ProAut OctoMap


This package was designed to automatically remove outdated voxels from the octomap.

We described our motivation and concept on our octomap-website - here you will also find two supportive videos. For further explanations, you may want to have a look at this workshop abstract.


Our implementation of decay:

1 rosrun octomap_pa octree_stamped_pa_node
2 roslaunch octomap_pa octomap_stamped_pa.launch

The native implementation of decay by the original octomap package:

1 rosrun octomap_pa octree_stamped_native_node
2 roslaunch octomap_pa octomap_stamped_native.launch

Simple node without decay:

1 rosrun octomap_pa octree_pa_node
2 roslaunch octomap_pa octomap_pa.launch

Input and Output Topics

Topic Name Type Description
"~/in_cloud" sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 Input as new pointcloud type.
"~/in_cloud_old" sensor_msgs/PointCloud Input as old pointloud type. Will be converted to new pointcloud type.
"~/in_laser" sensor_msgs/LaserScan Input as single laser scan. Will be converted to new pointcloud type by package "laser_geometry".
"~/out_octomap" octomap_msgs/Octomap Output of binary octomap - voxels are either free or occupied (smaller in size).
"~/out_octomap_full" octomap_msgs/Octomap Output of octomap (full size).
"~/out_cloud_free" sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 Output of all free voxels as pointcloud.
"~/out_cloud_occupied" sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 Output of all occupied voxels as pointcloud.

All topics can be remapped using parameters (see below).


Service Name Type Description
"~/clear" std_srvs/Empty Deletes internal octomap.
"~/getsize" octomap_pa/OctomapPaGetSize Returning number of nodes, total size in bytes and number of inserted measurments.
"~/save" octomap_pa/OctomapPaFileName Storing the current octomap as file - timestamps are not saved.
"~/load" octomap_pa/OctomapPaFileName Loading a octomap from file - timestamps are ignored.


degrading of voxels

Parameter Name Type Description
"~/degrading_time" double Duration how long the outdated nodes will be kept.
"~/auto_degrading" bool Turns on automatic degrading.
"~/auto_degrading_intervall" double Intervall for automatic degrading.

pointcloud insertion

Parameter Name Type Description
"~/map_prob_hit" double Probability that a positive measurement relates to a occupied voxel.
"~/map_prob_miss" double Probability that a negative measurement relates to a occupied voxel.
"~/pcd_voxel_active" bool Use voxel-filter for pointcloud insertion.
"~/pcd_voxel_explicit" bool Use pcl-filter instead of octomap-filter.
"~/pcd_voxel_explicit_relative_resolution" double Relative resolution of pcl-filter.

octomap in general

Parameter Name Type Description
"~/output_frame" string Coordinate system for insertion and output.
"~/map_resolution" double Side length of one voxel (in meters).
"~/map_prob_threshold" double Threshold for binary evaluation of single voxels.
"~/map_clamp_min" double Lower clamping value of occupancy probability.
"~/map_clamp_max" double Upper clamping value of occupancy probability.

topics and services

Parameter Name Type Description
"~/topic_in_cloud" string Name of input topic for new pointclouds.
"~/topic_in_cloud_old" string Name of input topic for old pointclouds.
"~/topic_in_laser" string Name of input topic for laser scans.
"~/topic_out_octomap" string Name of output topic for binary octomap.
"~/topic_out_octomap_full" string Name of output topic for full octomap.
"~/topic_out_cload_free" string Name of output topic for free voxels.
"~/topic_out_cloud_occupied" string Name of output topic for occupied voxels.

See also this config file. It contains all parameters and their default value.


Source code at github

Related packages

ROS packages


ROS Build-Status and Documentation

ROS-Distribution Build-Status Documentation
Indigo EOL April 2019
Jade EOL May 2017 -
Lunar EOL May 2019
Melodic upcoming

autogenerated on Thu Jun 11 2020 03:38:50