This is the complete list of members for
tango_gl::GestureCamera, including all inherited members.
aspect_ratio_ | tango_gl::Camera | [protected] |
cam_cur_angle_ | tango_gl::GestureCamera | [private] |
cam_cur_dist_ | tango_gl::GestureCamera | [private] |
cam_cur_target_rot_ | tango_gl::GestureCamera | [private] |
cam_parent_transform_ | tango_gl::GestureCamera | [private] |
cam_start_angle_ | tango_gl::GestureCamera | [private] |
cam_start_dist_ | tango_gl::GestureCamera | [private] |
Camera() | tango_gl::Camera | |
Camera(const Camera &other) | tango_gl::Camera | |
camera_type_ | tango_gl::GestureCamera | [private] |
CameraType enum name | tango_gl::GestureCamera | |
cur_touch_dist_ | tango_gl::GestureCamera | [private] |
far_clip_plane_ | tango_gl::Camera | [protected] |
field_of_view_ | tango_gl::Camera | [protected] |
GestureCamera() | tango_gl::GestureCamera | |
GetCameraType() const | tango_gl::GestureCamera | [inline] |
getFOV() const | tango_gl::GestureCamera | [inline] |
GetParent() const | tango_gl::Transform | |
GetParent() | tango_gl::Transform | |
GetPosition() const | tango_gl::Transform | |
GetProjectionMatrix() | tango_gl::Camera | |
GetRotation() const | tango_gl::Transform | |
GetScale() const | tango_gl::Transform | |
GetSegmentFromTouch(float normalized_x, float normalized_y, float touch_range) | tango_gl::GestureCamera | |
GetTransformationMatrix() const | tango_gl::Transform | |
GetViewMatrix() | tango_gl::Camera | |
kFirstPerson enum value | tango_gl::GestureCamera | |
kThirdPerson enum value | tango_gl::GestureCamera | |
kThirdPersonFollow enum value | tango_gl::GestureCamera | |
kTopDown enum value | tango_gl::GestureCamera | |
kTouch0Down enum value | tango_gl::GestureCamera | |
kTouch0Up enum value | tango_gl::GestureCamera | |
kTouch1Down enum value | tango_gl::GestureCamera | |
kTouch1Up enum value | tango_gl::GestureCamera | |
kTouchMove enum value | tango_gl::GestureCamera | |
kTouchNone enum value | tango_gl::GestureCamera | |
near_clip_plane_ | tango_gl::Camera | [protected] |
OnTouchEvent(int touch_count, TouchEvent event, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1) | tango_gl::GestureCamera | |
operator=(const Camera &) | tango_gl::Camera | |
tango_gl::Transform::operator=(const Transform &rhs) | tango_gl::Transform | |
ProjectionMatrixForCameraIntrinsics(float width, float height, float fx, float fy, float cx, float cy, float near, float far) | tango_gl::Camera | [static] |
SetAnchorPosition(const glm::vec3 &pos, const glm::quat &rotation) | tango_gl::GestureCamera | |
SetAspectRatio(const float aspect_ratio) | tango_gl::Camera | |
SetCameraType(CameraType camera_index) | tango_gl::GestureCamera | |
SetFieldOfView(const float fov) | tango_gl::Camera | |
SetParent(Transform *transform) | tango_gl::Transform | |
SetPosition(const glm::vec3 &position) | tango_gl::Transform | |
SetRotation(const glm::quat &rotation) | tango_gl::Transform | |
SetScale(const glm::vec3 &scale) | tango_gl::Transform | |
SetTransformationMatrix(const glm::mat4 &transform_mat) | tango_gl::Transform | |
start_touch_dist_ | tango_gl::GestureCamera | [private] |
StartCameraToCurrentTransform() | tango_gl::GestureCamera | [private] |
touch0_start_position_ | tango_gl::GestureCamera | [private] |
TouchEvent enum name | tango_gl::GestureCamera | |
Transform() | tango_gl::Transform | |
Transform(const Transform &other) | tango_gl::Transform | |
Translate(const glm::vec3 &translation) | tango_gl::Transform | |
~Camera() | tango_gl::Camera | |
~GestureCamera() | tango_gl::GestureCamera | |
~Transform() | tango_gl::Transform | [virtual] |