Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* zhgeqz.f -- translated by f2c (version 20061008).
00002    You must link the resulting object file with libf2c:
00003         on Microsoft Windows system, link with libf2c.lib;
00004         on Linux or Unix systems, link with .../path/to/libf2c.a -lm
00005         or, if you install libf2c.a in a standard place, with -lf2c -lm
00006         -- in that order, at the end of the command line, as in
00007                 cc *.o -lf2c -lm
00008         Source for libf2c is in /netlib/f2c/libf2c.zip, e.g.,
00010                 http://www.netlib.org/f2c/libf2c.zip
00011 */
00013 #include "f2c.h"
00014 #include "blaswrap.h"
00016 /* Table of constant values */
00018 static doublecomplex c_b1 = {0.,0.};
00019 static doublecomplex c_b2 = {1.,0.};
00020 static integer c__1 = 1;
00021 static integer c__2 = 2;
00023 /* Subroutine */ int zhgeqz_(char *job, char *compq, char *compz, integer *n, 
00024         integer *ilo, integer *ihi, doublecomplex *h__, integer *ldh, 
00025         doublecomplex *t, integer *ldt, doublecomplex *alpha, doublecomplex *
00026         beta, doublecomplex *q, integer *ldq, doublecomplex *z__, integer *
00027         ldz, doublecomplex *work, integer *lwork, doublereal *rwork, integer *
00028         info)
00029 {
00030     /* System generated locals */
00031     integer h_dim1, h_offset, q_dim1, q_offset, t_dim1, t_offset, z_dim1, 
00032             z_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5, i__6;
00033     doublereal d__1, d__2, d__3, d__4, d__5, d__6;
00034     doublecomplex z__1, z__2, z__3, z__4, z__5, z__6;
00036     /* Builtin functions */
00037     double z_abs(doublecomplex *);
00038     void d_cnjg(doublecomplex *, doublecomplex *);
00039     double d_imag(doublecomplex *);
00040     void z_div(doublecomplex *, doublecomplex *, doublecomplex *), pow_zi(
00041             doublecomplex *, doublecomplex *, integer *), z_sqrt(
00042             doublecomplex *, doublecomplex *);
00044     /* Local variables */
00045     doublereal c__;
00046     integer j;
00047     doublecomplex s, t1;
00048     integer jc, in;
00049     doublecomplex u12;
00050     integer jr;
00051     doublecomplex ad11, ad12, ad21, ad22;
00052     integer jch;
00053     logical ilq, ilz;
00054     doublereal ulp;
00055     doublecomplex abi22;
00056     doublereal absb, atol, btol, temp;
00057     extern /* Subroutine */ int zrot_(integer *, doublecomplex *, integer *, 
00058             doublecomplex *, integer *, doublereal *, doublecomplex *);
00059     doublereal temp2;
00060     extern logical lsame_(char *, char *);
00061     doublecomplex ctemp;
00062     integer iiter, ilast, jiter;
00063     doublereal anorm, bnorm;
00064     integer maxit;
00065     doublecomplex shift;
00066     extern /* Subroutine */ int zscal_(integer *, doublecomplex *, 
00067             doublecomplex *, integer *);
00068     doublereal tempr;
00069     doublecomplex ctemp2, ctemp3;
00070     logical ilazr2;
00071     doublereal ascale, bscale;
00072     extern doublereal dlamch_(char *);
00073     doublecomplex signbc;
00074     doublereal safmin;
00075     extern /* Subroutine */ int xerbla_(char *, integer *);
00076     doublecomplex eshift;
00077     logical ilschr;
00078     integer icompq, ilastm;
00079     doublecomplex rtdisc;
00080     integer ischur;
00081     extern doublereal zlanhs_(char *, integer *, doublecomplex *, integer *, 
00082             doublereal *);
00083     logical ilazro;
00084     integer icompz, ifirst;
00085     extern /* Subroutine */ int zlartg_(doublecomplex *, doublecomplex *, 
00086             doublereal *, doublecomplex *, doublecomplex *);
00087     integer ifrstm;
00088     extern /* Subroutine */ int zlaset_(char *, integer *, integer *, 
00089             doublecomplex *, doublecomplex *, doublecomplex *, integer *);
00090     integer istart;
00091     logical lquery;
00094 /*  -- LAPACK routine (version 3.2) -- */
00095 /*  -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee,    -- */
00096 /*  -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- */
00097 /*     November 2006 */
00099 /*     .. Scalar Arguments .. */
00100 /*     .. */
00101 /*     .. Array Arguments .. */
00102 /*     .. */
00104 /*  Purpose */
00105 /*  ======= */
00107 /*  ZHGEQZ computes the eigenvalues of a complex matrix pair (H,T), */
00108 /*  where H is an upper Hessenberg matrix and T is upper triangular, */
00109 /*  using the single-shift QZ method. */
00110 /*  Matrix pairs of this type are produced by the reduction to */
00111 /*  generalized upper Hessenberg form of a complex matrix pair (A,B): */
00113 /*     A = Q1*H*Z1**H,  B = Q1*T*Z1**H, */
00115 /*  as computed by ZGGHRD. */
00117 /*  If JOB='S', then the Hessenberg-triangular pair (H,T) is */
00118 /*  also reduced to generalized Schur form, */
00120 /*     H = Q*S*Z**H,  T = Q*P*Z**H, */
00122 /*  where Q and Z are unitary matrices and S and P are upper triangular. */
00124 /*  Optionally, the unitary matrix Q from the generalized Schur */
00125 /*  factorization may be postmultiplied into an input matrix Q1, and the */
00126 /*  unitary matrix Z may be postmultiplied into an input matrix Z1. */
00127 /*  If Q1 and Z1 are the unitary matrices from ZGGHRD that reduced */
00128 /*  the matrix pair (A,B) to generalized Hessenberg form, then the output */
00129 /*  matrices Q1*Q and Z1*Z are the unitary factors from the generalized */
00130 /*  Schur factorization of (A,B): */
00132 /*     A = (Q1*Q)*S*(Z1*Z)**H,  B = (Q1*Q)*P*(Z1*Z)**H. */
00134 /*  To avoid overflow, eigenvalues of the matrix pair (H,T) */
00135 /*  (equivalently, of (A,B)) are computed as a pair of complex values */
00136 /*  (alpha,beta).  If beta is nonzero, lambda = alpha / beta is an */
00137 /*  eigenvalue of the generalized nonsymmetric eigenvalue problem (GNEP) */
00138 /*     A*x = lambda*B*x */
00139 /*  and if alpha is nonzero, mu = beta / alpha is an eigenvalue of the */
00140 /*  alternate form of the GNEP */
00141 /*     mu*A*y = B*y. */
00142 /*  The values of alpha and beta for the i-th eigenvalue can be read */
00143 /*  directly from the generalized Schur form:  alpha = S(i,i), */
00144 /*  beta = P(i,i). */
00146 /*  Ref: C.B. Moler & G.W. Stewart, "An Algorithm for Generalized Matrix */
00147 /*       Eigenvalue Problems", SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 10(1973), */
00148 /*       pp. 241--256. */
00150 /*  Arguments */
00151 /*  ========= */
00153 /*  JOB     (input) CHARACTER*1 */
00154 /*          = 'E': Compute eigenvalues only; */
00155 /*          = 'S': Computer eigenvalues and the Schur form. */
00157 /*  COMPQ   (input) CHARACTER*1 */
00158 /*          = 'N': Left Schur vectors (Q) are not computed; */
00159 /*          = 'I': Q is initialized to the unit matrix and the matrix Q */
00160 /*                 of left Schur vectors of (H,T) is returned; */
00161 /*          = 'V': Q must contain a unitary matrix Q1 on entry and */
00162 /*                 the product Q1*Q is returned. */
00164 /*  COMPZ   (input) CHARACTER*1 */
00165 /*          = 'N': Right Schur vectors (Z) are not computed; */
00166 /*          = 'I': Q is initialized to the unit matrix and the matrix Z */
00167 /*                 of right Schur vectors of (H,T) is returned; */
00168 /*          = 'V': Z must contain a unitary matrix Z1 on entry and */
00169 /*                 the product Z1*Z is returned. */
00171 /*  N       (input) INTEGER */
00172 /*          The order of the matrices H, T, Q, and Z.  N >= 0. */
00174 /*  ILO     (input) INTEGER */
00175 /*  IHI     (input) INTEGER */
00176 /*          ILO and IHI mark the rows and columns of H which are in */
00177 /*          Hessenberg form.  It is assumed that A is already upper */
00178 /*          triangular in rows and columns 1:ILO-1 and IHI+1:N. */
00179 /*          If N > 0, 1 <= ILO <= IHI <= N; if N = 0, ILO=1 and IHI=0. */
00181 /*  H       (input/output) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LDH, N) */
00182 /*          On entry, the N-by-N upper Hessenberg matrix H. */
00183 /*          On exit, if JOB = 'S', H contains the upper triangular */
00184 /*          matrix S from the generalized Schur factorization. */
00185 /*          If JOB = 'E', the diagonal of H matches that of S, but */
00186 /*          the rest of H is unspecified. */
00188 /*  LDH     (input) INTEGER */
00189 /*          The leading dimension of the array H.  LDH >= max( 1, N ). */
00191 /*  T       (input/output) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LDT, N) */
00192 /*          On entry, the N-by-N upper triangular matrix T. */
00193 /*          On exit, if JOB = 'S', T contains the upper triangular */
00194 /*          matrix P from the generalized Schur factorization. */
00195 /*          If JOB = 'E', the diagonal of T matches that of P, but */
00196 /*          the rest of T is unspecified. */
00198 /*  LDT     (input) INTEGER */
00199 /*          The leading dimension of the array T.  LDT >= max( 1, N ). */
00201 /*  ALPHA   (output) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (N) */
00202 /*          The complex scalars alpha that define the eigenvalues of */
00203 /*          GNEP.  ALPHA(i) = S(i,i) in the generalized Schur */
00204 /*          factorization. */
00206 /*  BETA    (output) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (N) */
00207 /*          The real non-negative scalars beta that define the */
00208 /*          eigenvalues of GNEP.  BETA(i) = P(i,i) in the generalized */
00209 /*          Schur factorization. */
00211 /*          Together, the quantities alpha = ALPHA(j) and beta = BETA(j) */
00212 /*          represent the j-th eigenvalue of the matrix pair (A,B), in */
00213 /*          one of the forms lambda = alpha/beta or mu = beta/alpha. */
00214 /*          Since either lambda or mu may overflow, they should not, */
00215 /*          in general, be computed. */
00217 /*  Q       (input/output) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LDQ, N) */
00218 /*          On entry, if COMPZ = 'V', the unitary matrix Q1 used in the */
00219 /*          reduction of (A,B) to generalized Hessenberg form. */
00220 /*          On exit, if COMPZ = 'I', the unitary matrix of left Schur */
00221 /*          vectors of (H,T), and if COMPZ = 'V', the unitary matrix of */
00222 /*          left Schur vectors of (A,B). */
00223 /*          Not referenced if COMPZ = 'N'. */
00225 /*  LDQ     (input) INTEGER */
00226 /*          The leading dimension of the array Q.  LDQ >= 1. */
00227 /*          If COMPQ='V' or 'I', then LDQ >= N. */
00229 /*  Z       (input/output) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LDZ, N) */
00230 /*          On entry, if COMPZ = 'V', the unitary matrix Z1 used in the */
00231 /*          reduction of (A,B) to generalized Hessenberg form. */
00232 /*          On exit, if COMPZ = 'I', the unitary matrix of right Schur */
00233 /*          vectors of (H,T), and if COMPZ = 'V', the unitary matrix of */
00234 /*          right Schur vectors of (A,B). */
00235 /*          Not referenced if COMPZ = 'N'. */
00237 /*  LDZ     (input) INTEGER */
00238 /*          The leading dimension of the array Z.  LDZ >= 1. */
00239 /*          If COMPZ='V' or 'I', then LDZ >= N. */
00241 /*  WORK    (workspace/output) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (MAX(1,LWORK)) */
00242 /*          On exit, if INFO >= 0, WORK(1) returns the optimal LWORK. */
00244 /*  LWORK   (input) INTEGER */
00245 /*          The dimension of the array WORK.  LWORK >= max(1,N). */
00247 /*          If LWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine */
00248 /*          only calculates the optimal size of the WORK array, returns */
00249 /*          this value as the first entry of the WORK array, and no error */
00250 /*          message related to LWORK is issued by XERBLA. */
00252 /*  RWORK   (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) */
00254 /*  INFO    (output) INTEGER */
00255 /*          = 0: successful exit */
00256 /*          < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value */
00257 /*          = 1,...,N: the QZ iteration did not converge.  (H,T) is not */
00258 /*                     in Schur form, but ALPHA(i) and BETA(i), */
00259 /*                     i=INFO+1,...,N should be correct. */
00260 /*          = N+1,...,2*N: the shift calculation failed.  (H,T) is not */
00261 /*                     in Schur form, but ALPHA(i) and BETA(i), */
00262 /*                     i=INFO-N+1,...,N should be correct. */
00264 /*  Further Details */
00265 /*  =============== */
00267 /*  We assume that complex ABS works as long as its value is less than */
00268 /*  overflow. */
00270 /*  ===================================================================== */
00272 /*     .. Parameters .. */
00273 /*     .. */
00274 /*     .. Local Scalars .. */
00275 /*     .. */
00276 /*     .. External Functions .. */
00277 /*     .. */
00278 /*     .. External Subroutines .. */
00279 /*     .. */
00280 /*     .. Intrinsic Functions .. */
00281 /*     .. */
00282 /*     .. Statement Functions .. */
00283 /*     .. */
00284 /*     .. Statement Function definitions .. */
00285 /*     .. */
00286 /*     .. Executable Statements .. */
00288 /*     Decode JOB, COMPQ, COMPZ */
00290     /* Parameter adjustments */
00291     h_dim1 = *ldh;
00292     h_offset = 1 + h_dim1;
00293     h__ -= h_offset;
00294     t_dim1 = *ldt;
00295     t_offset = 1 + t_dim1;
00296     t -= t_offset;
00297     --alpha;
00298     --beta;
00299     q_dim1 = *ldq;
00300     q_offset = 1 + q_dim1;
00301     q -= q_offset;
00302     z_dim1 = *ldz;
00303     z_offset = 1 + z_dim1;
00304     z__ -= z_offset;
00305     --work;
00306     --rwork;
00308     /* Function Body */
00309     if (lsame_(job, "E")) {
00310         ilschr = FALSE_;
00311         ischur = 1;
00312     } else if (lsame_(job, "S")) {
00313         ilschr = TRUE_;
00314         ischur = 2;
00315     } else {
00316         ischur = 0;
00317     }
00319     if (lsame_(compq, "N")) {
00320         ilq = FALSE_;
00321         icompq = 1;
00322     } else if (lsame_(compq, "V")) {
00323         ilq = TRUE_;
00324         icompq = 2;
00325     } else if (lsame_(compq, "I")) {
00326         ilq = TRUE_;
00327         icompq = 3;
00328     } else {
00329         icompq = 0;
00330     }
00332     if (lsame_(compz, "N")) {
00333         ilz = FALSE_;
00334         icompz = 1;
00335     } else if (lsame_(compz, "V")) {
00336         ilz = TRUE_;
00337         icompz = 2;
00338     } else if (lsame_(compz, "I")) {
00339         ilz = TRUE_;
00340         icompz = 3;
00341     } else {
00342         icompz = 0;
00343     }
00345 /*     Check Argument Values */
00347     *info = 0;
00348     i__1 = max(1,*n);
00349     work[1].r = (doublereal) i__1, work[1].i = 0.;
00350     lquery = *lwork == -1;
00351     if (ischur == 0) {
00352         *info = -1;
00353     } else if (icompq == 0) {
00354         *info = -2;
00355     } else if (icompz == 0) {
00356         *info = -3;
00357     } else if (*n < 0) {
00358         *info = -4;
00359     } else if (*ilo < 1) {
00360         *info = -5;
00361     } else if (*ihi > *n || *ihi < *ilo - 1) {
00362         *info = -6;
00363     } else if (*ldh < *n) {
00364         *info = -8;
00365     } else if (*ldt < *n) {
00366         *info = -10;
00367     } else if (*ldq < 1 || ilq && *ldq < *n) {
00368         *info = -14;
00369     } else if (*ldz < 1 || ilz && *ldz < *n) {
00370         *info = -16;
00371     } else if (*lwork < max(1,*n) && ! lquery) {
00372         *info = -18;
00373     }
00374     if (*info != 0) {
00375         i__1 = -(*info);
00376         xerbla_("ZHGEQZ", &i__1);
00377         return 0;
00378     } else if (lquery) {
00379         return 0;
00380     }
00382 /*     Quick return if possible */
00384 /*     WORK( 1 ) = CMPLX( 1 ) */
00385     if (*n <= 0) {
00386         work[1].r = 1., work[1].i = 0.;
00387         return 0;
00388     }
00390 /*     Initialize Q and Z */
00392     if (icompq == 3) {
00393         zlaset_("Full", n, n, &c_b1, &c_b2, &q[q_offset], ldq);
00394     }
00395     if (icompz == 3) {
00396         zlaset_("Full", n, n, &c_b1, &c_b2, &z__[z_offset], ldz);
00397     }
00399 /*     Machine Constants */
00401     in = *ihi + 1 - *ilo;
00402     safmin = dlamch_("S");
00403     ulp = dlamch_("E") * dlamch_("B");
00404     anorm = zlanhs_("F", &in, &h__[*ilo + *ilo * h_dim1], ldh, &rwork[1]);
00405     bnorm = zlanhs_("F", &in, &t[*ilo + *ilo * t_dim1], ldt, &rwork[1]);
00406 /* Computing MAX */
00407     d__1 = safmin, d__2 = ulp * anorm;
00408     atol = max(d__1,d__2);
00409 /* Computing MAX */
00410     d__1 = safmin, d__2 = ulp * bnorm;
00411     btol = max(d__1,d__2);
00412     ascale = 1. / max(safmin,anorm);
00413     bscale = 1. / max(safmin,bnorm);
00416 /*     Set Eigenvalues IHI+1:N */
00418     i__1 = *n;
00419     for (j = *ihi + 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
00420         absb = z_abs(&t[j + j * t_dim1]);
00421         if (absb > safmin) {
00422             i__2 = j + j * t_dim1;
00423             z__2.r = t[i__2].r / absb, z__2.i = t[i__2].i / absb;
00424             d_cnjg(&z__1, &z__2);
00425             signbc.r = z__1.r, signbc.i = z__1.i;
00426             i__2 = j + j * t_dim1;
00427             t[i__2].r = absb, t[i__2].i = 0.;
00428             if (ilschr) {
00429                 i__2 = j - 1;
00430                 zscal_(&i__2, &signbc, &t[j * t_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
00431                 zscal_(&j, &signbc, &h__[j * h_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
00432             } else {
00433                 i__2 = j + j * h_dim1;
00434                 i__3 = j + j * h_dim1;
00435                 z__1.r = h__[i__3].r * signbc.r - h__[i__3].i * signbc.i, 
00436                         z__1.i = h__[i__3].r * signbc.i + h__[i__3].i * 
00437                         signbc.r;
00438                 h__[i__2].r = z__1.r, h__[i__2].i = z__1.i;
00439             }
00440             if (ilz) {
00441                 zscal_(n, &signbc, &z__[j * z_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
00442             }
00443         } else {
00444             i__2 = j + j * t_dim1;
00445             t[i__2].r = 0., t[i__2].i = 0.;
00446         }
00447         i__2 = j;
00448         i__3 = j + j * h_dim1;
00449         alpha[i__2].r = h__[i__3].r, alpha[i__2].i = h__[i__3].i;
00450         i__2 = j;
00451         i__3 = j + j * t_dim1;
00452         beta[i__2].r = t[i__3].r, beta[i__2].i = t[i__3].i;
00453 /* L10: */
00454     }
00456 /*     If IHI < ILO, skip QZ steps */
00458     if (*ihi < *ilo) {
00459         goto L190;
00460     }
00462 /*     MAIN QZ ITERATION LOOP */
00464 /*     Initialize dynamic indices */
00466 /*     Eigenvalues ILAST+1:N have been found. */
00467 /*        Column operations modify rows IFRSTM:whatever */
00468 /*        Row operations modify columns whatever:ILASTM */
00470 /*     If only eigenvalues are being computed, then */
00471 /*        IFRSTM is the row of the last splitting row above row ILAST; */
00472 /*        this is always at least ILO. */
00473 /*     IITER counts iterations since the last eigenvalue was found, */
00474 /*        to tell when to use an extraordinary shift. */
00475 /*     MAXIT is the maximum number of QZ sweeps allowed. */
00477     ilast = *ihi;
00478     if (ilschr) {
00479         ifrstm = 1;
00480         ilastm = *n;
00481     } else {
00482         ifrstm = *ilo;
00483         ilastm = *ihi;
00484     }
00485     iiter = 0;
00486     eshift.r = 0., eshift.i = 0.;
00487     maxit = (*ihi - *ilo + 1) * 30;
00489     i__1 = maxit;
00490     for (jiter = 1; jiter <= i__1; ++jiter) {
00492 /*        Check for too many iterations. */
00494         if (jiter > maxit) {
00495             goto L180;
00496         }
00498 /*        Split the matrix if possible. */
00500 /*        Two tests: */
00501 /*           1: H(j,j-1)=0  or  j=ILO */
00502 /*           2: T(j,j)=0 */
00504 /*        Special case: j=ILAST */
00506         if (ilast == *ilo) {
00507             goto L60;
00508         } else {
00509             i__2 = ilast + (ilast - 1) * h_dim1;
00510             if ((d__1 = h__[i__2].r, abs(d__1)) + (d__2 = d_imag(&h__[ilast + 
00511                     (ilast - 1) * h_dim1]), abs(d__2)) <= atol) {
00512                 i__2 = ilast + (ilast - 1) * h_dim1;
00513                 h__[i__2].r = 0., h__[i__2].i = 0.;
00514                 goto L60;
00515             }
00516         }
00518         if (z_abs(&t[ilast + ilast * t_dim1]) <= btol) {
00519             i__2 = ilast + ilast * t_dim1;
00520             t[i__2].r = 0., t[i__2].i = 0.;
00521             goto L50;
00522         }
00524 /*        General case: j<ILAST */
00526         i__2 = *ilo;
00527         for (j = ilast - 1; j >= i__2; --j) {
00529 /*           Test 1: for H(j,j-1)=0 or j=ILO */
00531             if (j == *ilo) {
00532                 ilazro = TRUE_;
00533             } else {
00534                 i__3 = j + (j - 1) * h_dim1;
00535                 if ((d__1 = h__[i__3].r, abs(d__1)) + (d__2 = d_imag(&h__[j + 
00536                         (j - 1) * h_dim1]), abs(d__2)) <= atol) {
00537                     i__3 = j + (j - 1) * h_dim1;
00538                     h__[i__3].r = 0., h__[i__3].i = 0.;
00539                     ilazro = TRUE_;
00540                 } else {
00541                     ilazro = FALSE_;
00542                 }
00543             }
00545 /*           Test 2: for T(j,j)=0 */
00547             if (z_abs(&t[j + j * t_dim1]) < btol) {
00548                 i__3 = j + j * t_dim1;
00549                 t[i__3].r = 0., t[i__3].i = 0.;
00551 /*              Test 1a: Check for 2 consecutive small subdiagonals in A */
00553                 ilazr2 = FALSE_;
00554                 if (! ilazro) {
00555                     i__3 = j + (j - 1) * h_dim1;
00556                     i__4 = j + 1 + j * h_dim1;
00557                     i__5 = j + j * h_dim1;
00558                     if (((d__1 = h__[i__3].r, abs(d__1)) + (d__2 = d_imag(&
00559                             h__[j + (j - 1) * h_dim1]), abs(d__2))) * (ascale 
00560                             * ((d__3 = h__[i__4].r, abs(d__3)) + (d__4 = 
00561                             d_imag(&h__[j + 1 + j * h_dim1]), abs(d__4)))) <= 
00562                             ((d__5 = h__[i__5].r, abs(d__5)) + (d__6 = d_imag(
00563                             &h__[j + j * h_dim1]), abs(d__6))) * (ascale * 
00564                             atol)) {
00565                         ilazr2 = TRUE_;
00566                     }
00567                 }
00569 /*              If both tests pass (1 & 2), i.e., the leading diagonal */
00570 /*              element of B in the block is zero, split a 1x1 block off */
00571 /*              at the top. (I.e., at the J-th row/column) The leading */
00572 /*              diagonal element of the remainder can also be zero, so */
00573 /*              this may have to be done repeatedly. */
00575                 if (ilazro || ilazr2) {
00576                     i__3 = ilast - 1;
00577                     for (jch = j; jch <= i__3; ++jch) {
00578                         i__4 = jch + jch * h_dim1;
00579                         ctemp.r = h__[i__4].r, ctemp.i = h__[i__4].i;
00580                         zlartg_(&ctemp, &h__[jch + 1 + jch * h_dim1], &c__, &
00581                                 s, &h__[jch + jch * h_dim1]);
00582                         i__4 = jch + 1 + jch * h_dim1;
00583                         h__[i__4].r = 0., h__[i__4].i = 0.;
00584                         i__4 = ilastm - jch;
00585                         zrot_(&i__4, &h__[jch + (jch + 1) * h_dim1], ldh, &
00586                                 h__[jch + 1 + (jch + 1) * h_dim1], ldh, &c__, 
00587                                 &s);
00588                         i__4 = ilastm - jch;
00589                         zrot_(&i__4, &t[jch + (jch + 1) * t_dim1], ldt, &t[
00590                                 jch + 1 + (jch + 1) * t_dim1], ldt, &c__, &s);
00591                         if (ilq) {
00592                             d_cnjg(&z__1, &s);
00593                             zrot_(n, &q[jch * q_dim1 + 1], &c__1, &q[(jch + 1)
00594                                      * q_dim1 + 1], &c__1, &c__, &z__1);
00595                         }
00596                         if (ilazr2) {
00597                             i__4 = jch + (jch - 1) * h_dim1;
00598                             i__5 = jch + (jch - 1) * h_dim1;
00599                             z__1.r = c__ * h__[i__5].r, z__1.i = c__ * h__[
00600                                     i__5].i;
00601                             h__[i__4].r = z__1.r, h__[i__4].i = z__1.i;
00602                         }
00603                         ilazr2 = FALSE_;
00604                         i__4 = jch + 1 + (jch + 1) * t_dim1;
00605                         if ((d__1 = t[i__4].r, abs(d__1)) + (d__2 = d_imag(&t[
00606                                 jch + 1 + (jch + 1) * t_dim1]), abs(d__2)) >= 
00607                                 btol) {
00608                             if (jch + 1 >= ilast) {
00609                                 goto L60;
00610                             } else {
00611                                 ifirst = jch + 1;
00612                                 goto L70;
00613                             }
00614                         }
00615                         i__4 = jch + 1 + (jch + 1) * t_dim1;
00616                         t[i__4].r = 0., t[i__4].i = 0.;
00617 /* L20: */
00618                     }
00619                     goto L50;
00620                 } else {
00622 /*                 Only test 2 passed -- chase the zero to T(ILAST,ILAST) */
00623 /*                 Then process as in the case T(ILAST,ILAST)=0 */
00625                     i__3 = ilast - 1;
00626                     for (jch = j; jch <= i__3; ++jch) {
00627                         i__4 = jch + (jch + 1) * t_dim1;
00628                         ctemp.r = t[i__4].r, ctemp.i = t[i__4].i;
00629                         zlartg_(&ctemp, &t[jch + 1 + (jch + 1) * t_dim1], &
00630                                 c__, &s, &t[jch + (jch + 1) * t_dim1]);
00631                         i__4 = jch + 1 + (jch + 1) * t_dim1;
00632                         t[i__4].r = 0., t[i__4].i = 0.;
00633                         if (jch < ilastm - 1) {
00634                             i__4 = ilastm - jch - 1;
00635                             zrot_(&i__4, &t[jch + (jch + 2) * t_dim1], ldt, &
00636                                     t[jch + 1 + (jch + 2) * t_dim1], ldt, &
00637                                     c__, &s);
00638                         }
00639                         i__4 = ilastm - jch + 2;
00640                         zrot_(&i__4, &h__[jch + (jch - 1) * h_dim1], ldh, &
00641                                 h__[jch + 1 + (jch - 1) * h_dim1], ldh, &c__, 
00642                                 &s);
00643                         if (ilq) {
00644                             d_cnjg(&z__1, &s);
00645                             zrot_(n, &q[jch * q_dim1 + 1], &c__1, &q[(jch + 1)
00646                                      * q_dim1 + 1], &c__1, &c__, &z__1);
00647                         }
00648                         i__4 = jch + 1 + jch * h_dim1;
00649                         ctemp.r = h__[i__4].r, ctemp.i = h__[i__4].i;
00650                         zlartg_(&ctemp, &h__[jch + 1 + (jch - 1) * h_dim1], &
00651                                 c__, &s, &h__[jch + 1 + jch * h_dim1]);
00652                         i__4 = jch + 1 + (jch - 1) * h_dim1;
00653                         h__[i__4].r = 0., h__[i__4].i = 0.;
00654                         i__4 = jch + 1 - ifrstm;
00655                         zrot_(&i__4, &h__[ifrstm + jch * h_dim1], &c__1, &h__[
00656                                 ifrstm + (jch - 1) * h_dim1], &c__1, &c__, &s)
00657                                 ;
00658                         i__4 = jch - ifrstm;
00659                         zrot_(&i__4, &t[ifrstm + jch * t_dim1], &c__1, &t[
00660                                 ifrstm + (jch - 1) * t_dim1], &c__1, &c__, &s)
00661                                 ;
00662                         if (ilz) {
00663                             zrot_(n, &z__[jch * z_dim1 + 1], &c__1, &z__[(jch 
00664                                     - 1) * z_dim1 + 1], &c__1, &c__, &s);
00665                         }
00666 /* L30: */
00667                     }
00668                     goto L50;
00669                 }
00670             } else if (ilazro) {
00672 /*              Only test 1 passed -- work on J:ILAST */
00674                 ifirst = j;
00675                 goto L70;
00676             }
00678 /*           Neither test passed -- try next J */
00680 /* L40: */
00681         }
00683 /*        (Drop-through is "impossible") */
00685         *info = (*n << 1) + 1;
00686         goto L210;
00688 /*        T(ILAST,ILAST)=0 -- clear H(ILAST,ILAST-1) to split off a */
00689 /*        1x1 block. */
00691 L50:
00692         i__2 = ilast + ilast * h_dim1;
00693         ctemp.r = h__[i__2].r, ctemp.i = h__[i__2].i;
00694         zlartg_(&ctemp, &h__[ilast + (ilast - 1) * h_dim1], &c__, &s, &h__[
00695                 ilast + ilast * h_dim1]);
00696         i__2 = ilast + (ilast - 1) * h_dim1;
00697         h__[i__2].r = 0., h__[i__2].i = 0.;
00698         i__2 = ilast - ifrstm;
00699         zrot_(&i__2, &h__[ifrstm + ilast * h_dim1], &c__1, &h__[ifrstm + (
00700                 ilast - 1) * h_dim1], &c__1, &c__, &s);
00701         i__2 = ilast - ifrstm;
00702         zrot_(&i__2, &t[ifrstm + ilast * t_dim1], &c__1, &t[ifrstm + (ilast - 
00703                 1) * t_dim1], &c__1, &c__, &s);
00704         if (ilz) {
00705             zrot_(n, &z__[ilast * z_dim1 + 1], &c__1, &z__[(ilast - 1) * 
00706                     z_dim1 + 1], &c__1, &c__, &s);
00707         }
00709 /*        H(ILAST,ILAST-1)=0 -- Standardize B, set ALPHA and BETA */
00711 L60:
00712         absb = z_abs(&t[ilast + ilast * t_dim1]);
00713         if (absb > safmin) {
00714             i__2 = ilast + ilast * t_dim1;
00715             z__2.r = t[i__2].r / absb, z__2.i = t[i__2].i / absb;
00716             d_cnjg(&z__1, &z__2);
00717             signbc.r = z__1.r, signbc.i = z__1.i;
00718             i__2 = ilast + ilast * t_dim1;
00719             t[i__2].r = absb, t[i__2].i = 0.;
00720             if (ilschr) {
00721                 i__2 = ilast - ifrstm;
00722                 zscal_(&i__2, &signbc, &t[ifrstm + ilast * t_dim1], &c__1);
00723                 i__2 = ilast + 1 - ifrstm;
00724                 zscal_(&i__2, &signbc, &h__[ifrstm + ilast * h_dim1], &c__1);
00725             } else {
00726                 i__2 = ilast + ilast * h_dim1;
00727                 i__3 = ilast + ilast * h_dim1;
00728                 z__1.r = h__[i__3].r * signbc.r - h__[i__3].i * signbc.i, 
00729                         z__1.i = h__[i__3].r * signbc.i + h__[i__3].i * 
00730                         signbc.r;
00731                 h__[i__2].r = z__1.r, h__[i__2].i = z__1.i;
00732             }
00733             if (ilz) {
00734                 zscal_(n, &signbc, &z__[ilast * z_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
00735             }
00736         } else {
00737             i__2 = ilast + ilast * t_dim1;
00738             t[i__2].r = 0., t[i__2].i = 0.;
00739         }
00740         i__2 = ilast;
00741         i__3 = ilast + ilast * h_dim1;
00742         alpha[i__2].r = h__[i__3].r, alpha[i__2].i = h__[i__3].i;
00743         i__2 = ilast;
00744         i__3 = ilast + ilast * t_dim1;
00745         beta[i__2].r = t[i__3].r, beta[i__2].i = t[i__3].i;
00747 /*        Go to next block -- exit if finished. */
00749         --ilast;
00750         if (ilast < *ilo) {
00751             goto L190;
00752         }
00754 /*        Reset counters */
00756         iiter = 0;
00757         eshift.r = 0., eshift.i = 0.;
00758         if (! ilschr) {
00759             ilastm = ilast;
00760             if (ifrstm > ilast) {
00761                 ifrstm = *ilo;
00762             }
00763         }
00764         goto L160;
00766 /*        QZ step */
00768 /*        This iteration only involves rows/columns IFIRST:ILAST.  We */
00769 /*        assume IFIRST < ILAST, and that the diagonal of B is non-zero. */
00771 L70:
00772         ++iiter;
00773         if (! ilschr) {
00774             ifrstm = ifirst;
00775         }
00777 /*        Compute the Shift. */
00779 /*        At this point, IFIRST < ILAST, and the diagonal elements of */
00780 /*        T(IFIRST:ILAST,IFIRST,ILAST) are larger than BTOL (in */
00781 /*        magnitude) */
00783         if (iiter / 10 * 10 != iiter) {
00785 /*           The Wilkinson shift (AEP p.512), i.e., the eigenvalue of */
00786 /*           the bottom-right 2x2 block of A inv(B) which is nearest to */
00787 /*           the bottom-right element. */
00789 /*           We factor B as U*D, where U has unit diagonals, and */
00790 /*           compute (A*inv(D))*inv(U). */
00792             i__2 = ilast - 1 + ilast * t_dim1;
00793             z__2.r = bscale * t[i__2].r, z__2.i = bscale * t[i__2].i;
00794             i__3 = ilast + ilast * t_dim1;
00795             z__3.r = bscale * t[i__3].r, z__3.i = bscale * t[i__3].i;
00796             z_div(&z__1, &z__2, &z__3);
00797             u12.r = z__1.r, u12.i = z__1.i;
00798             i__2 = ilast - 1 + (ilast - 1) * h_dim1;
00799             z__2.r = ascale * h__[i__2].r, z__2.i = ascale * h__[i__2].i;
00800             i__3 = ilast - 1 + (ilast - 1) * t_dim1;
00801             z__3.r = bscale * t[i__3].r, z__3.i = bscale * t[i__3].i;
00802             z_div(&z__1, &z__2, &z__3);
00803             ad11.r = z__1.r, ad11.i = z__1.i;
00804             i__2 = ilast + (ilast - 1) * h_dim1;
00805             z__2.r = ascale * h__[i__2].r, z__2.i = ascale * h__[i__2].i;
00806             i__3 = ilast - 1 + (ilast - 1) * t_dim1;
00807             z__3.r = bscale * t[i__3].r, z__3.i = bscale * t[i__3].i;
00808             z_div(&z__1, &z__2, &z__3);
00809             ad21.r = z__1.r, ad21.i = z__1.i;
00810             i__2 = ilast - 1 + ilast * h_dim1;
00811             z__2.r = ascale * h__[i__2].r, z__2.i = ascale * h__[i__2].i;
00812             i__3 = ilast + ilast * t_dim1;
00813             z__3.r = bscale * t[i__3].r, z__3.i = bscale * t[i__3].i;
00814             z_div(&z__1, &z__2, &z__3);
00815             ad12.r = z__1.r, ad12.i = z__1.i;
00816             i__2 = ilast + ilast * h_dim1;
00817             z__2.r = ascale * h__[i__2].r, z__2.i = ascale * h__[i__2].i;
00818             i__3 = ilast + ilast * t_dim1;
00819             z__3.r = bscale * t[i__3].r, z__3.i = bscale * t[i__3].i;
00820             z_div(&z__1, &z__2, &z__3);
00821             ad22.r = z__1.r, ad22.i = z__1.i;
00822             z__2.r = u12.r * ad21.r - u12.i * ad21.i, z__2.i = u12.r * ad21.i 
00823                     + u12.i * ad21.r;
00824             z__1.r = ad22.r - z__2.r, z__1.i = ad22.i - z__2.i;
00825             abi22.r = z__1.r, abi22.i = z__1.i;
00827             z__2.r = ad11.r + abi22.r, z__2.i = ad11.i + abi22.i;
00828             z__1.r = z__2.r * .5, z__1.i = z__2.i * .5;
00829             t1.r = z__1.r, t1.i = z__1.i;
00830             pow_zi(&z__4, &t1, &c__2);
00831             z__5.r = ad12.r * ad21.r - ad12.i * ad21.i, z__5.i = ad12.r * 
00832                     ad21.i + ad12.i * ad21.r;
00833             z__3.r = z__4.r + z__5.r, z__3.i = z__4.i + z__5.i;
00834             z__6.r = ad11.r * ad22.r - ad11.i * ad22.i, z__6.i = ad11.r * 
00835                     ad22.i + ad11.i * ad22.r;
00836             z__2.r = z__3.r - z__6.r, z__2.i = z__3.i - z__6.i;
00837             z_sqrt(&z__1, &z__2);
00838             rtdisc.r = z__1.r, rtdisc.i = z__1.i;
00839             z__1.r = t1.r - abi22.r, z__1.i = t1.i - abi22.i;
00840             z__2.r = t1.r - abi22.r, z__2.i = t1.i - abi22.i;
00841             temp = z__1.r * rtdisc.r + d_imag(&z__2) * d_imag(&rtdisc);
00842             if (temp <= 0.) {
00843                 z__1.r = t1.r + rtdisc.r, z__1.i = t1.i + rtdisc.i;
00844                 shift.r = z__1.r, shift.i = z__1.i;
00845             } else {
00846                 z__1.r = t1.r - rtdisc.r, z__1.i = t1.i - rtdisc.i;
00847                 shift.r = z__1.r, shift.i = z__1.i;
00848             }
00849         } else {
00851 /*           Exceptional shift.  Chosen for no particularly good reason. */
00853             i__2 = ilast - 1 + ilast * h_dim1;
00854             z__4.r = ascale * h__[i__2].r, z__4.i = ascale * h__[i__2].i;
00855             i__3 = ilast - 1 + (ilast - 1) * t_dim1;
00856             z__5.r = bscale * t[i__3].r, z__5.i = bscale * t[i__3].i;
00857             z_div(&z__3, &z__4, &z__5);
00858             d_cnjg(&z__2, &z__3);
00859             z__1.r = eshift.r + z__2.r, z__1.i = eshift.i + z__2.i;
00860             eshift.r = z__1.r, eshift.i = z__1.i;
00861             shift.r = eshift.r, shift.i = eshift.i;
00862         }
00864 /*        Now check for two consecutive small subdiagonals. */
00866         i__2 = ifirst + 1;
00867         for (j = ilast - 1; j >= i__2; --j) {
00868             istart = j;
00869             i__3 = j + j * h_dim1;
00870             z__2.r = ascale * h__[i__3].r, z__2.i = ascale * h__[i__3].i;
00871             i__4 = j + j * t_dim1;
00872             z__4.r = bscale * t[i__4].r, z__4.i = bscale * t[i__4].i;
00873             z__3.r = shift.r * z__4.r - shift.i * z__4.i, z__3.i = shift.r * 
00874                     z__4.i + shift.i * z__4.r;
00875             z__1.r = z__2.r - z__3.r, z__1.i = z__2.i - z__3.i;
00876             ctemp.r = z__1.r, ctemp.i = z__1.i;
00877             temp = (d__1 = ctemp.r, abs(d__1)) + (d__2 = d_imag(&ctemp), abs(
00878                     d__2));
00879             i__3 = j + 1 + j * h_dim1;
00880             temp2 = ascale * ((d__1 = h__[i__3].r, abs(d__1)) + (d__2 = 
00881                     d_imag(&h__[j + 1 + j * h_dim1]), abs(d__2)));
00882             tempr = max(temp,temp2);
00883             if (tempr < 1. && tempr != 0.) {
00884                 temp /= tempr;
00885                 temp2 /= tempr;
00886             }
00887             i__3 = j + (j - 1) * h_dim1;
00888             if (((d__1 = h__[i__3].r, abs(d__1)) + (d__2 = d_imag(&h__[j + (j 
00889                     - 1) * h_dim1]), abs(d__2))) * temp2 <= temp * atol) {
00890                 goto L90;
00891             }
00892 /* L80: */
00893         }
00895         istart = ifirst;
00896         i__2 = ifirst + ifirst * h_dim1;
00897         z__2.r = ascale * h__[i__2].r, z__2.i = ascale * h__[i__2].i;
00898         i__3 = ifirst + ifirst * t_dim1;
00899         z__4.r = bscale * t[i__3].r, z__4.i = bscale * t[i__3].i;
00900         z__3.r = shift.r * z__4.r - shift.i * z__4.i, z__3.i = shift.r * 
00901                 z__4.i + shift.i * z__4.r;
00902         z__1.r = z__2.r - z__3.r, z__1.i = z__2.i - z__3.i;
00903         ctemp.r = z__1.r, ctemp.i = z__1.i;
00904 L90:
00906 /*        Do an implicit-shift QZ sweep. */
00908 /*        Initial Q */
00910         i__2 = istart + 1 + istart * h_dim1;
00911         z__1.r = ascale * h__[i__2].r, z__1.i = ascale * h__[i__2].i;
00912         ctemp2.r = z__1.r, ctemp2.i = z__1.i;
00913         zlartg_(&ctemp, &ctemp2, &c__, &s, &ctemp3);
00915 /*        Sweep */
00917         i__2 = ilast - 1;
00918         for (j = istart; j <= i__2; ++j) {
00919             if (j > istart) {
00920                 i__3 = j + (j - 1) * h_dim1;
00921                 ctemp.r = h__[i__3].r, ctemp.i = h__[i__3].i;
00922                 zlartg_(&ctemp, &h__[j + 1 + (j - 1) * h_dim1], &c__, &s, &
00923                         h__[j + (j - 1) * h_dim1]);
00924                 i__3 = j + 1 + (j - 1) * h_dim1;
00925                 h__[i__3].r = 0., h__[i__3].i = 0.;
00926             }
00928             i__3 = ilastm;
00929             for (jc = j; jc <= i__3; ++jc) {
00930                 i__4 = j + jc * h_dim1;
00931                 z__2.r = c__ * h__[i__4].r, z__2.i = c__ * h__[i__4].i;
00932                 i__5 = j + 1 + jc * h_dim1;
00933                 z__3.r = s.r * h__[i__5].r - s.i * h__[i__5].i, z__3.i = s.r *
00934                          h__[i__5].i + s.i * h__[i__5].r;
00935                 z__1.r = z__2.r + z__3.r, z__1.i = z__2.i + z__3.i;
00936                 ctemp.r = z__1.r, ctemp.i = z__1.i;
00937                 i__4 = j + 1 + jc * h_dim1;
00938                 d_cnjg(&z__4, &s);
00939                 z__3.r = -z__4.r, z__3.i = -z__4.i;
00940                 i__5 = j + jc * h_dim1;
00941                 z__2.r = z__3.r * h__[i__5].r - z__3.i * h__[i__5].i, z__2.i =
00942                          z__3.r * h__[i__5].i + z__3.i * h__[i__5].r;
00943                 i__6 = j + 1 + jc * h_dim1;
00944                 z__5.r = c__ * h__[i__6].r, z__5.i = c__ * h__[i__6].i;
00945                 z__1.r = z__2.r + z__5.r, z__1.i = z__2.i + z__5.i;
00946                 h__[i__4].r = z__1.r, h__[i__4].i = z__1.i;
00947                 i__4 = j + jc * h_dim1;
00948                 h__[i__4].r = ctemp.r, h__[i__4].i = ctemp.i;
00949                 i__4 = j + jc * t_dim1;
00950                 z__2.r = c__ * t[i__4].r, z__2.i = c__ * t[i__4].i;
00951                 i__5 = j + 1 + jc * t_dim1;
00952                 z__3.r = s.r * t[i__5].r - s.i * t[i__5].i, z__3.i = s.r * t[
00953                         i__5].i + s.i * t[i__5].r;
00954                 z__1.r = z__2.r + z__3.r, z__1.i = z__2.i + z__3.i;
00955                 ctemp2.r = z__1.r, ctemp2.i = z__1.i;
00956                 i__4 = j + 1 + jc * t_dim1;
00957                 d_cnjg(&z__4, &s);
00958                 z__3.r = -z__4.r, z__3.i = -z__4.i;
00959                 i__5 = j + jc * t_dim1;
00960                 z__2.r = z__3.r * t[i__5].r - z__3.i * t[i__5].i, z__2.i = 
00961                         z__3.r * t[i__5].i + z__3.i * t[i__5].r;
00962                 i__6 = j + 1 + jc * t_dim1;
00963                 z__5.r = c__ * t[i__6].r, z__5.i = c__ * t[i__6].i;
00964                 z__1.r = z__2.r + z__5.r, z__1.i = z__2.i + z__5.i;
00965                 t[i__4].r = z__1.r, t[i__4].i = z__1.i;
00966                 i__4 = j + jc * t_dim1;
00967                 t[i__4].r = ctemp2.r, t[i__4].i = ctemp2.i;
00968 /* L100: */
00969             }
00970             if (ilq) {
00971                 i__3 = *n;
00972                 for (jr = 1; jr <= i__3; ++jr) {
00973                     i__4 = jr + j * q_dim1;
00974                     z__2.r = c__ * q[i__4].r, z__2.i = c__ * q[i__4].i;
00975                     d_cnjg(&z__4, &s);
00976                     i__5 = jr + (j + 1) * q_dim1;
00977                     z__3.r = z__4.r * q[i__5].r - z__4.i * q[i__5].i, z__3.i =
00978                              z__4.r * q[i__5].i + z__4.i * q[i__5].r;
00979                     z__1.r = z__2.r + z__3.r, z__1.i = z__2.i + z__3.i;
00980                     ctemp.r = z__1.r, ctemp.i = z__1.i;
00981                     i__4 = jr + (j + 1) * q_dim1;
00982                     z__3.r = -s.r, z__3.i = -s.i;
00983                     i__5 = jr + j * q_dim1;
00984                     z__2.r = z__3.r * q[i__5].r - z__3.i * q[i__5].i, z__2.i =
00985                              z__3.r * q[i__5].i + z__3.i * q[i__5].r;
00986                     i__6 = jr + (j + 1) * q_dim1;
00987                     z__4.r = c__ * q[i__6].r, z__4.i = c__ * q[i__6].i;
00988                     z__1.r = z__2.r + z__4.r, z__1.i = z__2.i + z__4.i;
00989                     q[i__4].r = z__1.r, q[i__4].i = z__1.i;
00990                     i__4 = jr + j * q_dim1;
00991                     q[i__4].r = ctemp.r, q[i__4].i = ctemp.i;
00992 /* L110: */
00993                 }
00994             }
00996             i__3 = j + 1 + (j + 1) * t_dim1;
00997             ctemp.r = t[i__3].r, ctemp.i = t[i__3].i;
00998             zlartg_(&ctemp, &t[j + 1 + j * t_dim1], &c__, &s, &t[j + 1 + (j + 
00999                     1) * t_dim1]);
01000             i__3 = j + 1 + j * t_dim1;
01001             t[i__3].r = 0., t[i__3].i = 0.;
01003 /* Computing MIN */
01004             i__4 = j + 2;
01005             i__3 = min(i__4,ilast);
01006             for (jr = ifrstm; jr <= i__3; ++jr) {
01007                 i__4 = jr + (j + 1) * h_dim1;
01008                 z__2.r = c__ * h__[i__4].r, z__2.i = c__ * h__[i__4].i;
01009                 i__5 = jr + j * h_dim1;
01010                 z__3.r = s.r * h__[i__5].r - s.i * h__[i__5].i, z__3.i = s.r *
01011                          h__[i__5].i + s.i * h__[i__5].r;
01012                 z__1.r = z__2.r + z__3.r, z__1.i = z__2.i + z__3.i;
01013                 ctemp.r = z__1.r, ctemp.i = z__1.i;
01014                 i__4 = jr + j * h_dim1;
01015                 d_cnjg(&z__4, &s);
01016                 z__3.r = -z__4.r, z__3.i = -z__4.i;
01017                 i__5 = jr + (j + 1) * h_dim1;
01018                 z__2.r = z__3.r * h__[i__5].r - z__3.i * h__[i__5].i, z__2.i =
01019                          z__3.r * h__[i__5].i + z__3.i * h__[i__5].r;
01020                 i__6 = jr + j * h_dim1;
01021                 z__5.r = c__ * h__[i__6].r, z__5.i = c__ * h__[i__6].i;
01022                 z__1.r = z__2.r + z__5.r, z__1.i = z__2.i + z__5.i;
01023                 h__[i__4].r = z__1.r, h__[i__4].i = z__1.i;
01024                 i__4 = jr + (j + 1) * h_dim1;
01025                 h__[i__4].r = ctemp.r, h__[i__4].i = ctemp.i;
01026 /* L120: */
01027             }
01028             i__3 = j;
01029             for (jr = ifrstm; jr <= i__3; ++jr) {
01030                 i__4 = jr + (j + 1) * t_dim1;
01031                 z__2.r = c__ * t[i__4].r, z__2.i = c__ * t[i__4].i;
01032                 i__5 = jr + j * t_dim1;
01033                 z__3.r = s.r * t[i__5].r - s.i * t[i__5].i, z__3.i = s.r * t[
01034                         i__5].i + s.i * t[i__5].r;
01035                 z__1.r = z__2.r + z__3.r, z__1.i = z__2.i + z__3.i;
01036                 ctemp.r = z__1.r, ctemp.i = z__1.i;
01037                 i__4 = jr + j * t_dim1;
01038                 d_cnjg(&z__4, &s);
01039                 z__3.r = -z__4.r, z__3.i = -z__4.i;
01040                 i__5 = jr + (j + 1) * t_dim1;
01041                 z__2.r = z__3.r * t[i__5].r - z__3.i * t[i__5].i, z__2.i = 
01042                         z__3.r * t[i__5].i + z__3.i * t[i__5].r;
01043                 i__6 = jr + j * t_dim1;
01044                 z__5.r = c__ * t[i__6].r, z__5.i = c__ * t[i__6].i;
01045                 z__1.r = z__2.r + z__5.r, z__1.i = z__2.i + z__5.i;
01046                 t[i__4].r = z__1.r, t[i__4].i = z__1.i;
01047                 i__4 = jr + (j + 1) * t_dim1;
01048                 t[i__4].r = ctemp.r, t[i__4].i = ctemp.i;
01049 /* L130: */
01050             }
01051             if (ilz) {
01052                 i__3 = *n;
01053                 for (jr = 1; jr <= i__3; ++jr) {
01054                     i__4 = jr + (j + 1) * z_dim1;
01055                     z__2.r = c__ * z__[i__4].r, z__2.i = c__ * z__[i__4].i;
01056                     i__5 = jr + j * z_dim1;
01057                     z__3.r = s.r * z__[i__5].r - s.i * z__[i__5].i, z__3.i = 
01058                             s.r * z__[i__5].i + s.i * z__[i__5].r;
01059                     z__1.r = z__2.r + z__3.r, z__1.i = z__2.i + z__3.i;
01060                     ctemp.r = z__1.r, ctemp.i = z__1.i;
01061                     i__4 = jr + j * z_dim1;
01062                     d_cnjg(&z__4, &s);
01063                     z__3.r = -z__4.r, z__3.i = -z__4.i;
01064                     i__5 = jr + (j + 1) * z_dim1;
01065                     z__2.r = z__3.r * z__[i__5].r - z__3.i * z__[i__5].i, 
01066                             z__2.i = z__3.r * z__[i__5].i + z__3.i * z__[i__5]
01067                             .r;
01068                     i__6 = jr + j * z_dim1;
01069                     z__5.r = c__ * z__[i__6].r, z__5.i = c__ * z__[i__6].i;
01070                     z__1.r = z__2.r + z__5.r, z__1.i = z__2.i + z__5.i;
01071                     z__[i__4].r = z__1.r, z__[i__4].i = z__1.i;
01072                     i__4 = jr + (j + 1) * z_dim1;
01073                     z__[i__4].r = ctemp.r, z__[i__4].i = ctemp.i;
01074 /* L140: */
01075                 }
01076             }
01077 /* L150: */
01078         }
01080 L160:
01082 /* L170: */
01083         ;
01084     }
01086 /*     Drop-through = non-convergence */
01088 L180:
01089     *info = ilast;
01090     goto L210;
01092 /*     Successful completion of all QZ steps */
01094 L190:
01096 /*     Set Eigenvalues 1:ILO-1 */
01098     i__1 = *ilo - 1;
01099     for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
01100         absb = z_abs(&t[j + j * t_dim1]);
01101         if (absb > safmin) {
01102             i__2 = j + j * t_dim1;
01103             z__2.r = t[i__2].r / absb, z__2.i = t[i__2].i / absb;
01104             d_cnjg(&z__1, &z__2);
01105             signbc.r = z__1.r, signbc.i = z__1.i;
01106             i__2 = j + j * t_dim1;
01107             t[i__2].r = absb, t[i__2].i = 0.;
01108             if (ilschr) {
01109                 i__2 = j - 1;
01110                 zscal_(&i__2, &signbc, &t[j * t_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
01111                 zscal_(&j, &signbc, &h__[j * h_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
01112             } else {
01113                 i__2 = j + j * h_dim1;
01114                 i__3 = j + j * h_dim1;
01115                 z__1.r = h__[i__3].r * signbc.r - h__[i__3].i * signbc.i, 
01116                         z__1.i = h__[i__3].r * signbc.i + h__[i__3].i * 
01117                         signbc.r;
01118                 h__[i__2].r = z__1.r, h__[i__2].i = z__1.i;
01119             }
01120             if (ilz) {
01121                 zscal_(n, &signbc, &z__[j * z_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
01122             }
01123         } else {
01124             i__2 = j + j * t_dim1;
01125             t[i__2].r = 0., t[i__2].i = 0.;
01126         }
01127         i__2 = j;
01128         i__3 = j + j * h_dim1;
01129         alpha[i__2].r = h__[i__3].r, alpha[i__2].i = h__[i__3].i;
01130         i__2 = j;
01131         i__3 = j + j * t_dim1;
01132         beta[i__2].r = t[i__3].r, beta[i__2].i = t[i__3].i;
01133 /* L200: */
01134     }
01136 /*     Normal Termination */
01138     *info = 0;
01140 /*     Exit (other than argument error) -- return optimal workspace size */
01142 L210:
01143     z__1.r = (doublereal) (*n), z__1.i = 0.;
01144     work[1].r = z__1.r, work[1].i = z__1.i;
01145     return 0;
01147 /*     End of ZHGEQZ */
01149 } /* zhgeqz_ */

autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 18:56:38