Source code for rocon_app_manager.rapp

# License: BSD
# Imports

import copy
import os
import subprocess
import tempfile

import rospy
import traceback
import rocon_python_utils
import rocon_app_manager_msgs.msg as rapp_manager_msgs
import rocon_std_msgs.msg as rocon_std_msgs
from .exceptions import MissingCapabilitiesException

from . import utils

# Class

[docs]class Rapp(object): ''' Got many inspiration and imported from willow_app_manager implementation ''' # standard args that can be put inside a rapp launcher, the rapp manager # will fill these args in when starting the rapp def __init__(self, rapp_specification): self._connections = _create_empty_connection_type_dictionary() self._raw_data = rapp_specification =['status'] = 'Ready'['published_interfaces'] = []['published_parameters'] = {}['implementations'] = [] def __repr__(self): string = '' for d in string += d + ' : ' + str([d]) + '\n' return string
[docs] def to_msg(self): ''' Converts this app definition to ros msg format. :returns: ros message format of Rapp :rtype: rocon_app_manager_msgs.Rapp ''' a = rapp_manager_msgs.Rapp() =['name'] a.display_name =['display_name'] a.description =['description'] a.compatibility =['compatibility'] a.status =['status'] a.icon = rocon_python_utils.ros.icon_to_msg(['icon']) a.implementations = [] key = 'public_interface' if key in a.public_interface = [rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue(key, str(val)) for key, val in[key].items()] key = 'public_parameters' if key in a.public_parameters = [rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue(str(key), str(val)) for key, val in[key].items()] return a
[docs] def install(self, dependency_checker): ''' Installs all dependencies of the specified rapp :param dependency_checker: DependencyChecker object for installation of the rapp dependencies :type dependency_checker: :py:class:`rocon_app_utilities.rapp_repositories.DependencyChecker` :returns: A C{tuple} of a flag for the installation success and a string containing the reason of failure :rtype: C{tuple} ''' success = False # Trigger the installation of all rapp dependencies rapps = [] rapps.append(['name']) try: dependency_checker.install_rapp_dependencies(rapps) except Exception as e: return success, str(e) # Update the rospack cache devnull = open(os.devnull, 'w')['rospack', 'profile'], stdout=devnull, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) devnull = devnull.close() success = True return success, str()
[docs] def published_interfaces_to_msg_list(self): ''' Convert the published interfaces as a rocon_app_manager_msgs.PublishedInterface list. ''' return['published_interfaces']
[docs] def published_parameters_to_msg_list(self): ''' Convert the published parameters as a rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue list. ''' return utils.dict_to_key_value_msg(['published_parameters'])
[docs] def start(self, launch_arg_mappings, remappings=[], parameters=[], force_screen=False, caps_list=None): ''' Some important jobs here. 1) run the rapp launcher under the unique robot name namespace This guarantees that flipped entities generate unique node id's that won't collide when communicating with each other (refer to 2) Apply remapping rules while ignoring the namespace underneath. :param utils.LaunchArgMappings launch_arg_mappings : args to be passed down from the rapp manager to rapp :param remapping: rules for the app flips. :type remapping: list of rocon_std_msgs.msg.Remapping values. :param parameters: requested public_parameters :type parameters: list of rocon_std_msgs.msg.KeyValue :param bool force_screen: whether to roslaunch the app with --screen or not :param caps_list: this holds the list of available capabilities, if app needs capabilities :type caps_list: CapsList ''' data = application_namespace = launch_arg_mappings.application_namespace try: published_parameters = utils.apply_requested_public_parameters(data['public_parameters'], parameters) temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+t', delete=False) self._launch = utils.prepare_launcher(data, published_parameters, force_screen, launch_arg_mappings, temp) # Better logic for the future, 1) get remap rules from capabilities. 2) get remap rules from requets. 3) apply them all. It would be clearer to understand the logic and easily upgradable if 'required_capabilities' in data: # apply capability-specific remappings needed utils.apply_remapping_rules_from_capabilities(self._launch, data, caps_list) self._connections, published_interfaces = utils.apply_remapping_rules_from_start_app_request(self._launch, data, remappings, application_namespace) utils.resolve_chain_remappings(self._launch.config.nodes) self._launch.start() data['status'] = 'Running' data['published_parameters'] = published_parameters data['published_interfaces'] = published_interfaces connections = copy.deepcopy(self._connections) return True, "Success", connections # return True, "Success", self._connections['subscribers'], self._connections['publishers'], \ # self._connections['services'], self._connections['action_clients'], self._connections['action_servers'] except rospy.ServiceException as e: rospy.logerr("App Manager : Couldn't get cap remappings. Error: " + str(e)) return False, "Error while launching " + data['name'], _create_empty_connection_type_dictionary() except MissingCapabilitiesException as e: rospy.logerr("Rapp Manager : couldn't get capability remappings. Error: " + str(e)) return False, "Error while launching " + data['name'], _create_empty_connection_type_dictionary() except Exception as e: traceback.print_stack() rospy.logerr("Rapp Manager : error while launching " + data['launch'] + " : " + str(e)) data['status'] = "Error while launching " + data['launch'] return False, "Error while launching " + data['name'], _create_empty_connection_type_dictionary() finally: os.unlink(
def stop(self): data = connections = copy.deepcopy(self._connections) try: if self._launch: try: self._launch.shutdown() finally: self._launch = None data['status'] = 'Ready' data['published_parameters'] = {} data['published_interfaces'] = [] rospy.loginfo("Rapp Manager : stopped rapp [%s]" % data['name'] + "'.") except Exception as e: print str(e) error_msg = "Error while stopping rapp '" + data['name'] + "'." rospy.loginfo(error_msg) data['status'] = 'Error' return False, error_msg, connections return True, "Success", connections
[docs] def is_running(self): ''' Is the rapp both launched and currently running? Actually three possible states 1) not launched 2) running, 3) stopped Could acutally return a tertiary value, but rapp manager doesn't need to make any decision making about that (for now), so just return running or not. Used by the rapp_manager_script. :returns: True if the rapp is executing or False otherwise. :rtype: Bool ''' if not self._launch: return False elif and # time.sleep(1.0) # do we need this sleep? return False return True
############################################################################## # Utilities ##############################################################################
[docs]def convert_rapps_from_rapp_specs(rapp_specs): ''' Converts rocon_app_utilities.Rapp into rocon_app_manager.Rapp :param rapp_specs: dict of rapp specification :type rapp_specs: {ancestor_name: rocon_app_utilities.Rapp} :returns: runnable rapps :rtype: {ancestor_name:rocon_app_manager.Rapp} ''' runnable_rapps = {} for name, spec in rapp_specs.items(): r = Rapp(spec)['ancestor_name'] = spec.ancestor_name runnable_rapps[name] = r return runnable_rapps
def _create_empty_connection_type_dictionary(): ''' Initialise connections which use as public interface :returns: dict of connections with empty list :rtype: {connection_type: list} ''' PUBLIC_CONNECTION_TYPES = ['publishers', 'subscribers', 'services', 'action_clients', 'action_servers'] connections = {} for connection_type in PUBLIC_CONNECTION_TYPES: connections[connection_type] = [] return connections