Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (c) 2008, AIST, the University of Tokyo and General Robotix Inc.
00003  * All rights reserved. This program is made available under the terms of the
00004  * Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is
00005  * available at
00006  * Contributors:
00007  * General Robotix Inc.
00008  * National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) 
00009  */
00010 /*
00011  *
00012  *
00013  *  Copyright (C) 2007 GeneralRobotix, Inc.
00014  *  All Rights Reserved
00015  *
00016  *  @author Yuichiro Kawasumi (General Robotix, Inc.)
00017  *  Created on 2005/01/31
00018  */
00020 package com.generalrobotix.ui.view;
00022 import java.awt.BorderLayout;
00023 import java.awt.Component;
00024 import java.awt.Container;
00025 import java.awt.Dimension;
00026 import java.awt.Frame;
00027 import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
00028 import java.util.ArrayList;
00029 import java.util.Date;
00030 import java.util.HashMap;
00031 import java.util.List;
00033 import javax.swing.BoxLayout;
00034 import javax.swing.JButton;
00035 import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
00036 import javax.swing.JComponent;
00037 import javax.swing.JDialog;
00038 import javax.swing.JLabel;
00039 import javax.swing.JPanel;
00040 import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
00041 import javax.swing.JTabbedPane;
00042 import javax.swing.JTextArea;
00043 import javax.swing.JTextField;
00044 import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
00045 import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
00046 import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
00047 import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
00049 import org.python.core.PyObject;
00050 import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter;
00052 import com.generalrobotix.ui.util.GrxDebugUtil;
00053 import com.generalrobotix.ui.util.GrxGuiUtil;
00054 import com.generalrobotix.ui.view.GrxJythonPromptView.StyledTextWriter;
00061 @SuppressWarnings("serial")
00062 public class MenuDialog extends JPanel {
00063     private static MenuDialog currentMenuPanel_ = null;
00064     private JDialog dialog_ = null;
00065     private JPanel  jPanel_localMenu = null;
00066     private JButton jButton_previous = null;
00067     private JButton jButton_next = null;
00068     private JLabel  jLabel = null;
00069     private JCheckBox jCheckBoxSequential = null;
00070     private JTextArea jTextArea = null;
00072     private JCheckBox jCheckBoxContinuous = null;
00073     //private JButton currentGoNextButton_ = null;
00074     private List<JTextField> currentFields_ = new ArrayList<JTextField>();
00075     //private boolean isClickedButtonGoNext_ = false;
00077     private String[][] menu_;
00078     private int showingStage_ = 0;
00079     private int currentStage_ = 0;
00080     private String command_ = null;
00081     private boolean isWaiting_ = false;
00082     private static final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat_ = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
00083     private static final String QUITBUTTON_TITLE  = "Quit";
00084     private HashMap<String, String> exceptMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
00085     private String message_;
00086     private PythonInterpreter interpreter_;
00087     private StyledTextWriter writer_;
00089     public MenuDialog(String[][] src, PythonInterpreter interpreter, String message, StyledTextWriter writer){
00090         menu_ = src;
00091         interpreter_ = interpreter;
00092         message_ = message;
00093         writer_ = writer;
00094         initialize();
00095     }
00096     private void initialize() {
00097         exceptMap.put(QUITBUTTON_TITLE,QUITBUTTON_TITLE);
00098         // set panel configuration
00099         // local panel
00100         JPanel localPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
00101         localPanel.add(new JScrollPane(getLocalMenuPanel()),BorderLayout.CENTER);
00103         JPanel localPanelLower = new JPanel();
00104         localPanelLower.add(getPreviousButton(), null);
00105         jLabel = new JLabel("  1 / 1  ");
00106         localPanelLower.add(jLabel, null);
00107         localPanelLower.add(getNextButton(), null);
00108         localPanelLower.add(getJCheckBoxSequential(), null);
00109         localPanel.add(localPanelLower,BorderLayout.SOUTH);
00111         // main tab
00112         JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();
00113         tabbedPane.addTab("Local",  null, localPanel, null);
00114         tabbedPane.addTab("Global", null, new JScrollPane(getGlobalMenuPanel()), null);
00115         tabbedPane.addTab("History",null, new JScrollPane(getJTextArea()), null);
00116         tabbedPane.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener(){
00117             public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e){
00118                 JTabbedPane jtp = (JTabbedPane)e.getSource();
00119                 if (jtp.getSelectedIndex() != 2)
00120                     _clearTextComponentRecursive((Container)jtp.getSelectedComponent());
00121             }
00122         });
00124         // content pane
00125         setLayout(new BorderLayout());
00126         add(tabbedPane,BorderLayout.CENTER);
00128         isWaiting_ = false;
00129     }
00131     void setReadyToNext(){
00132         command_ = null;
00133         if (getJCheckBoxSequential().isSelected()){
00134             if (currentStage_ < menu_.length){
00135                 showingStage_ = currentStage_;
00136                // boolean doClick = (getJCheckBoxContinuous().isSelected()) && 
00137                //                   isClickedButtonGoNext_;
00138                 showLocalMenu();
00139             } else {
00140                 showingStage_ = currentStage_ = menu_.length-1;
00141                 showLocalMenu();
00142                // _setTabSelected(getGlobalMenuPanel());
00143                // getGlobalMenuPanel().setVisible(true);
00144             }
00145         } else {
00146             showLocalMenu();
00147         }
00148     }
00150     // Global Menu Panel -------------------------
00151     JPanel jpanel_globalMenu = null;
00152     private void showGlobalMenu(){
00153         getGlobalMenuPanel().removeAll();
00155         JPanel  jpanel = new JPanel();
00156         JButton buttonQuit = new JButton(QUITBUTTON_TITLE);
00157         buttonQuit.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { 
00158             public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) {    
00159                 exit();
00160             }
00161         }); 
00162         jpanel.add(buttonQuit);
00163         jpanel.setAlignmentX( JComponent.CENTER_ALIGNMENT );
00164         getGlobalMenuPanel().add(jpanel);
00166         jpanel = new JPanel();
00167         JButton buttonRetry = new JButton("RETRY(from first)");
00168         buttonRetry.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { 
00169             public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) {    
00170                 refresh();
00171                 _setTabSelected(getLocalMenuPanel());
00172                 getLocalMenuPanel().setVisible(true);
00173             }
00174         }); 
00175         jpanel.add(buttonRetry);  
00176         jpanel.setAlignmentX( JComponent.CENTER_ALIGNMENT );
00177         getGlobalMenuPanel().add(jpanel);
00179         for(int i=1; i<menu_[0].length; i=i+2){
00180             String m1 = menu_[0][i-1].trim();
00181             String m2 = menu_[0][i].trim();
00182             if (m2.equals("#label")){
00183                 JLabel label = new JLabel(m1,  SwingConstants.LEFT);
00184                 label.setAlignmentX( JComponent.CENTER_ALIGNMENT );
00185                 getGlobalMenuPanel().add(label);
00186             }else if(m2.equals("#monitor")) {
00187                                 PyObject res = interpreter_.eval(m1);
00188                                 JLabel label = new JLabel(res.toString(),  SwingConstants.LEFT);
00189                 label.setAlignmentX( JComponent.CENTER_ALIGNMENT );
00190                                 getGlobalMenuPanel().add(label);
00191             }else {
00192                 addButton(getGlobalMenuPanel(),m1,m2,false);
00193             }
00194         }
00195     }
00197     private JPanel getGlobalMenuPanel() {
00198         if (jpanel_globalMenu == null){
00199             jpanel_globalMenu = new JPanel();
00200             jpanel_globalMenu.setLayout(new BoxLayout(jpanel_globalMenu, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
00201         }
00202         return jpanel_globalMenu;
00203     }       
00205     // Local Menu Panel -------------------------
00206     private void showLocalMenu(){
00207         getLocalMenuPanel().setVisible(false);
00208         getLocalMenuPanel().removeAll();
00209         getLocalMenuPanel().setVisible(true);
00210         if (showingStage_ >= menu_.length-1){
00211             showingStage_ = menu_.length-1;
00212             getNextButton().setEnabled(false);
00213         } else {
00214             getNextButton().setEnabled(true);
00215         }
00216         if (showingStage_ < 2){
00217             showingStage_ = 1;
00218             getPreviousButton().setEnabled(false);
00219         } else {
00220             getPreviousButton().setEnabled(true);
00221         }
00223         currentFields_.clear();
00224         for(int i=1; i<menu_[showingStage_].length; i=i+2){
00225             String m1 = menu_[showingStage_][i-1].trim();
00226             String m2 = menu_[showingStage_][i].trim();
00227             if (m2.equals("#label")){
00228                 JLabel label = new JLabel(m1,  SwingConstants.LEFT);
00229                 label.setAlignmentX( JComponent.CENTER_ALIGNMENT );
00230                 getLocalMenuPanel().add(label);
00231             }else if(m2.equals("#monitor")) {
00232                                 PyObject res = interpreter_.eval(m1);
00233                                 JLabel label = new JLabel(res.toString(),  SwingConstants.LEFT);
00234                 label.setAlignmentX( JComponent.CENTER_ALIGNMENT );
00235                                 getLocalMenuPanel().add(label);
00236             }else {
00237                 addButton(getLocalMenuPanel(),m1,m2,(i<=1));
00238             }
00239         }
00241         jLabel.setText(showingStage_+" / "+(menu_.length-1));
00243         if (command_ != null){
00244             GrxGuiUtil.setEnableRecursive(false,getLocalMenuPanel(),null);
00245             GrxGuiUtil.setEnableRecursive(false,getGlobalMenuPanel(),exceptMap);
00246         } else {
00247             if (getJCheckBoxSequential().isSelected() && showingStage_ != currentStage_)
00248                 GrxGuiUtil.setEnableRecursive(false,getLocalMenuPanel(),null);
00249             GrxGuiUtil.setEnableRecursive(true,getGlobalMenuPanel(),null);
00250         }
00251       //  getLocalMenuPanel().add(javax.swing.Box.createVerticalGlue());
00252         //getLocalMenuPanel().setVisible(true);
00253         //setVisible(true);
00254     }
00256     private JPanel getLocalMenuPanel() {
00257         if (jPanel_localMenu == null) {
00258             jPanel_localMenu = new JPanel();
00259             jPanel_localMenu.setLayout(new BoxLayout(jPanel_localMenu, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
00260         }
00261         return jPanel_localMenu;
00262     }
00263     private JButton getPreviousButton() {
00264         if (jButton_previous == null) {
00265             jButton_previous = new JButton("Previous");
00266             jButton_previous.setToolTipText("show previous menu");
00267             jButton_previous.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { 
00268                 public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) {
00269                     showingStage_--;
00270                     showLocalMenu();
00271                 }
00272             });
00273         }
00274         return jButton_previous;
00275     }
00276     private JButton getNextButton() {
00277         if (jButton_next == null) {
00278             jButton_next = new JButton("    Next    ");
00279             jButton_next.setToolTipText("show next menu");
00280             jButton_next.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { 
00281                 public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) {    
00282                     showingStage_++;
00283                     showLocalMenu();
00284                 }
00285             });
00286         }
00287         return jButton_next;
00288     }
00289     private JCheckBox getJCheckBoxSequential() {
00290         if (jCheckBoxSequential == null) {
00291             jCheckBoxSequential = new JCheckBox("Sequential",true);
00292             jCheckBoxSequential.setToolTipText("enable only current button");
00293             jCheckBoxSequential.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { 
00294                 public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) {
00295                     if (jCheckBoxSequential.isSelected()){
00296                         showingStage_ = currentStage_;
00297                         showLocalMenu();
00298                         getJCheckBoxContinuous().setEnabled(true);
00299                     } else {
00300                         if (isIdle()){
00301                             GrxGuiUtil.setEnableRecursive(true,getLocalMenuPanel(),null);
00302                         }
00303                         getJCheckBoxContinuous().setEnabled(false);
00304                     }
00305                 }
00306             });
00307         }
00308         return jCheckBoxSequential;
00309     }
00310     private JCheckBox getJCheckBoxContinuous() {
00311         if (jCheckBoxContinuous == null) {
00312             jCheckBoxContinuous = new JCheckBox("continuous",false);
00313             jCheckBoxContinuous.setToolTipText("excecute continuously");
00314         }
00315         return jCheckBoxContinuous;
00316     }
00317     private JButton addButton(JPanel pnl,final String name,final String com,final boolean goNext){
00318         JPanel  jpanel = new JPanel();
00319         JButton button = new JButton(name); 
00320         jpanel.add(button);
00322         final String[] str = parseCommand(com);
00323         int len = 1;
00324         if (str!=null) len = str.length;
00325         final JTextField[] fields = new JTextField[len];
00326         if (str!= null && len > 0){
00327             for (int i=0;i<len;i++){
00328                 fields[i] = new JTextField();
00329                 fields[i].setPreferredSize(new Dimension(60,20));
00330                 jpanel.add(fields[i]);
00331                 //currentFields_.add(fields[i]);
00332             }   
00333         }
00335         if (goNext){
00336             //currentGoNextButton_ = button;
00337             if (com.indexOf("#continuous")!=-1){
00338                 getJCheckBoxContinuous().setSelected(true);
00339                 jpanel.add(getJCheckBoxContinuous());
00340             } else {
00341                 getJCheckBoxContinuous().setSelected(false);
00342             }
00343         }
00345         button.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { 
00346             public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) {    
00347                 if (command_ == null){
00348                     String rcom = com;
00349                     //DebugUtil.print("command:"+rcom);
00350                     try{
00351                         if (com.indexOf("#appendlog") < 0){
00352                             //BodyStatPanel.getInstance().saveData();
00353                         }
00354                         if (str!=null && str.length > 0){
00355                             for (int i=0;i<str.length;i++){
00356                                 char c = str[i].charAt(1);
00357                                 String s = fields[i].getText();
00358                                 if (c == 'd' || c == 'D'){
00359                                     Double.parseDouble(s);
00360                                 } else if (c == 'i' || c == 'I'){
00361                                     Integer.parseInt(s);
00362                                 } else if (c == 't' || c == 'T'){
00363                                         s = "\'"+s+"\'";
00364                                 }
00365                                 rcom = rcom.replaceFirst(str[i],s);
00366                             }
00367                             //DebugUtil.print("replaced command:"+rcom);
00368                         }
00369                         command_ = rcom;
00370                         String comLog = dateFormat_.format(new Date())+" : "+name+" : "+command_+"\n";
00371                         getJTextArea().append(comLog);
00373                         if (getJCheckBoxSequential().isSelected() && goNext ){ // && getJCheckBoxContinuous().isSelected()){
00374                            // isClickedButtonGoNext_ = true;
00375                             currentStage_++;
00376                         } else {
00377                            // isClickedButtonGoNext_ = false;
00378                         }
00379                         GrxGuiUtil.setEnableRecursive(false,getLocalMenuPanel(),null);
00380                         GrxGuiUtil.setEnableRecursive(false,getGlobalMenuPanel(),exceptMap);
00381                         //clearTextComponent((Container)(getJTabbedPane().getSelectedComponent()));
00382                         interpreter_.exec(command_);
00383                         setReadyToNext();
00384                         //showMessage(message_);                        
00385                     } catch (NumberFormatException e1){
00386                         GrxDebugUtil.printErr("MenuDialog: parse error");
00387                         writer_.write("MenuDialog: parse error  "+e1+System.getProperty("line.separator"));
00388                     }
00389                 }
00390             }
00391         });
00392         jpanel.setAlignmentX( JComponent.CENTER_ALIGNMENT );
00393         pnl.add(jpanel);
00394         return button;
00395     }
00397     private String[] parseCommand(String com){
00398         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
00399         int idx = -1;
00400         while((idx = com.indexOf("#",idx+1)) != -1){
00401             char c = com.charAt(idx+1);
00402             if (c =='d' || c =='D'||
00403                 c =='i' || c =='I' ||
00404                 c =='t' || c =='T'      ) {
00405                 sb.append("#"+c+" ");
00406             }
00407         }
00408         if (sb.toString().trim().equals(""))
00409           return null;
00410         return sb.toString().split(" ");
00411     }
00413     // Log Panel------------------------------------  
00414     private JTextArea getJTextArea() {
00415         if (jTextArea == null) {
00416             jTextArea = new JTextArea();
00417             jTextArea.setEditable(false);
00418         }
00419         return jTextArea;
00420     }
00422     private static void _clearTextComponentRecursive(Container container){
00423         Component[] components = container.getComponents();
00424         for (int i=0;i<components.length;i++){
00425             Component c = components[i];
00426             if (c instanceof JTextComponent){
00427                 ((JTextComponent)c).setText("");
00428             } else if (c instanceof Container) {    
00429                 _clearTextComponentRecursive((Container)c);
00430             }
00431         }
00432     }   
00433     private static void _setTabSelected(Component c){
00434         Component parent = c.getParent();
00435         if (parent == null)
00436             return;
00437         if (parent instanceof JTabbedPane){
00438             JTabbedPane tabpane = (JTabbedPane)parent;
00439             tabpane.setSelectedComponent(c);
00440             return;
00441         }
00442         _setTabSelected(parent);    
00443     }
00444     // Public Methods
00445     //第一引数をJFrameからawtのFrameに変更
00446     public void showDialog(Frame owner, String title, boolean modal){
00447         if (dialog_ == null ){
00448             dialog_ = new JDialog(owner,title,modal);
00449             //GrxGuiUtil.setWindowConfig("menudialog",dialog_,new Dimension(300,400));
00450             dialog_.setSize(new Dimension(400, 400));
00451             dialog_.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE);
00452             dialog_.setContentPane(this);
00453         }
00455         refresh();
00457     }
00458     private void refresh(){
00459         dialog_.setVisible(true);
00460         currentStage_ = showingStage_ = 1;
00461         isWaiting_ = true;
00462         currentMenuPanel_ = this;
00463         showGlobalMenu();
00464         showLocalMenu();
00465     }
00466     public boolean isWaiting(){
00467         return isWaiting_;
00468     }
00469     public boolean isIdle(){
00470         return (command_ == null);
00471     }
00472     public String getCommand(){
00473         return command_;
00474     }
00475     public static MenuDialog getCurrentMenuDialog(){
00476         return currentMenuPanel_;
00477     }
00478     public String getCurrentMenuItem(){
00479         if (getJCheckBoxSequential().isSelected()){
00480             if (command_ != null) 
00481                 return command_;
00482             return menu_[Math.min(currentStage_,menu_.length-1)][0];
00483         }
00484         return menu_[Math.min(showingStage_,menu_.length-1)][0];
00485     }
00486     public boolean isAllDone(){
00487         if (currentStage_ >= menu_.length-1)
00488             return true;
00489         return false;
00490     }
00491     public void showMessage(String msg){
00492         int idx = -1;
00493         if (currentFields_ != null && msg != null){
00494             //DebugUtil.print("setMessage:"+msg);
00495             while((idx = msg.indexOf("$",idx+1)) != -1){
00496                 int idx2 = msg.indexOf("=",idx+1);
00497                 String s = msg.substring(idx+1,idx2);
00498                 int idx3 = msg.indexOf(" ",idx2+1);
00499                 if (idx3 < 0)
00500                     idx3 = msg.length();
00501                 String val = msg.substring(idx2+1,idx3);
00502                 try {
00503                     int i = Integer.parseInt(s.trim());
00504                     ((JTextField)(currentFields_.get(i))).setText(val);
00505                     //DebugUtil.print("setMessage:$"+i+"="+val);
00506                 } catch (Exception e){
00507                     GrxDebugUtil.printErr("MenuDialog.setMessage():",e);
00508                 }
00509                 idx = idx2;
00510             }
00511         }
00512     }
00513     public void setMessage(String message){
00514         message_ = message;
00515     }
00517     public void setContinuous(boolean b){
00518         getJCheckBoxContinuous().setSelected(b);
00519     }
00520     public void exit(){
00521         dialog_.setVisible(false);
00522         isWaiting_ = false;
00523         currentMenuPanel_ = null;
00524     }
00525 }

Author(s): AIST, General Robotix Inc., Nakamura Lab of Dept. of Mechano Informatics at University of Tokyo
autogenerated on Sun Apr 2 2017 03:43:55