Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "eigen_mqueue.hpp"
00002 #include <rtt/transports/mqueue/MQTemplateProtocol.hpp>
00003 #include <rtt/transports/mqueue/MQSerializationProtocol.hpp>
00004 #include <rtt/types/TransportPlugin.hpp>
00005 #include <rtt/types/TypekitPlugin.hpp>
00006 #include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
00007 #include <Eigen/Dense>
00009 using namespace std;
00010 using namespace RTT::detail;
00011 using namespace Eigen;
00012 using namespace RTT;
00013 using namespace RTT::mqueue;
00014 using namespace RTT::types;
00016 // From Shmuel Levine : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18382457/eigen-and-boostserialize
00017 namespace boost{
00018     namespace serialization{
00020         template<   class Archive, 
00021                     class S, 
00022                     int Rows_, 
00023                     int Cols_, 
00024                     int Ops_, 
00025                     int MaxRows_, 
00026                     int MaxCols_>
00027         inline void save(
00028             Archive & ar, 
00029             const Eigen::Matrix<S, Rows_, Cols_, Ops_, MaxRows_, MaxCols_> & g, 
00030             const unsigned int version)
00031             {
00032                 int rows = g.rows();
00033                 int cols = g.cols();
00035                 ar & rows;
00036                 ar & cols;
00037                 ar & boost::serialization::make_array(g.data(), g.size());
00038             }
00040         template<   class Archive, 
00041                     class S, 
00042                     int Rows_,
00043                     int Cols_,
00044                     int Ops_, 
00045                     int MaxRows_, 
00046                     int MaxCols_>
00047         inline void load(
00048             Archive & ar, 
00049             Eigen::Matrix<S, Rows_, Cols_, Ops_, MaxRows_, MaxCols_> & g, 
00050             const unsigned int version)
00051         {
00052             int rows, cols;
00053             ar & rows;
00054             ar & cols;
00055             g.resize(rows, cols);
00056             ar & boost::serialization::make_array(g.data(), g.size());
00057         }
00059         template<   class Archive, 
00060                     class S, 
00061                     int Rows_, 
00062                     int Cols_, 
00063                     int Ops_, 
00064                     int MaxRows_, 
00065                     int MaxCols_>
00066         inline void serialize(
00067             Archive & ar, 
00068             Eigen::Matrix<S, Rows_, Cols_, Ops_, MaxRows_, MaxCols_> & g, 
00069             const unsigned int version)
00070         {
00071             split_free(ar, g, version);
00072         }
00075     } // namespace serialization
00076 } // namespace boost
00077 namespace RTT {
00078     namespace mqueue {
00079         bool MQEigenPlugin::registerTransport(std::string name, TypeInfo* ti)
00080         {
00081             if ( name == "eigen_vector" )
00082                 return ti->addProtocol(ORO_MQUEUE_PROTOCOL_ID, new MQSerializationProtocol<Eigen::VectorXd>() );
00083             if ( name == "eigen_matrix" )
00084                 return ti->addProtocol(ORO_MQUEUE_PROTOCOL_ID, new MQSerializationProtocol<Eigen::MatrixXd>() );
00086             return false;
00087         }
00089         std::string MQEigenPlugin::getTransportName() const {
00090             return "mqueue";
00091         }
00093         std::string MQEigenPlugin::getTypekitName() const {
00094             return "Eigen";
00095         }
00096         std::string MQEigenPlugin::getName() const {
00097             return "eigen-mqueue-types";
00098         }
00099     }
00100 }
00102 ORO_TYPEKIT_PLUGIN( RTT::mqueue::MQEigenPlugin )

Author(s): Ruben Smits
autogenerated on Sat May 6 2017 02:43:51