This is the complete list of members for QcColorBand, including all inherited members.
adjustRect(float percentage) | QcItem | protected |
createSubBand(float from, float sweep) | QcColorBand | private |
draw(QPainter *) | QcColorBand | virtual |
Error enum name | QcItem | |
getAngle(const QPointF &, const QRectF &tmpRect) | QcItem | protected |
getDegFromValue(float) | QcScaleItem | protected |
getPoint(float deg, const QRectF &tmpRect) | QcItem | protected |
getRadius(const QRectF &) | QcItem | protected |
InvalidDegreeRange enum value | QcItem | |
InvalidStep enum value | QcItem | |
InvalidValueRange enum value | QcItem | |
mBandColors | QcColorBand | private |
mBandStartValue | QcColorBand | private |
mMaxDegree | QcScaleItem | protected |
mMaxValue | QcScaleItem | protected |
mMinDegree | QcScaleItem | protected |
mMinValue | QcScaleItem | protected |
position() | QcItem | |
QcColorBand(QObject *parent=0) | QcColorBand | explicit |
QcItem(QObject *parent=0) | QcItem | explicit |
QcScaleItem(QObject *parent=0) | QcScaleItem | explicit |
rect() | QcItem | |
resetRect() | QcItem | protected |
setColors(const QList< QPair< QColor, float > > &colors) | QcColorBand | |
setDgereeRange(float minDegree, float maxDegree) | QcScaleItem | |
setMaxDegree(float maxDegree) | QcScaleItem | |
setMaxValue(float maxValue) | QcScaleItem | |
setMinDegree(float minDegree) | QcScaleItem | |
setMinValue(float minValue) | QcScaleItem | |
setPosition(float percentage) | QcItem | |
setValueRange(float minValue, float maxValue) | QcScaleItem | |
type() | QcItem | virtual |
update() | QcItem | protected |