File: tum_ardrone/filter_state.msg
Raw Message Definition
# constants
uint32 PTAM_IDLE = 0 # PTAM not running.
uint32 PTAM_INITIALIZING = 1 # initialization (trails)
uint32 PTAM_LOST = 2 # ptam is running, but lost
uint32 PTAM_GOOD = 3 # tracking quality OK
uint32 PTAM_BEST = 4 # tracking quality best
uint32 PTAM_TOOKKF = 5 # just took a new KF (equivalent to PTAM_BEST)
uint32 PTAM_FALSEPOSITIVE = 6 # ptam thinks it is good, but its estimate is rejected.
# header
Header header
# ----------------- raw 10d filter state ----------------------------
float32 x
float32 y
float32 z
float32 dx
float32 dy
float32 dz
float32 roll
float32 pitch
float32 yaw
float32 dyaw
# --------------------- other values ---------------------------
float32 scale # ptam scale factor (PTAMpos * scale = WORLDpos).
uint32 ptamState
float32 scaleAccuracy # if scale is very inaccurate, this is about 0.5, and grows up to 1 (=very accurate).
# ----------------- propagated from drone messages: -----------------
# 0: Unknown, 1: Init, 2: Landed, 3: Flying, 4: Hovering, 5: Test
# 6: Taking off, 7: Goto Fix Point, 8: Landing, 9: Looping
# Note: 3,7 seems to discriminate type of flying (isFly = 3 | 7)
uint32 droneState
float32 batteryPercent # 0 means no battery, 100 means full battery
Compact Message Definition
uint32 PTAM_IDLE=0
uint32 PTAM_LOST=2
uint32 PTAM_GOOD=3
uint32 PTAM_BEST=4
uint32 PTAM_TOOKKF=5
std_msgs/Header header
float32 x
float32 y
float32 z
float32 dx
float32 dy
float32 dz
float32 roll
float32 pitch
float32 yaw
float32 dyaw
float32 scale
uint32 ptamState
float32 scaleAccuracy
uint32 droneState
float32 batteryPercent