This package provides the c++ extensions for a variety of threaded programming tools. These are usually different on different platforms, so the architecture for a cross-platform framework is also implemented.
Threads are not defined in standard C++ and as a result are operating system and platform dependant. Linux generally uses POSIX threads, which are also available on windows, but the WIN32 API is usually preferred. Because of this, some standard cross-platform interfaces are developed here.
- Mutex - multi-thread variable protection. - Threads - raii style one-shot thread class. - Threadable - an inheritable thread interface.
Include the following at the top of any translation unit that uses these container classes.
You will also need to link to -lecl_threads.
The mutex is fairly standard, and on some systems can be more complex, but here the wrapper simply acts as a closed door with the usual lock, trylock and unlock features. The behaviour is also somewhat different depending on the platform. On posix, the class is set up to run in two modes. When NDEBUG is not defined, it will do exception handling (via ecl's StandardException) for posix errors as well as configuring the mutexes for deadlock checking (see below for example code). Exception handling and deadlock checking are disabled when NDEBUG is defined.
These can be configured via the ecl::set_priority() function using the ecl::Priority enum values as an abstraction to a platform's implementation (which varies quite significantly from platform to platform). Check the documentation's api for further details on its usage, particularly for posix which complicates things with both userland priorities and real time priorities.
The @ref ecl::Thread "Thread" class is a raii style object which initialises and automatically starts a thread when constructed and manages the thread cleanly when the thread object goes out of scope. <b>Construction:</b> Construction can be done directly through free and member function handles or via function objects. Refer to the documentation on 'Function Objects' and 'Reference Wrappers' in ecl_utilities for more details about creating and using function objects/reference wrappers (note, use a reference wrapper if you want to pass a 'heavy' function object!).
Also, this object is permitted to go out of scope without affecting the thread that it started (it may very well still be running!). When it goes out of scope, it simply detaches it and lets it clean itself up. At this point you only lose control of administration of the thread (joining, checking if it is running, cancelling etc).
Thread Priority:
Thread priorities can be specified at construction (ecl::Thread) or at the call to execute a Threadable (Threadable::start()). This will impose the specified priority for scheduling for the lifetime of the thread.
If you wish to configure the thread's priority dynamically, you'll have to fall back to using the ecl::set_priority() function directly from inside the worker function.
Stack Size:
On embedded systems with no swap its important to watch how much stack memory you supply to the thread. This can be manually specified in the thread constructor.
Other member functions include
Error handling is done in debug mode (i.e. -DNDEBUG is not set) via exceptions. These will throw and report any information on the resulting posix errors should they occur.
The threadable class implements a concept is for worker threads that want to retain state information (possibly for use by other parts of the program) in a class. Think of it as a threaded function object rather than a regular c-style threaded function. Implementation wise, it provides an inheritable interface for your threading class. All the class needs to do is: - inherit the Threadable class. - implement the runnable() method. - call the start() method to begin running in a sepearate thread. Note that it will not spawn multiple threads - it has a check that ensures it will only execute one thread at any point in time. It is designed to be something more akin to a thread function object rather than a thread factory.
- src/test/mutex.cpp - src/test/threads.cpp - src/test/threadable.cpp
- <b>May 11</b> : Updated exception handling (now optional). - <b>May 10</b> : Mutex win32 implementation. - <b>May 10</b> : Cmake win32 framework. - <b>Jan 10</b> : @ref ecl::Threadable "Threadable" implements the thread by inheritance concept. - <b>Jan 10</b> : Adds a constructor for @ref ecl::Thread "threads" that allows configuration of the stack size allocation. - <b>Jul 09</b> : Incorporates the use of function object loading (refer to ecl_utilities). - <b>Jul 09</b> : Converted @ref ecl::Thread "threads" to raii style. - <b>Jun 09</b> : A locking class, the @ref ecl::Mutex "mutex", for threads.