Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
00003 # Author: Yuki Furuta <>
00006 import rospy
00007 from pgm_learner.msg import DiscreteNode, ConditionalProbability
00008 from pgm_learner.srv import (DiscreteParameterEstimation,
00009                              DiscreteParameterEstimationResponse,
00010                              DiscreteQuery,
00011                              DiscreteQueryResponse,
00012                              DiscreteStructureEstimation,
00013                              DiscreteStructureEstimationResponse,
00014                              LinearGaussianParameterEstimation,
00015                              LinearGaussianParameterEstimationResponse,
00016                              LinearGaussianStructureEstimation,
00017                              LinearGaussianStructureEstimationResponse,
00018                              )
00019 import pgm_learner.msg_utils as U
00021 from libpgm.nodedata import NodeData
00022 from libpgm.graphskeleton import GraphSkeleton
00023 from libpgm.discretebayesiannetwork import DiscreteBayesianNetwork
00024 from libpgm.pgmlearner import PGMLearner
00025 from libpgm.tablecpdfactorization import TableCPDFactorization
00028 class PGMLearnerServer(object):
00029     def __init__(self):
00030         self.learner = PGMLearner()
00031         rospy.Service("~discrete/parameter_estimation", DiscreteParameterEstimation, self.discrete_parameter_estimation_cb)
00032         rospy.Service("~discrete/query", DiscreteQuery, self.discrete_query_cb)
00033         rospy.Service("~discrete/structure_estimation", DiscreteStructureEstimation, self.discrete_structure_estimation_cb)
00034         rospy.Service("~linear_gaussian/parameter_estimation", LinearGaussianParameterEstimation, self.lg_parameter_estimation_cb)
00035         rospy.Service("~linear_gaussian/structure_estimation", LinearGaussianStructureEstimation, self.lg_structure_estimation_cb)
00037     def discrete_parameter_estimation_cb(self, req):
00038         skel = U.graph_skeleton_from_ros(req.graph)
00039         skel.toporder()
00040         data = U.graph_states_dict_from_ros(req.states)
00041         res = self.learner.discrete_mle_estimateparams(skel, data)
00042         return DiscreteParameterEstimationResponse(U.discrete_nodes_to_ros(res.Vdata))
00044     def discrete_query_cb(self, req):
00045         nd = U.discrete_nodedata_from_ros(req.nodes)
00046         skel = U.graph_skeleton_from_node_data(nd)
00047         skel.toporder()
00048         bn = DiscreteBayesianNetwork(skel, nd)
00049         fn = TableCPDFactorization(bn)
00050         q = {n: nd.Vdata[n]["vals"] for n in req.query}
00051         ev = {ns.node: ns.state for ns in req.evidence}
00053         rospy.loginfo("resolving query %s with evidence %s" % (q, ev))
00054         ans = fn.condprobve(query=q, evidence=ev)
00055         rospy.loginfo("%s -> %s" % (ans.scope, ans.vals))
00056         res = DiscreteQueryResponse()
00057         node = DiscreteNode()
00058 = ans.scope[0]
00059         node.outcomes=q[]
00060         node.CPT.append(ConditionalProbability(node.outcomes, ans.vals))
00061         res.nodes.append(node)
00062         return res
00064     def discrete_structure_estimation_cb(self, req):
00065         states = [{ns.node: ns.state for ns in s.node_states} for s in req.states]
00066         pvalparam = 0.05 # default value
00067         indegree = 1 # default value
00068         if req.pvalparam != 0.0:
00069             pvalparam = req.pvalparam
00070         if req.indegree != 0:
00071             indegree = req.indegree
00072         res = self.learner.discrete_constraint_estimatestruct(states,
00073                                                               pvalparam=pvalparam,
00074                                                               indegree=indegree)
00075         return DiscreteStructureEstimationResponse(U.graph_skeleton_to_ros(res))
00077     def lg_parameter_estimation_cb(self, req):
00078         skel = U.graph_skeleton_from_ros(req.graph)
00079         skel.toporder()
00080         data = U.graph_states_dict_from_ros(req.states)
00081         res = self.learner.lg_mle_estimateparams(skel, data)
00082         rospy.logdebug("parameter estimation: %s" % res.Vdata)
00083         return LinearGaussianParameterEstimationResponse(U.linear_gaussian_nodes_to_ros(res.Vdata))
00085     def lg_structure_estimation_cb(self, req):
00086         states = [{ns.node: ns.state for ns in s.node_states} for s in req.states]
00087         rospy.logdebug(states)
00088         pvalparam = 0.05 # default value
00089         bins = 10 # default value
00090         indegree = 1 # default value
00091         if req.pvalparam != 0.0:
00092             pvalparam = req.pvalparam
00093         if req.bins != 0:
00094             bins = req.bins
00095         if req.indegree != 0:
00096             indegree = req.indegree
00097         rospy.logdebug("bins: %d, pvalparam: %f, indegree: %d" % (bins, pvalparam, indegree))
00098         res = self.learner.lg_constraint_estimatestruct(states,
00099                                                         pvalparam=pvalparam,
00100                                                         bins=bins,
00101                                                         indegree=indegree)
00102         rospy.logdebug("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")
00103         rospy.logdebug(res.V)
00104         rospy.logdebug(res.E)
00105         return LinearGaussianStructureEstimationResponse(U.graph_skeleton_to_ros(res))
00108 if __name__ == '__main__':
00109     rospy.init_node("pgm_learner")
00110     n = PGMLearnerServer()
00111     rospy.spin()

Author(s): Yuki Furuta
autogenerated on Sat Sep 9 2017 02:33:39