered from the service call. ''' resp = rapp_manager_srvs.StopRappResponse() try: # use a try-except block here so the check is atomic rapp_name =['name'] self.current_rapp = None # immediately prevent it from trying to stop the app again except AttributeError: resp.stopped = False resp.error_code = rapp_manager_msgs.ErrorCodes.RAPP_IS_NOT_RUNNING resp.message = "tried to stop a rapp, but no rapp found running." rospy.logwarn("Rapp Manager : %s" % resp.message) return resp rospy.loginfo("Rapp Manager : stopping rapp '" + rapp_name + "'.") success, reason, rapp = self._check_runnable(rapp_name) if not success: resp.started = False resp.error_code = rapp_manager_msgs.ErrorCodes.RAPP_IS_NOT_AVAILABLE resp.message = reason rospy.logwarn("Rapp Manager : %s" % resp.message) return resp resp.stopped, resp.message, unused_connections = rapp.stop() if resp.stopped: if 'required_capabilities' in rospy.loginfo("Rapp Manager : stopping required capabilities.") result, message = stop_capabilities_from_caps_list(['required_capabilities'], self.caps_list) if not result: # if not none, it failed to stop capabilities resp.stopped = False resp.message = message self._publish_rapp_list() self._publish_status() return resp ########################################################################## # Utilities ########################################################################## def _monitor_rapp(self): ''' Monitors an executing rapp's status to determine if it's finished yet or not. This gets run in a background thread when starting a rapp. ''' while self.current_rapp: # can be unset if stop_app service was directly called if not self.current_rapp.is_running(): self._process_stop_rapp() break time.sleep(0.1) def _check_runnable(self, requested_rapp_name): success = False message = "" rapp = None if requested_rapp_name in self._virtual_apps.keys(): # Virtual rapp rapp = self._virtual_apps[requested_rapp_name] success = True message = "" if['name'] in self.installable_apps.keys(): success, message, rapp = self._install_rapp(['name']) elif requested_rapp_name in self.runnable_apps.keys(): # Implementation Rapp rapp = self.runnable_apps[requested_rapp_name] success = True message = "" elif requested_rapp_name in self.installable_apps.keys(): # Installable Rapp success, message, rapp = self._install_rapp(requested_rapp_name) else: success = False message = ("The requested app '%s' is not among the runnable, nor installable rapps." % requested_rapp_name) return success, message, rapp def _install_rapp(self, requested_rapp_name): ''' Try to install the specified rapp. :param str requested_rapp_name: name of the rapp to try and install :return: a triple (success, message, rapp) :rtype: (bool, str, rocon_app_manager.rapp.Rapp) ''' success = False message = "" rapp = self.installable_apps[requested_rapp_name] if self.parameters.auto_rapp_installation: rospy.loginfo("Rapp Manager : Installing rapp '" +['name'] + "'") success, reason = rapp.install(self._dependency_checker) if success: rospy.loginfo("Rapp Manager : Rapp '" +['name'] + "'has been installed.") # move rapp from installable to runnable self.runnable_apps[requested_rapp_name] = rapp del self.installable_apps[requested_rapp_name] # TODO : consider calling publish_rapp_list if we split publishing runnable and installed there. success = True message = "" else: success = False message = "Installing rapp '" +['name'] + "' failed. Reason: " + str(reason) else: success = False url = "' Rapp Installation'" message = str("Rapp '" +['name'] + "' can be installed, " + "but automatic installation is not enabled. Please refer to " + str(url) + " for instructions on how to set up automatic rapp installation.") return success, message, rapp
[docs] def spin(self): """ A default spinner. Child classes will overload this with their own custom spinners. """ rospy.spin()