Namespaces | Classes
hardware_interface Namespace Reference


namespace  internal


class  ActuatorCommandInterface
 Hardware interface to support commanding an array of actuators. More...
class  ActuatorHandle
 A handle used to read and command a single actuator. More...
class  ActuatorStateHandle
class  ActuatorStateInterface
 Hardware interface to support reading the state of an array of actuators. More...
struct  ControllerInfo
 Controller Information. More...
class  EffortActuatorInterface
 ActuatorCommandInterface for commanding effort-based actuators More...
class  EffortJointInterface
 JointCommandInterface for commanding effort-based joints. More...
class  ForceTorqueSensorHandle
 A handle used to read the state of a force-torque sensor. More...
class  ForceTorqueSensorInterface
 Hardware interface to support reading the state of a force-torque sensor. More...
class  HardwareInterface
 Abstract Hardware Interface. More...
class  HardwareInterfaceException
 An exception related to a HardwareInterface. More...
class  HardwareResourceManager
 Base class for handling hardware resources. More...
class  ImuSensorHandle
 A handle used to read the state of a IMU sensor. More...
class  ImuSensorInterface
 Hardware interface to support reading the state of an IMU sensor. More...
class  InterfaceManager
struct  InterfaceResources
 Structure for storing resource identifiers belonging to a specific hardware interface. More...
class  JointCommandInterface
 Hardware interface to support commanding an array of joints. More...
class  JointHandle
 A handle used to read and command a single joint. More...
class  JointStateHandle
class  JointStateInterface
 Hardware interface to support reading the state of an array of joints. More...
class  PositionActuatorInterface
 ActuatorCommandInterface for commanding position-based actuators More...
class  PositionJointInterface
 JointCommandInterface for commanding position-based joints. More...
class  PosVelAccJointHandle
 A handle used to read and command a single joint. More...
class  PosVelAccJointInterface
 Hardware interface to support commanding an array of joints. More...
class  PosVelJointHandle
 A handle used to read and command a single joint. More...
class  PosVelJointInterface
 Hardware interface to support commanding an array of joints. More...
class  ResourceManager
 Class for handling named resources. More...
class  RobotHW
 Robot Hardware Interface and Resource Manager. More...
class  VelocityActuatorInterface
 ActuatorCommandInterface for commanding velocity-based actuators More...
class  VelocityJointInterface
 JointCommandInterface for commanding velocity-based joints. More...

Detailed Description

Wim Meeussen
: Adolfo Rodriguez Tsouroukdissian
Adolfo Rodriguez Tsouroukdissian
Wim Meussen, Adolfo Rodriguez Tsouroukdissian
Wim Meeussen, Adolfo Rodriguez Tsouroukdissian
Igor Kalevatykh

Author(s): Wim Meeussen, Adolfo Rodriguez Tsouroukdissian
autogenerated on Thu Dec 1 2016 03:45:48