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SelfadjointMatrixMatrix.h File Reference

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struct  Eigen::internal::product_selfadjoint_matrix< Scalar, Index, LhsStorageOrder, LhsSelfAdjoint, ConjugateLhs, RhsStorageOrder, RhsSelfAdjoint, ConjugateRhs, ResStorageOrder >
struct  Eigen::internal::product_selfadjoint_matrix< Scalar, Index, LhsStorageOrder, false, ConjugateLhs, RhsStorageOrder, true, ConjugateRhs, ColMajor >
struct  Eigen::internal::product_selfadjoint_matrix< Scalar, Index, LhsStorageOrder, LhsSelfAdjoint, ConjugateLhs, RhsStorageOrder, RhsSelfAdjoint, ConjugateRhs, RowMajor >
struct  Eigen::internal::product_selfadjoint_matrix< Scalar, Index, LhsStorageOrder, true, ConjugateLhs, RhsStorageOrder, false, ConjugateRhs, ColMajor >
struct  Eigen::SelfadjointProductMatrix< Lhs, LhsMode, false, Rhs, RhsMode, false >
struct  Eigen::internal::symm_pack_lhs< Scalar, Index, Pack1, Pack2, StorageOrder >
struct  Eigen::internal::symm_pack_rhs< Scalar, Index, nr, StorageOrder >
struct  Eigen::internal::traits< SelfadjointProductMatrix< Lhs, LhsMode, false, Rhs, RhsMode, false > >


 iterative scaling algorithm to equilibrate rows and column norms in matrices

Author(s): Milan Vukov, Rien Quirynen
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 12:35:21