This is the complete list of members for Recorder, including all inherited members.
board | Recorder | private |
boardDims | Recorder | private |
boardSize | Recorder | private |
callback(const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr imageColor, const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr imageIr, const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr imageDepth) | Recorder | inlineprivate |
circleBoard | Recorder | private |
circleFlags | Recorder | private |
clahe | Recorder | private |
color | Recorder | private |
ColorIrDepthSyncPolicy typedef | Recorder | private |
convertIr(const cv::Mat &ir, cv::Mat &grey) | Recorder | inlineprivate |
depth | Recorder | private |
display() | Recorder | inlineprivate |
findMinMax(const cv::Mat &ir, const std::vector< cv::Point2f > &pointsIr) | Recorder | inlineprivate |
findMinMax(const cv::Mat &ir) | Recorder | inlineprivate |
foundColor | Recorder | private |
foundIr | Recorder | private |
frame | Recorder | private |
ir | Recorder | private |
irGrey | Recorder | private |
it | Recorder | private |
lock | Recorder | private |
maxIr | Recorder | private |
minIr | Recorder | private |
mode | Recorder | private |
nh | Recorder | private |
params | Recorder | private |
path | Recorder | private |
pointsColor | Recorder | private |
pointsIr | Recorder | private |
readImage(const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr msgImage, cv::Mat &image) const | Recorder | inlineprivate |
Recorder(const std::string &path, const std::string &topicColor, const std::string &topicIr, const std::string &topicDepth, const Source mode, const bool circleBoard, const bool symmetric, const cv::Size &boardDims, const float boardSize) | Recorder | inline |
run() | Recorder | inline |
spinner | Recorder | private |
startRecord() | Recorder | inlineprivate |
stopRecord() | Recorder | inlineprivate |
store(const cv::Mat &color, const cv::Mat &ir, const cv::Mat &irGrey, const cv::Mat &depth, const std::vector< cv::Point2f > &pointsColor, std::vector< cv::Point2f > &pointsIr) | Recorder | inlineprivate |
subImageColor | Recorder | private |
subImageDepth | Recorder | private |
subImageIr | Recorder | private |
sync | Recorder | private |
topicColor | Recorder | private |
topicDepth | Recorder | private |
topicIr | Recorder | private |
update | Recorder | private |
~Recorder() | Recorder | inline |