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HybridNonLinearSolver.h File Reference

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class  Eigen::HybridNonLinearSolver< FunctorType, Scalar >
 Finds a zero of a system of n nonlinear functions in n variables by a modification of the Powell hybrid method ("dogleg"). More...
struct  Eigen::HybridNonLinearSolver< FunctorType, Scalar >::Parameters


namespace  Eigen

iterative scaling algorithm to equilibrate rows and column norms in matrices

namespace  Eigen::HybridNonLinearSolverSpace


enum  Eigen::HybridNonLinearSolverSpace::Status {
  Eigen::HybridNonLinearSolverSpace::Running = -1, Eigen::HybridNonLinearSolverSpace::ImproperInputParameters = 0, Eigen::HybridNonLinearSolverSpace::RelativeErrorTooSmall = 1, Eigen::HybridNonLinearSolverSpace::TooManyFunctionEvaluation = 2,
  Eigen::HybridNonLinearSolverSpace::TolTooSmall = 3, Eigen::HybridNonLinearSolverSpace::NotMakingProgressJacobian = 4, Eigen::HybridNonLinearSolverSpace::NotMakingProgressIterations = 5, Eigen::HybridNonLinearSolverSpace::UserAsked = 6

Author(s): Roberto Martín-Martín
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 18:38:50