File: mrpt_msgs/GraphSlamStats.msg
Raw Message Definition
# Statistics related to the execution of graphSLAM.
# Message is utilized in the mrpt_graphslam ROS package
# Time of message acquisition
Header header
# node-related stats
int32 nodes_total
# edge-related stats
int32 edges_total
int32 edges_ICP2D
int32 edges_ICP3D
int32 edges_odom
int32 loop_closures
# Evaluation metric of the SLAM process
float64[] slam_evaluation_metric
Compact Message Definition
std_msgs/Header header
int32 nodes_total
int32 edges_total
int32 edges_ICP2D
int32 edges_ICP3D
int32 edges_odom
int32 loop_closures
float64[] slam_evaluation_metric