Source code for feed_the_troll.feeders

#!/usr/bin/env python
# License: MIT
# Documentation

.. module:: loaders
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: Various loaders

# Imports

import feed_the_troll_msgs.srv as feed_the_troll_srvs
import rosgraph
import rospy
import unique_id

# Classes

class Base(object):
    def __init__(self, server_namespace="~"):
        @param str server_namespace:
        self._server_namespace = rospy.resolve_name(server_namespace)  # converts relateive, '~' -> global appropriately
        self._unload_service_name = rosgraph.names.ns_join(self._server_namespace, 'unload')
        self._unload_configuration = rospy.ServiceProxy(self._unload_service_name, feed_the_troll_srvs.Unload)
        self._unique_identifier = unique_id.toMsg(unique_id.fromRandom())
        self.loaded = False

[docs]class ROSParameters(Base): """ The generic feeder script should lookup parameters, enable remappings to handle setting of the constructor arguments. This interface is a programming interface only. .. warning:: this blocks indefinitely if it can't find the configuration server .. todo:: a means of injecting a timeout by a user .. todo:: bond construction/destruction on loading/unloading, just like nodelets do """ def __init__(self, server_namespace="", configuration_namespace="~parameters", add_shutdown_hook=True): """ The service namespace should be cast at the root of where the troll's services can be found (load/param || load/yaml, unload). This is a means for programmatically handling the connections. You can of course, also just remap in a roslaunch. :param str server_namespace: where to find the troll services for loading/unloading :param str configuration_namespace: where to find parameter configuration to send :param str add_shutdown_hook: not intended for public use (testing only). """ super(ROSParameters, self).__init__(server_namespace) ############################# # Parameterisation ############################# self._configuration_namespace = rospy.resolve_name(configuration_namespace) load_service_name = rosgraph.names.ns_join(rosgraph.names.ns_join(self._server_namespace, 'load'), 'param') while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: rospy.wait_for_service(load_service_name, timeout=3.0) break except rospy.ROSException: # timeout rospy.logwarn("Feeder: cannot find the troll to load configuration [{0}][{1}]".format(self._configuration_namespace, load_service_name)) continue except rospy.ROSInterruptException: # may not actually reach here because time, subsequently timeouts may be awry, so check rospy.is_shutdown always! return if rospy.is_shutdown(): return try: load_configuration = rospy.ServiceProxy(load_service_name, feed_the_troll_srvs.LoadFromRosParam) response = load_configuration(unique_identifier=self._unique_identifier, namespace=self._configuration_namespace) if not response.result: rospy.logerr("Feeder: failed to load configuration [{0}]".format(response.message)) return except rospy.ServiceException as e: rospy.logerr("Feeder: failed to contact the configuration server [{0}][{1}]".format(load_service_name, str(e))) return self.loaded = True if add_shutdown_hook: rospy.on_shutdown(self.shutdown) def shutdown(self): try: response = self._unload_configuration(unique_identifier=self._unique_identifier) if not response.result: rospy.logerr("Feeder: failed to unload configuration [{0}]".format(response.message)) except rospy.ServiceException as e: rospy.logerr("Feeder: failed to contact the configuration server [{0}][{1}]".format(self._unload_service_name, str(e))) rospy.delete_param(rosgraph.names.ns_join(rospy.get_namespace(), rospy.get_name()))