00005 import rospy
00006 import rosbag
00008 from optparse import OptionParser
00009 import StringIO
00010 from datetime import datetime
00011 import uuid
00014 def message_to_csv(stream, msg, flatten=False):
00015 """
00016 stream: StringIO
00017 msg: message
00018 """
00019 try:
00020 for s in type(msg).__slots__:
00021 val = msg.__getattribute__(s)
00022 message_to_csv(stream, val, flatten)
00023 except:
00024 msg_str = str(msg)
00025 if msg_str.find(",") is not -1:
00026 if flatten:
00027 msg_str = msg_str.strip("(")
00028 msg_str = msg_str.strip(")")
00029 msg_str = msg_str.strip(" ")
00030 else:
00031 msg_str = "\"" + msg_str + "\""
00032 stream.write("," + msg_str)
00034 def message_type_to_csv(stream, msg, parent_content_name="", flatten=False):
00035 """
00036 stream: StringIO
00037 msg: message
00038 """
00039 try:
00040 for s in type(msg).__slots__:
00041 val = msg.__getattribute__(s)
00042 if flatten and type(val) == tuple:
00043 for i in range(len(val)):
00044 stream.write("," + ".".join([parent_content_name, s, str(i)]))
00045 else:
00046 stream.write("," + ".".join([parent_content_name, s]))
00047 except:
00048 stream.write("," + parent_content_name)
00050 seq = 0
00051 nowtime = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
00053 def format_csv_filename(form, topic_name):
00054 global seq
00055 ret = form.replace('%t', topic_name.replace('/','-'))
00056 ret = ret.replace('%s', str(seq))
00057 seq += 1
00058 ret = ret.replace('%d', nowtime)
00059 ret = ret.replace('%u', str(uuid.uuid4()))
00060 return ret
00062 def bag_to_csv(options, args):
00063 try:
00064 bag = rosbag.Bag(args[0])
00065 streamdict= dict()
00066 stime = None
00067 if options.start_time:
00068 stime = rospy.Time(options.start_time)
00069 etime = None
00070 if options.end_time:
00071 etime = rospy.Time(options.end_time)
00072 except Exception as e:
00073 rospy.logfatal('failed to load bag file: %s', e)
00074 exit(1)
00076 try:
00077 for topic, msg, time in bag.read_messages(topics=options.topic_names,
00078 start_time=stime,
00079 end_time=etime):
00080 if streamdict.has_key(topic):
00081 stream = streamdict[topic]
00082 else:
00083 stream = open(format_csv_filename(options.output_file_format, topic),'w')
00084 streamdict[topic] = stream
00086 if options.header:
00087 stream.write("time")
00088 message_type_to_csv(stream, msg, flatten = options.flatten)
00089 stream.write('\n')
00091 stream.write(datetime.fromtimestamp(time.to_time()).strftime('%Y/%m/%d/%H:%M:%S.%f'))
00092 message_to_csv(stream, msg, flatten = options.flatten)
00093 stream.write('\n')
00094 [s.close for s in streamdict.values()]
00095 except Exception as e:
00096 rospy.logwarn("fail: %s", e)
00097 finally:
00098 bag.close()
00100 if __name__ == '__main__':
00101 rospy.init_node('bag2csv', anonymous=True)
00102 parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] bagfile")
00103 parser.add_option("-a", "--all", dest="all_topics",
00104 action="store_true",
00105 help="exports all topics", default=False)
00106 parser.add_option("-t", "--topic", dest="topic_names",
00107 action="append",
00108 help="white list topic names", metavar="TOPIC_NAME")
00109 parser.add_option("-O", "--output", dest="output_file_format",
00110 help="output file names format\n%t: topic name\n%s: sequential number\n%d: datetime (now)\n%u: uuid\ne.g.: -O jskbag-$t-$d.csv", metavar="DESTINATION")
00111 parser.add_option("-s", "--start-time", dest="start_time",
00112 help="start time of bagfile", type="float")
00113 parser.add_option("-e", "--end-time", dest="end_time",
00114 help="end time of bagfile", type="float")
00115 parser.add_option("-n", "--no-header", dest="header",
00116 action="store_false", default=True,
00117 help="no header / flatten array value")
00118 parser.add_option("-f", "--flatten", dest="flatten",
00119 action="store_true",
00120 help="output the list type topic with flatten format", default=False)
00121 (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
00123 if len(args) != 1:
00124 parser.print_help()
00125 exit(0)
00127 bag_to_csv(options, args)