Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
00003 #
00004 #  @file RtmNSHelper.py
00005 #  @brief rtc-link name service access helper class
00006 #  @date $Date: 2005-05-12 09:06:19 $
00007 #  @author Noriaki Ando <n-ando@aist.go.jp>
00008 # 
00009 #  Copyright (C) 2004-2005
00010 #      Task-intelligence Research Group,
00011 #      Intelligent Systems Research Institute,
00012 #      National Institute of
00013 #          Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
00014 #      All rights reserved.
00015 # 
00016 #  $Id: RtmNSHelper.py 775 2008-07-28 16:14:45Z n-ando $
00017 # 
00019 import sys
00020 import omniORB.CORBA as CORBA
00021 import CosNaming
00023 class NSHelper:
00024     def __init__(self):
00025         self.orb = None
00027 #    def __del__(self):
00028 #        if self.orb != None:
00029 #            try:
00030 #                self.orb.destroy()
00031 #            except:
00032 #                except_mess('CORBA Name Server: Destroy Error!! <' \
00033 #                                   + name_server + '>')
00035     def Connect(self, name_server):
00036         try:
00037             if self.orb != None:
00038                 self.orb.destroy()
00039             arg = ["-ORBInitRef",
00040                    "NameService=corbaname::",
00041                    "-ORBclientCallTimeOutPeriod",
00042                    "2000"]
00043             arg[1] = arg[1] + name_server
00044             self.orb = CORBA.ORB_init(arg)
00045             obj = self.orb.resolve_initial_references("NameService")
00046             self.root_cxt = obj._narrow(CosNaming.NamingContext)
00047         except:
00048             self.root_cxt = None
00049 #            print 'CORBA Name Server: Connect Error!! <',name_server,'>'
00051     def GetNSDict(self):
00052         ns_dict = None
00053         if self.root_cxt != None:
00054             ns_dict = self.__GetNameTreeRecursive__(self.root_cxt)
00055         return ns_dict
00057     def __GetNameTreeRecursive__(self, cxt):
00058         ns_dict = {}
00059         try:
00060             cur_cxt = cxt.list(100)
00061         except:
00062             except_mess("cxt.list method error!:")
00063             return
00065         for bc in cur_cxt[0]:
00066             if bc != None:
00067                 try:
00068                     cur_obj = cxt.resolve(bc.binding_name)
00069                     dict_key = bc.binding_name[0].id \
00070                                + "|" \
00071                                + bc.binding_name[0].kind
00072                     if bc.binding_type == CosNaming.ncontext:
00073                         ns_dict[dict_key] = (
00074                             {
00075                             "objref":cur_obj,
00076                             "id":bc.binding_name[0].id,
00077                             "kind":bc.binding_name[0].kind,
00078                             "bname":bc.binding_name
00079                             },
00080                             self.__GetNameTreeRecursive__(cur_obj))
00081                     elif bc.binding_type == CosNaming.nobject:
00082                         ns_dict[dict_key] = (cur_obj, None)
00083                         ns_dict[dict_key] = (
00084                             {
00085                             "objref":cur_obj,
00086                             "id":bc.binding_name[0].id,
00087                             "kind":bc.binding_name[0].kind,
00088                             "bname":bc.binding_name
00089                             },None)
00090                 except:
00091                     except_mess("context method error!:")
00092                     ns_dict = {}
00093                     break
00095         return ns_dict
00097     def DeleteToContext(self,cxt,bname):
00098         if cxt != None:
00099             try:
00100                 cxt.unbind(bname)
00101             except:
00102                 except_mess('contex not found:')
00105 if __name__ == '__main__':
00106     import sys
00107     nsh = RtmNSHelper()
00108     if len(sys.argv) == 1:
00109         print sys.argv[0] + " [CosNameService Host Name]"
00110         sys.exit(1)
00112     nsh.Connect(sys.argv[1])
00113     print nsh.GetNSDict()

Author(s): Noriaki Ando
autogenerated on Sun Mar 26 2017 03:37:16