Go to the source code of this file.
Namespaces | |
namespace | rosshellX |
Functions | |
def | rosshellX.callbackStdIn |
Variables | |
string | rosshellX.cmd = " " |
string | rosshellX.cmd_stdbuf = "stdbuf -o L" |
tuple | rosshellX.cmd_user = rospy.get_param('~command', "") |
tuple | rosshellX.fd_err = process.stderr.fileno() |
tuple | rosshellX.fd_out = process.stdout.fileno() |
tuple | rosshellX.fl = fcntl.fcntl(fd_out, fcntl.F_GETFL) |
tuple | rosshellX.process = sp.Popen(cmd.split(" "), stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE, stdin=sp.PIPE, bufsize=1) |
tuple | rosshellX.pubERR = rospy.Publisher( topicStdErr, String, queue_size=10) |
tuple | rosshellX.pubOUT = rospy.Publisher( topicStdOut, String, queue_size=10) |
rosshellX.ret = process.returncode | |
tuple | rosshellX.stderr = process.stderr.readline() |
tuple | rosshellX.stdout = process.stdout.readline() |
tuple | rosshellX.subIN = rospy.Subscriber(topicStdIn, String, callbackStdIn) |
tuple | rosshellX.topicStdErr = rospy.get_param('~stderr', "/rosshellX/stderr") |
tuple | rosshellX.topicStdIn = rospy.get_param('~stdin', "/rosshellX/stdin") |
tuple | rosshellX.topicStdOut = rospy.get_param('~stdout', "/rosshellX/stdout") |