ROS device driver for Ifm O3M151 TOF camera.
ROS device driver for IFM o3m151.
ROS device driver node that captures IFM o3m151 data and publishes it to the sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 topic.
Read the IFM camera input socket as fast as possible. Publish each complete revolution to o3m151_points topic.
$ rosrun o3m151_driver o3m151_node
Read previously captured IFM packets from dump.pcap file. Publish messages to o3m151_points at the sensor rate.
Dump files can be grabbed by libpcap, ethereal, wireshark, tcpdump, or the o3m151_driver vdump command.
$ rosrun o3m151_driver o3m151_node _pcap:=dump.pcap
Node name: o3m151_node
Publishes: o3m151_points publish a 3D point cloud of the IFM camera.
The vdump command dumps raw data from the IFM camera in PCAP format. It is a shell script wrapper with some obscure options for the powerful tcpdump command.
Other methods of acquiring PCAP data include using tcpdump directly, wireshark and programming with libpcap.
rosrun o3m151_driver vdump <file_prefix> [ <interface> ] <file_prefix> file name to dump (with 3-digit number suffix) <interface> interface to read from (default: "eth1")
Dump IFM packets to a series of files named "pcap-000", "pcap-001", etc. Type ^C when finished.
$ rosrun o3m151_driver vdump pcap- eth0