Source code for rocon_app_manager.ros_parameters

# License: BSD
# Imports

import rosgraph
import rospy
import rocon_console.console as console

# Functions

[docs]class StandaloneParameters: """ The variables of this class are default constructed from parameters on the ros parameter server. Each parameter is nested in the private namespace of the node which instantiates this class. :ivar robot_type: used for `rocon_uri`_ rapp compatibility checks *['robot']* :vartype robot_type: str :ivar robot_name: also used for `rocon_uri`_ rapp compatibility checks *['robot']* :vartype robot_name: str :ivar auto_start_rapp: indicates via a `resource name`_ (e.g. gopher_rapps/delivery) a rapp to launch on startup *[None]* :vartype auto_start_rapp: str :ivar rapp_package_whitelist: restrict rapp search (default is the whole workspace) to these packages *[[]]* :vartype rapp_package_whitelist: [ str ] :ivar rapp_package_blacklist: if no whitelist, blacklist these packages from the search *[[]]* :vartype rapp_package_blacklist: [ str ] :ivar screen: verbose rapp output to screen *[False]* :vartype screen: bool :ivar auto_rapp_installation: install dependencies on rapp start *[False]* :vartype auto_rapp_installation: bool :ivar preferred: configure a dict of preferred child rapps when there are several choices *[{}]* :vartype preferred: {str} :ivar public_namespace: a hint for where rapps should lay down public connections *['/applications']* :vartype public_namespace: str Each element in the dict of preferred rapps should identify the preferred child rapp for each parent rapp specification. e.g. if the parent rapp is *rocon_apps/chirp* and there are child rapps *rocon_apps/moo*, *gopher_rapps/groot*, then *preferred = {'rocon_apps/chirp': 'gopher_rapps/groot'}* would ensure that groot is played each time the *rocon_apps/chirp* is requested. This is usually supplied to a ros launcher via yaml. The screen flag also checks for the ros parameter in */rocon/screen* to assist in providing verbose output when used in conjunction with `rocon_launch`_. .. _rocon_launch: .. _rocon_uri: .. _resource name: """ def __init__(self): # see sphinx docs above for more detailed explanations of each parameter self.robot_type = rospy.get_param('~robot_type', 'robot') self.robot_name = rospy.get_param('~robot_name', 'cybernetic_pirate') self.auto_start_rapp = rospy.get_param('~auto_start_rapp', None) self.rapp_package_whitelist = rospy.get_param('~rapp_package_whitelist', []) self.rapp_package_blacklist = rospy.get_param('~rapp_package_blacklist', []) rocon_screen = rospy.get_param('/rocon/screen', False) rapp_manager_screen = rospy.get_param('~screen', False) self.screen = rocon_screen or rapp_manager_screen self.auto_rapp_installation = rospy.get_param('~auto_rapp_installation', False) preferred = rospy.get_param('~preferred', []) self.application_namespace = rospy.get_param('~application_namespace', "/applications") # processing self.auto_start_rapp = self.auto_start_rapp if self.auto_start_rapp else None # empty string -> None self.application_namespace = rosgraph.names.make_global_ns(self.application_namespace) # when pulled from yaml (see rocon_app_manager/param/preferred_defaults.yaml), it splices # the resource name for the key, e.g. 'preferred/rocon_apps/chirp'. As a result, preferred looks like: # {'rocon_apps': {'chirp': 'rocon_apps/moo_chirp', 'talker': 'rocon_apps/talker'}} self.preferred = {} for pkg, preferred_rapps_dict in preferred.iteritems(): for parent_rapp_basename, preferred_rapp_resource_name in preferred_rapps_dict.iteritems(): self.preferred[pkg + "/" + parent_rapp_basename] = preferred_rapp_resource_name def __str__(self): s = console.bold + "\nRapp Manager Standalone Parameters:\n" + console.reset for key in sorted(self.__dict__): s += console.cyan + " %s: " % key + console.yellow + "%s\n" % (self.__dict__[key] if self.__dict__[key] is not None else '-') s += console.reset return s
[docs]class ConcertParameters: """ The variables of this class are default constructed from parameters on the ros parameter server. Each parameter is nested in the private namespace of the node which instantiates this class. :ivar concert_whitelist: used for `rocon_uri`_ rapp compatibility checks *['rapp_manager_script']* :vartype robot_type: str """ def __init__(self): self.concert_whitelist = rospy.get_param('~concert_whitelist', []) # not yet implemented # self.local_concerts_only = rospy.get_param('~local_concerts_only', False) def __str__(self): s = console.bold + "\nRapp Manager Concert Parameters:\n" + console.reset for key in sorted(self.__dict__): s += console.cyan + " %s: " % key + console.yellow + "%s\n" % (self.__dict__[key] if self.__dict__[key] is not None else '-') s += console.reset return s