This is the complete list of members for gte::SpotLightEffect, including all inherited members.
GetGeometry() const | gte::LightingEffect | inline |
GetGeometryConstant() const | gte::LightingEffect | inline |
GetGeometryShader() const | gte::VisualEffect | inline |
GetLighting() const | gte::LightingEffect | inline |
GetLightingConstant() const | gte::LightingEffect | inline |
GetMaterial() const | gte::LightingEffect | inline |
GetMaterialConstant() const | gte::LightingEffect | inline |
GetPixelShader() const | gte::VisualEffect | inline |
GetProgram() const | gte::VisualEffect | inline |
GetPVWMatrixConstant() const | gte::LightingEffect | inline |
GetShaderSourceLitFunctionGLSL() | gte::LightingEffect | protectedstatic |
GetVertexShader() const | gte::VisualEffect | inline |
LightingEffect(std::shared_ptr< ProgramFactory > const &factory, BufferUpdater const &updater, std::string const *vsSource[], std::string const *psSource[], std::shared_ptr< Material > const &material, std::shared_ptr< Lighting > const &lighting, std::shared_ptr< LightCameraGeometry > const &geometry) | gte::LightingEffect | protected |
mBufferUpdater | gte::VisualEffect | protected |
mGeometry | gte::LightingEffect | protected |
mGeometryConstant | gte::LightingEffect | protected |
mLighting | gte::LightingEffect | protected |
mLightingConstant | gte::LightingEffect | protected |
mMaterial | gte::LightingEffect | protected |
mMaterialConstant | gte::LightingEffect | protected |
mProgram | gte::VisualEffect | protected |
mPVWMatrixConstant | gte::LightingEffect | protected |
msGLSLPSSource | gte::SpotLightEffect | privatestatic |
msGLSLVSSource | gte::SpotLightEffect | privatestatic |
msHLSLSource | gte::SpotLightEffect | privatestatic |
msPSSource | gte::SpotLightEffect | privatestatic |
msVSSource | gte::SpotLightEffect | privatestatic |
mTextureArrayUpdater | gte::VisualEffect | protected |
mTextureUpdater | gte::VisualEffect | protected |
SetGeometry(std::shared_ptr< LightCameraGeometry > const &geometry) | gte::LightingEffect | inline |
SetLighting(std::shared_ptr< Lighting > const &lighting) | gte::LightingEffect | inline |
SetMaterial(std::shared_ptr< Material > const &material) | gte::LightingEffect | inline |
SetPVWMatrixConstant(std::shared_ptr< ConstantBuffer > const &pvwMatrix) | gte::LightingEffect | |
SpotLightEffect(std::shared_ptr< ProgramFactory > const &factory, BufferUpdater const &updater, int select, std::shared_ptr< Material > const &material, std::shared_ptr< Lighting > const &lighting, std::shared_ptr< LightCameraGeometry > const &geometry) | gte::SpotLightEffect | |
UpdateGeometryConstant() | gte::SpotLightEffect | virtual |
UpdateLightingConstant() | gte::SpotLightEffect | virtual |
UpdateMaterialConstant() | gte::SpotLightEffect | virtual |
VisualEffect(std::shared_ptr< VisualProgram > const &program) | gte::VisualEffect | |
VisualEffect() | gte::VisualEffect | protected |
~VisualEffect() | gte::VisualEffect | virtual |