Go to the documentation of this file.
00004 #include <algorithm>
00005 #include <set>
00006 #include <string>
00007 #include <vector>
00009 #include <boost/bind.hpp>
00011 #include <ros/console.h>
00012 #include <ros/node_handle.h>
00014 namespace swri
00015 {
00019   static std::set<std::string> _used_params;
00021   static inline
00022   bool getParam(const ros::NodeHandle &nh,
00023       const std::string &name,
00024       int &variable)
00025   {
00026     std::string resolved_name = nh.resolveName(name);
00027     _used_params.insert(resolved_name);
00028     if (!nh.getParam(name, variable))
00029     {
00030       ROS_ERROR("Required int parameter %s does not exist", name.c_str());
00031       return false;
00032     }
00033     ROS_INFO("Read parameter %s = %d", name.c_str(), variable);
00034     return true;
00035   }
00037   static inline
00038   bool getParam(const ros::NodeHandle &nh,
00039       const std::string &name,
00040       double &variable)
00041   {
00042     std::string resolved_name = nh.resolveName(name);
00043     _used_params.insert(resolved_name);
00044     if (!nh.getParam(name, variable))
00045     {
00046       ROS_ERROR("Required double parameter %s does not exist", name.c_str());
00047       return false;
00048     }
00049     ROS_INFO("Read parameter %s = %lf", name.c_str(), variable);
00050     return true;
00051   }
00053   static inline
00054   bool getParam(const ros::NodeHandle &nh,
00055       const std::string &name,
00056       float &variable)
00057   {
00058     double dbl_value;
00059     if (!nh.getParam(name, dbl_value))
00060     {
00061       ROS_ERROR("Required double parameter %s does not exist", name.c_str());
00062       return false;
00063     }
00064     variable = dbl_value;
00065     ROS_INFO("Read parameter %s = %f", name.c_str(), variable);
00066     return true;
00067   }
00069   static inline
00070   bool getParam(const ros::NodeHandle &nh,
00071       const std::string &name,
00072       std::string &variable)
00073   {
00074     std::string resolved_name = nh.resolveName(name);
00075     _used_params.insert(resolved_name);
00076     if (!nh.getParam(name, variable))
00077     {
00078       ROS_ERROR("Required string parameter %s does not exist", name.c_str());
00079       return false;
00080     }
00081     ROS_INFO("Read parameter %s = %s", name.c_str(), variable.c_str());
00082     return true;
00083   }
00085   static inline
00086   bool getParam(const ros::NodeHandle &nh,
00087       const std::string &name,
00088       bool &variable)
00089   {
00090     std::string resolved_name = nh.resolveName(name);
00091     _used_params.insert(resolved_name);
00092     if (!nh.getParam(name, variable))
00093     {
00094       ROS_ERROR("Required bool parameter %s does not exist", name.c_str());
00095       return false;
00096     }
00097     ROS_INFO("Read parameter %s = %s", name.c_str(), variable ? "true" : "false");
00098     return true;
00099   }
00101   static inline
00102   void param(const ros::NodeHandle &nh,
00103       const std::string &name,
00104       int &variable,
00105       const int default_value)
00106   {
00107     std::string resolved_name = nh.resolveName(name);
00108     _used_params.insert(resolved_name);
00109     nh.param(name, variable, default_value);
00110     ROS_INFO("Read parameter %s = %d", name.c_str(), variable);
00111   }
00113   static inline
00114   void param(const ros::NodeHandle &nh,
00115       const std::string &name,
00116       double &variable,
00117       const double default_value)
00118   {
00119     std::string resolved_name = nh.resolveName(name);
00120     _used_params.insert(resolved_name);
00121     nh.param(name, variable, default_value);
00122     ROS_INFO("Read parameter %s = %lf", name.c_str(), variable);
00123   }
00125   static inline
00126   void param(const ros::NodeHandle &nh,
00127       const std::string &name,
00128       float &variable,
00129       const float default_value)
00130   {
00131     double dbl_value;
00132     double dbl_default = default_value;
00133     nh.param(name, dbl_value, dbl_default);
00134     variable = dbl_value;
00135     ROS_INFO("Read parameter %s = %f", name.c_str(), variable);
00136   }
00138   static inline
00139   void param(const ros::NodeHandle &nh,
00140       const std::string &name,
00141       std::string &variable,
00142       const std::string default_value)
00143   {
00144     std::string resolved_name = nh.resolveName(name);
00145     _used_params.insert(resolved_name);
00146     nh.param(name, variable, default_value);
00147     ROS_INFO("Read parameter %s = \"%s\"", name.c_str(), variable.c_str());
00148   }
00150   static inline
00151   void param(const ros::NodeHandle &nh,
00152       const std::string &name,
00153       bool &variable,
00154       const bool default_value)
00155   {
00156     std::string resolved_name = nh.resolveName(name);
00157     _used_params.insert(resolved_name);
00158     nh.param(name, variable, default_value);
00159     ROS_INFO("Read parameter %s = %s", name.c_str(), variable ? "true" : "false");
00160   }
00172   inline int comparePrefix(std::string const& string, std::string const& prefix)
00173   {
00174     return, prefix.size(), prefix);
00175   }
00186   inline bool isPrefixOf(std::string const& string, std::string const& prefix)
00187   {
00188     return comparePrefix(string, prefix) == 0;
00189   }
00202   inline int prefixLessThan(std::string const& string, std::string const& prefix)
00203   {
00204     return comparePrefix(string, prefix) < 0;
00205   }
00223   static inline
00224   std::vector<std::string> getUnusedParamKeys(ros::NodeHandle const& n)
00225   {
00226     // Get a list of every parameter on the parameter server
00227     std::string const& n_namespace = n.getNamespace();
00228     std::vector<std::string> all_params;
00229     n.getParamNames(all_params);
00231     // Sort the list of parameters to permit partitioning it by namespace
00232     std::sort(all_params.begin(), all_params.end());
00234     // Partition the list of parameters to only the namespace of interest
00235     // Create a functor that tells whether a parameter is in a namespace
00236     boost::function<bool(std::string)> inNamespace = boost::bind(isPrefixOf, _1, n_namespace);
00237     // Find the beginning of the namespace in the sorted list
00238     std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator first_param_in_namespace = find_if(all_params.begin(), all_params.end(), inNamespace);
00239     // Find the end of the namespace in the sorted list
00240     std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator after_last_param_in_namespace = find_if(all_params.begin(), all_params.end(), std::not1(inNamespace));
00241     // At this point, all parameters on the server that are in the namespace
00242     // are in range [`first_param_in_namespace`,`after_last_param_in_namespace`)
00244     // Preallocate a vector to put unused params in.
00245     std::vector<std::string> unused_params(all_params.size());
00247     // Fill unused_params with the set difference (params in namespace) - (used params)
00248     std::vector<std::string>::iterator last_unused_param = std::set_difference(
00249         first_param_in_namespace, after_last_param_in_namespace,  // Set 1
00250         _used_params.begin(), _used_params.end(),                 // Set 2
00251         unused_params.begin(),  // Destination iterator
00252         prefixLessThan);        // Prefix comparator so that all sub-keys of a
00253                                 // used parameter are also considered used
00255     // Shrink the unused_params vector to fit contents
00256     unused_params.resize(last_unused_param - unused_params.begin());
00258     return unused_params;
00259   }
00266   static inline
00267   void warnUnusedParams(ros::NodeHandle const& n)
00268   {
00269     std::vector<std::string> unused_params = getUnusedParamKeys(n);
00270     for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator itr = unused_params.begin(); itr != unused_params.end(); ++itr)
00271     {
00272       ROS_WARN("Parameter %s was set, but not used by this node", itr->c_str());
00273     }
00274   }
00275 }  // namespace swri_param
00276 #endif  // SWRI_ROSCPP_PARAMETERS_H_

autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 20:34:47